Went to Fredricksburg,TX yesterday and whatta town. I love that place. Anyway, went to the Pacific War Museum...again...because I never get tired of the place and of course hit main street.
Two things I observed from times past:
-50/50 on masks worn especially when out side. But more like 90-10 on masks worn inside the shops. In other words, people outside had them on, or around their neck and very few that were none at all. But I bet they had them in their pocket. Inside restraunts you wore one in, but once seated of course they came off to eat. So, to me business as usual. Over all, I was not distracted or felt like there was a tension of mask orders. Everyone was having fun and pretty much following the standard rules.
-Every shop I went into had free ice cold beer, in a cooler in a can. I did not partake because I have not drank Lone Star Beer since High School.
Ran into some Japanese folks at the Pacific War Museum and had a nice little chat. Very nice family and I am glad to see them enjoying the museum especially with their young ones. It is good to see the younger generation see history (on both sides) and take in the history of what has made us now.
Lastly, my wife declared yesterday...
"I did not know there were land battles in the Pacific War, I thought it was all Navy"
My response:
ME: "Hunny do you know who this guy is?" I pointed to General MacArthurs famous Phillipines landing picture.
HER: "Ummmm, General MacArthur?"
ME: "Yes, have you heard of Iwo Jima?
HER: "Yes, but I though it was all in the sea not all these little islands"
ME: "It was called the 'Island hopping Campaign'...ring any bells in high school or anything".
HER: "No, I mean I JUST didn't know there was like...there was fighting on the ground in all these places, with tanks and stuff"
I had-had it.
ME:"Hunny, please don't say that too loud...PLEASE."
John from Texas