COVID the 3rd (4 Viewers)

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take my card and get yourself a donut tomorrow...

I'm not a fan of donuts, but that said; their honey dip glazed donut''s unbelievable, eating one is a life changing experience.

And we're talking about a donut.
I'm not a fan of donuts, but that said; their honey dip glazed donut''s unbelievable, eating one is a life changing experience.

And we're talking about a donut.

only thing else that measures up is a hot out the oven Cinnabon...
pretty sure that's where I got diabetes...


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only thing else that measures up is a hot out the oven Cinnabon...
pretty sure that's where I got diabetes...
All I have to say about Cinnabon is it's a good thing the local franchises went OOB or I would weigh 400 lbs.{eek3} -- Al

After the second shot the wife was flu-ee for about two days. Now she is fine.

If we are going to take about Cinnamon rolls, I have to put my 2 cents in:

Panera Bread's Cinnamon roll is heavenly


WHATABURGER'S Cinnamon roll is sin

John from Texas
Well, I'm off to get my first COVID shot this morning.

I know it is the arm, but I am wearing silk undies just in case I have to drop em.

John from Texas
THis was posted for Pennsylvania: "Secretary Rachel Levine, which strengthened a mask order that had been in effect since July 1. The new policy requires people age 2 and up to cover their faces indoors (including in homes) when people from other households are present, even if they can stay 6 feet apart." It's like the old saying goes, you can't make this stuff up. Chris

Ms Levine confirmed by senate yesterday as US Asst Health Secretary. Hold on to your hats boys, gonna be a wild ride. :redface2: Chris

Well there was no need to show off my silk boxers that I got in Songton City 30 years ago and I got poked in the arm. It was a military operation over there and they were pumping hundreds of people out at 8AM in the morning. No symptoms, it just feels like somebody socked me one in the left arm. Like a charlie horse, y'know. Round 2 in on 15 April and oh, it was Pfizer.

Went home and poured some concrete and cleared out some dead plants from the freeze.

It interesting, a year ago today school was shut down for my kids, the wife was in full swing of breast cancer and everything was weird. There was panic over toilet paper and food was cleared off the shelves...especially meat: This is an excerpt of what I wrote in my journal exactly one year ago:

"...On the drive home (in between bites of a hot, delicious and tasty patty melt) I wondered about the psychology of toilet paper hoarding. What drives people to panic about butt wipe? I remembered watching an episode of some “prepper” show and the host was grading a self proclaimed prepper and questioning him why he had a garage full of toilet paper. He replied ominously something along the lines that he believes toilet paper will become a currency to trade with in the event of an apocalypse. I thought about that guy and he is probably patting himself on the back right now and saying, “SEE, I told you so” Be that as it may, I don’t blame the guy for stocking up on toilet paper, I mean if thats your thing-prepping for the apocalypse-then I’m cool with that. What I am not cool with is this bizarre run on toilet paper right now. I think maybe too many people saw that episode and took it literally and maybe created a panic on the soft stuff. Or, somehow or another a toilet paper became a “thing” or a “commodity” and that your dork would suffer without it. Yes, without TP you are in a hygienic pinch and some people in other states are resorting to t-shirts, towels and are clogging up the sewer systems. This cannot happen and if our sanitation systems become clogged we are done.

$35.07 ebay toilet paper. $18.00 and $14.40 shipping $2.67 tax"

John from Texas

Well there was no need to show off my silk boxers that I got in Songton City 30 years ago and I got poked in the arm." Quote

Think that was a mental image being conjured up too far for most of us John !

Got the 2nd Moderna on Wednesday at 9am. Fine all day, 9:30PM rolls around, pour myself a JC Pepper Fine Bourbon............15mins later, not feeling that great........30 mins really not feeling that great. Well, no use wasting a fine bourbon, down that. 11PM go to get in bed, have chills and aches. Fast forward to last night 24hrs later 11pm, finally feel better, today feeling all right. Out of 4 of us, I am the one who got the side effect and it is ironic as I have never had the flu or anything remotely like it in my life. Guess that serves me right. Anyhow, all that behind me, full scale life is on again in this household. Can't wait to my rock concerts, so far so good, Lynyrd Skynyrd May 27th, hope it holds.

I got my first Pfizer shot today.

I had a good laugh when they nursed asked if I was afraid of needles. I laughed and said no.

It got me to thinking, so during my 15 minute wait time before I could leave I attempted to calculate how many shots I have taken in my life.

Using the date I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and then taught to give myself shots I was able to come up with an estimate that exceeds 44,000.

I sense of pain and pride immediately overwhelmed me.
Using the date I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and then taught to give myself shots I was able to come up with an estimate that exceeds 44,000.

Ouch! {sm2}
In news from Down Under we may have achieved a first for sporting events.

In Brisbane we have had one case in the community discovered in the past few days. Unfortunately he seems to have been quite active socially and visited a lot of premises over almost a week. It appears he may have got it I directly from a Dr's case a couple of weeks earlier.mEven after being told to isolate whilst waiting result of test he still held a party for 25 at his place. I hope his mates are suitably annoyed at the inconvenience he will have caused them.

Meanwhile on Thursday 2,000km away in Melbourne the Brisbane Lions were playing a Melbourne team at AFL (they seem to have one for every suburb so don't know the team). After the 1st quarter the Brisbane fans were asked to leave the grounds and self isolate and get tested. Many of them would have flown down for the game and presumably due to fly back to Brisbane next day. Naturally they did not ask the team players to leave the ground.

Due to no international travellers our tourism industry is doing it tough with job losses and businesses not surviving. Naturally the state's are trying to encourage inter state travel. Only problem is those same states are just as likely to shut down borders over one minor outbreak. People getting fed up with cancelled travel plans and seeing sports fan having to leave a game is hardly going to help. One radio host here yesterday was saying he was going to cancel a planned trip to Victoria as can't afford to get stuck out of Qld.

Anybody protesting about the lockdowns (ie. against Govt policies) is met with plenty of police enforcement but strangely protests in relation to BLM and Extinction Rebellion are not met with the same level of police enforcement.

I lost my COVID shot card and can't find it. I put it on my table next to my chair in the living room. Then a day later my sunglasses were in the dogs bed. Not chewed up, but for whatever reason one of my Labs decided to take my sunglasses. As stupid as it sounds I swear I hope my dogs did not eat my card.

John from Texas

I lost my COVID shot card and can't find it. I put it on my table next to my chair in the living room. Then a day later my sunglasses were in the dogs bed. Not chewed up, but for whatever reason one of my Labs decided to take my sunglasses. As stupid as it sounds I swear I hope my dogs did not eat my card.

John from Texas

The first thing I did was take a photo of my card so I have a copy in case I lost it. I also do not keep anything important or books near one of our cats. He’s destroyed three or four books and loves to chew on boxes. My nickname for him is Bruce Box-bite-ner after the actor and writer Bruce Boxleitner.

I lost my COVID shot card and can't find it. I put it on my table next to my chair in the living room. Then a day later my sunglasses were in the dogs bed. Not chewed up, but for whatever reason one of my Labs decided to take my sunglasses. As stupid as it sounds I swear I hope my dogs did not eat my card.

John from Texas


I'm sure you can get another one from whatever facility you got yours at...
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