COVID the 3rd (3 Viewers)

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The clinic where I received my shots told me that they keep records of the shots given in case I lost my card and needed the information for proof of vaccination.
Interesting story on 60 Minutes tonight regarding the origins of the virus. In particular, highlighting the complicity of the WHO with China and the shallowness of its investigation. We may never know exactly what happened but it is certainly increasingly suspicious that it started in Wuhan. There is no indication that anyone in southern China, for example, where the bats come from had the virus prior to the outbreak in Wuhan. It appears to have originated in that city. It is sometimes dismissed as a crazy "conspiracy theory" to claim that it resulted from the virology lab in Wuhan, but what a coincidence if that is not the case. And there is no more evidence that it came from the market than the lab.
A friend lost theirs and went back to where they got the shot and was able to get a replacement card. It shouldn’t be a big deal since there is a federal database of covid vaccines administered
The clinic where I received my shots told me that they keep records of the shots given in case I lost my card and needed the information for proof of vaccination.

You’re going to need the card for various activities, perhaps travel. For example, to gain admissions to baseball games in NY, you’re going to need to present evidence of a negative test or a vaccination card.
Interesting story on 60 Minutes tonight regarding the origins of the virus. In particular, highlighting the complicity of the WHO with China and the shallowness of its investigation. We may never know exactly what happened but it is certainly increasingly suspicious that it started in Wuhan. There is no indication that anyone in southern China, for example, where the bats come from had the virus prior to the outbreak in Wuhan. It appears to have originated in that city. It is sometimes dismissed as a crazy "conspiracy theory" to claim that it resulted from the virology lab in Wuhan, but what a coincidence if that is not the case. And there is no more evidence that it came from the market than the lab.

Dang, I am sad I missed this one. I got a doc on Frontline about this in queue waiting for me to watch. Here is my layman take:

-It originated in Wuhan

-Their version of the CDC is headquartered there

-Early on Western Journalist were kicked out when they began to put the pressure/report on the Wuhan/Chinese Govt...remember?

-Draconian measures were instituted in the populace when it hit

-Hospitals were built overnight...with thousands of beds

-The wet markets ARE filthy and possibly an easy scapegoat for blame


-The protests in Hong Kong stopped, which were gaining international attention and the protestors were winning.


-The Chinese claimed victory for licking the virus ahead of everyone else.

Coincidence? Ballywho? Propaganda? Conspiracy?

Yes to all, no to all.

Why have the WHO if they can't ask of figure out What, When, Where, Why and WHO? The Chinese nor the WHO weren't transparent and never will be.

John from Texas
Saw a blurb earlier today that Biden is considering telling states that lifted the mask wearing mandate to reconsider as cases are once again on the rise.

Thousands and thousands of people are getting vaccinated daily, yet cases are on the rise again.

Good luck to him; the states all govern themselves and are not going to do what he asks, apparently each state thinks they have all the answers.

What a mess.
Had my second jab yesterday at the Mclaren F1 Office block in Woking

Stay safe

I have an appointment to receive my second shot on Tuesday April 6th. I will continue to social distance and wear a mask for other people's protection, but a couple of weeks afterwards, i will start returning to some normalcy, like going to a restaurant, or maybe even seeing a movie or a Yankee game.
I have an appointment to receive my second shot on Tuesday April 6th. I will continue to social distance and wear a mask for other people's protection, but a couple of weeks afterwards, i will start returning to some normalcy, like going to a restaurant, or maybe even seeing a movie or a Yankee game.

Congrats Louis. A couple weeks after I received my second shot, I started doing the same. It's a big relief. By all reports the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are almost 100% effective in protecting folks from serious illness or death from the virus. So there really is no reason not to get back to normal. The virus is here to stay like the flu. It's either get vaccinated and go about your life or become a hermit. It was amazing to hear the CDC director yesterday suggest there is "impending doom." The case numbers may start to rise again as the temps warm up and unvaccinated folks let down their guard but not much reason to be concerned if you have been vaccinated.
I have an appointment to receive my second shot on Tuesday April 6th. I will continue to social distance and wear a mask for other people's protection, but a couple of weeks afterwards, i will start returning to some normalcy, like going to a restaurant, or maybe even seeing a movie or a Yankee game.

Nice one Louis :salute::

Stay safe mate

Here in MA, I'm still waiting............................

Two weeks and nothing............................


So I remain a prisoner in my condo until I get both shots; meanwhile others are breezing through the process, no muss, no fuss.

I keep reading more doom and gloom from the CDC and Fauci, you still have to wear a mask even if you've been fully vaccinated, this despite the claims you're all set.

Now some new strain is popping up for which the vaccine may not be as effective.

I can't wait to get my shot; so I can continue to do what I've been doing the past year.

Makes zero sense to me.

I have heard on the news...
that the supply is now caught up to the demand...
and will continue to increase...

in Texas...
Abbott said anyone over 16 years old is now eligible for a shot...

Thanks for the information; that must be the case..............everywhere but in this broken toilet of a state that I live in.

Can I come to TX and tell them I'm your long lost brother, a former sponge diver from Greece now living with you so I can get the jab?

I'll pay you for your toy soldiers..............................
Thanks for the information; that must be the case..............everywhere but in this broken toilet of a state that I live in.

Can I come to TX and tell them I'm your long lost brother, a former sponge diver from Greece now living with you so I can get the jab?

I'll pay you for your toy soldiers..............................


"a sponge diver from Greece"...^&grin

you're covered...
I'll find you an old Cowboy hat...some boots...a big belt buckle and buy you a fake goatee...
and you can use my driver's license...
start practicing the word "y'all"...

"a sponge diver from Greece"...^&grin

you're covered...
I'll find you an old Cowboy hat...some boots...a big belt buckle and buy you a fake goatee...
and you can use my driver's license...
start practicing the word "y'all"...

That'll work...........but I'll keep forgetting and say "youse" instead of "y'all", then I'll get busted.

It's getting super frustrating to me that I'm hearing all these people way younger than me with no conditions are getting their shots.....................and I'm still waiting.....................Summer is coming and I want to get out and mingle with friends and family that have gotten their vaccines already.

It's super annoying.................................
PA is suddenly awash in vaccines. Everyone will be eligible here by April 19. Someone who works in a pharmacy told me that they throw away thousands of doses because they don't have sufficient demand among the eligible classes and they are apparently not allowed to give it to anyone else. So put on that Amish costume George and come on down to PA.
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