COVID the 3rd (3 Viewers)

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FL leads the nation in cases and hospitalizations.

Over 110K cases and 8855 hospitalizations in the past week. Also note that adults in their 20s to 40s now account for 53% of infections and about 34% of hospitalizations.

Nationwide, 80% of adults 65+ are vaccinated; here in MA, we're at 93%,, which leads the country.

You can have Florida; I'll stick with Massachusetts.

FL leads the nation in cases and hospitalizations.

Over 110K cases and 8855 hospitalizations in the past week. Also note that adults in their 20s to 40s now account for 53% of infections and about 34% of hospitalizations.

Nationwide, 80% of adults 65+ are vaccinated; here in MA, we're at 93%,, which leads the country.

You can have Florida; I'll stick with Massachusetts.

Nah, the no tax bill is worth the risk for me along with the Sunshine. You can always go back and visit Mass!
Vaccinated people are getting the Delta virus but almost none are getting very sick or need hospitalization. So the vaccines are working. I think masks are an extra layer of defense but not foolproof. I would think there will be a booster shot for those most susceptible with age and underlying health issues. Unfortunately the medical community is going through a learning curve with this unique virus that is extremely contagious and morphing. Information is changing which frustrates many but the constants continue to be....get vaccinated, wear a mask when inside and with people you don't know, social distance wherever possible and practice good hygiene.

This is a very odd virus indeed
Florida: 21,683 NEW COVID-19 cases Friday. THE largest single day increase in cases in Florida ever. (FL didn’t report on New Year’s Day)110,477 new cases last week (new high) 108 deaths in last day. Hospitalizations: 10K+FL + Rate: 18.2%

Sounds like paradise to me............................
FL is now in uncharted territory with 21.7K new cases reported today (the largest single day number of new cases). 108 new deaths. This wave is now larger than all previous waves. 10,187 hospitalized (83% of its all-time pandemic high). Time to change gears. Too late in FL to mitigate meaningfully. FL has 2,038 in ICUs. FL needs to position to deal w/ the potential of 3-4 weeks of overwhelmed healthcare systems: plan for hospital surge, especially pediatric capacity. Neighboring states are strained & soon might not be able to help."

Florida has 379 hospitals/72,088 total beds; there are currently 10,187 people hospitalized, 2.038 in the ICU, so at what point does their system implode?

The state of FL is at about 48% of eligible adults being fully vaccinated, which leads the south, Texas comes in at 43.7%

Yep, things are getting grim, sadly the Colder seasons coming to the Northern Hemisphere soon are likely to worsen the Covid problems.

The Queensland Government where I live keeps clamping down. My local region (Sunshine Coast) began a snap lockdown from 4.00 pm yesterday, we're not even supposed to go outside our own house without a mask on.

I went to the local mall to buy food yesterday, about 200 shops there, and only 12 cars in the area where I usually park, it's usually near full. The border to New South Wales remains closed and you must enter quarantine for 14 days in Government controlled Hotels if you return to Queensland, you pay costs over $3,000 for that period.
In the US, the media has made the changing seasons a COVID death knell over and over.

The summer and it’s invitation to travel and gather for BBQs was going to kill us all.

After that didn’t work they tried the same thing with the Fall as it has Thanksgiving and Halloween.

And when that failed the winter with its flu and cold season would be the apocalypse.

As for the Spring? Well that would kill those who stayed inside due to allergies and those who went outside to meet friends for a walk in the park.
In the US, the media has made the changing seasons a COVID death knell over and over.

The summer and it’s invitation to travel and gather for BBQs was going to kill us all.

After that didn’t work they tried the same thing with the Fall as it has Thanksgiving and Halloween.

And when that failed the winter with its flu and cold season would be the apocalypse.

As for the Spring? Well that would kill those who stayed inside due to allergies and those who went outside to meet friends for a walk in the park.

Personally I don't pay much attention to the Media in any country, they usually ramp up the risk in everything to gain attention.

Scientific tests on Covid19 have found the virus proliferates best in cooler temperatures and lower humidity, obviously that favors cooler months and air-conditioned environments. Hey that can't be News, common Colds and Flu are caused by Viruses.

Add the Delta strain which is far more Infectious and also affects Younger people more than the earlier Alpha strain.

Then add Fall/Winter holidays and an increasing reluctance to wear Masks, and continued reluctance to be Vaccinated (why? why?).

See what I mean?
The following story demonstrates the pervasiveness of the Delta variant. In Santa Monica, California 80% of the town’s residents are vaccinated but as a result of the variant, the ICU of one particular hospital, the focus of the story, is filled up.

Vaccinated people are getting less sick but the effectiveness of the Delta variant is allowing COVID to proliferate in their systems and to spread lethally to the unvaccinated. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
The following story demonstrates the pervasiveness of the Delta variant. In Santa Monica, California 80% of the town’s residents are vaccinated but as a result of the variant, the ICU of one particular hospital, the focus of the story, is filled up.

Vaccinated people are getting less sick but the effectiveness of the Delta variant is allowing COVID to proliferate in their systems and to spread lethally to the unvaccinated. Stories&pgtype=Homepage

The NY Times reporting on the virus is like Pravda reporting on Stalin's five year plan. Santa Monica is overrun with homeless folks due to the ineptness of California's local government. None of them are vaccinated. Vaccinated people are extremely unlikely to get sick and, if they do, are not going to have severe symptoms or die. The question becomes should vaccinated people forever be held hostage to the fact that some folks will never get vaccinated? And the answer is no. At some point that is not sustainable just as it is not sustainable to close down because some folks decide not to get the flu vaccine and end up dead etc.
From what I've heard cases are going up but hospitalizations and deaths are way down. You have a much better chance of being shot or dying in a auto accident. Death rate among the vaccinated is 0.0007.I think a little over a 1000 in160 million who have taken the jab.
Deaths per day in US: Covid 308,cancer,over 600,heart disease 1806
Cancer and heart disease are not contagious and if there was a vaccine I would be the first in line.

Good news this morning reported that 99.9% of vaccinated people did not need hospitalization for the breakthrough Delta variant. The vaccine is working!
Vaccines are up and even holdout states like Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi are seeing substantial increases.

There will be no lockdowns but the private sector is moving to vaccine mandates in their workplaces.
Cancer and heart disease are not contagious and if there was a vaccine I would be the first in line.

The point is yes cancer and heart disease are not contagious but it is at the point now where they are bigger killers daily than Covid. There is no reason for the fanatical scare tactics.The flip flopping by government officials is unbelievable.I understand that as they find out new things about the virus their positions may change but not 2 or 3 times a day.There's a higher darker agenda going on here.
Cancer and heart disease are not contagious and if there was a vaccine I would be the first in line.

The point is yes cancer and heart disease are not contagious but it is at the point now where they are bigger killers daily than Covid. There is no reason for the fanatical scare tactics.The flip flopping by government officials is unbelievable.I understand that as they find out new things about the virus their positions may change but not 2 or 3 times a day.There's a higher darker agenda going on here.

Something like 35K Americans die from the flu every year. And the flu impacts not just those who are elderly or infirmed but even young and healthy folks. There are no mask mandates, lockdowns or hysteria regarding the flu. Those that decide not to take the flu vaccine take the risk and bear the consequences. The efficacy of the COVID vaccine is astounding. Effectively a zero chance that anyone who is vaccinated will die from the virus or variant. Similarly, younger children if they are healthy will have no serious health issues. I think there is genuine concern among most to slow the spread of the virus but it has also been used by politicians and media as a means to influence elections, spend staggering amounts of money mostly on pork projects unrelated to the pandemic, and create fear and panic for political purposes. Along with incompetence, that has sowed mistrust among groups of people who were already skeptical of government. And now there is effectively stalemate to convince them to take the vaccine. It has become like the electric car. Not a question of merit but of principle for many people.
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