COVID the 3rd (2 Viewers)

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Been out and about the past few days; grocery store, CVS, Home Depot, Pet Supply Store, Staples.................they all have signs that say "Masks are not required to enter if you have been fully vaccinated; if not, you are required to wear one"...........

I'm fully vaccinated, so I chose not to wear one.................and let me tell you, it felt great, what a relief, life is FINALLY getting back to normal.

Everything I have heard and read and also in speaking with my doctor; if you are fully vaccinated, the chances of getting COVID are very slim.

You see; THAT is the purpose of a vaccine........................and, if you do get it, the symptoms will be so mild, you won't even know you have it.

I was as big of a proponent of wearing masks as anyone; now the opposite it true..................if you've had both jabs, for the love of GOD, go back to living your life, don't be afraid, don't worry, don't live in fear.

The only people I saw the past couple of days wearing masks were older people; I can understand their apprehension, but they really have nothing to worry about, I hope over time people will become less concerned and stop wearing them.

The past year was an incredible ****show, SO glad it's's time to live again everybody.

I was never convinced that the masks were very effective. Particularly when you factor in that many people didn't wear them correctly and that they gave a false sense of security that led some folks to venture out putting themselves at risk. The numbers in those states with the most stringent mask requirements were often the highest in terms of cases and deaths. NY and California being the best examples. I'm not anti-mask, though. If they provided any help, that was better than nothing. The entire pandemic response was a shambles from start to finish. It was astounding how unprepared the medical community was to handle this crisis. As though they have never anticipated a pandemic and had not been receiving millions to prepare for decades. And then with the 2020 campaign in full swing, the entire event became political. Thankfully the vaccine saved our backsides when all else failed.
I was never convinced that the masks were very effective. Particularly when you factor in that many people didn't wear them correctly and that they gave a false sense of security that led some folks to venture out putting themselves at risk. The numbers in those states with the most stringent mask requirements were often the highest in terms of cases and deaths. NY and California being the best examples. I'm not anti-mask, though. If they provided any help, that was better than nothing. The entire pandemic response was a shambles from start to finish. It was astounding how unprepared the medical community was to handle this crisis. As though they have never anticipated a pandemic and had not been receiving millions to prepare for decades. And then with the 2020 campaign in full swing, the entire event became political. Thankfully the vaccine saved our backsides when all else failed.

Agree 100% on all points.

The medical community has bungled this thing from jump; the biggest issue is the Chinese flat out lied to the rest of the world as to how deadly it was.........maybe if they were honest with other countries, it would have been handled differently.

This pandemic pales in comparison to AIDS; 32 million people worldwide have died from it, 700,000 in the US and it's still going on......................funny how they found a vaccine for COVID in about a year after it started but there is still no real "cure/preventative vaccine" for AIDS as far as I know, people are now able to live with it, but still....................
Yes I have a cousin with aids and if you didn't know he had it you wouldn't,not even doctors.I thought he would be dead years ago.I have not been vaccinated not because I'm against it but because of an operation I had in March.That sorta put the vaccine on a lower priority for me but I go back to my surgeon at the end of the month and I will ask him.I do wear the masks in stores still and will until I'm vaccinated.
I worked in the Meat department from day 1 of the Virus, and could tell you all some crazy stories, people fighting over masks, no Masks, safe space distance, food hoarding was a fav, never forget 1 customer pushing me out of the way to get to a few packs of chicken 🤣🤣 as if all common sense had left the Country, I'm extremely glad that a normalcy has returned in the last few months and finally NO MASKS!!!! Can't wait for Fall sports as College football sucked last year without fans and teams missing games, as well as the NFL was a crazy season, bring on the 4th of July fireworks! Halloween! And the holidays with family, one thing this virus taught me not to take the things you love for granted.
Has anyone been following the lab leak investigation or the email FOIA request. Everything has to be put into context and investigated, but I would not be shocked nor surprised in the least if this doesn't prove true. Common sense and science are not too far off, I think we might get a glimpse of what really occurred in that lab and I think it is not going to be pretty all the way around. As for the emails, IMO it will expose an aging Fauci further on his flip flops. I know I like to say this often but boy oh boy you just can't make this stuff up! Truth continues to be stranger than fiction.

Has anyone been following the lab leak investigation or the email FOIA request. Everything has to be put into context and investigated, but I would not be shocked nor surprised in the least if this doesn't prove true. Common sense and science are not too far off, I think we might get a glimpse of what really occurred in that lab and I think it is not going to be pretty all the way around. As for the emails, IMO it will expose an aging Fauci further on his flip flops. I know I like to say this often but boy oh boy you just can't make this stuff up! Truth continues to be stranger than fiction.


Just finished the Vanity Fair article by Katherine Eban (via recommendation at top of a US web page called Powerline). It goes into great detail about the origins of the virus and various connections. Mentions a US Government meeting in Dec 20 where some attendees advised others best not to look too closely due to the "gain of function" funding by USA. A long article but highly recommended. If not read it the article in The Bulletin online by former NY Times science writer Nicholas Wade also interesting. Going the rounds here in Oz as one of the best articles on the virus so far.

The depths to which this saga extends are shown by the fact Peter Dazack was the US "expert" chosen to be on the WHO team to China. This is the same guy who Fauci was funding and then forwarding funds to Wuhan for gain of function research. It was also him who got a bunch of scientists over a year ago to say the virus was not from a lab but from nature. One of the Fauci emails shows his email to Fauci thanking him for saying it was not from a lab.

Certain Senators have been putting Fauci under pressure but from what I have read I fail to understand how Fauci is still in the job. Even Amazon have pulled his book from their pre ordering.

Perhaps Congress and FBI are too busy prioritising Jan 6 investigations than investigating Wuhan and the involvement of various people in USA in covering up its origins. Remember it is only very recently that certain social media outlets having been allowing commentators to even suggest came from a lab.

As far as conspiracies go this cover up is a big one. Luckily there are a few smart people around the world who were seeing what was going on right at the start. The Vanity Fair article first mentions a Kiwi who then hooked up with a guy in Paris online.
Just finished the Vanity Fair article by Katherine Eban (via recommendation at top of a US web page called Powerline). It goes into great detail about the origins of the virus and various connections. Mentions a US Government meeting in Dec 20 where some attendees advised others best not to look too closely due to the "gain of function" funding by USA. A long article but highly recommended. If not read it the article in The Bulletin online by former NY Times science writer Nicholas Wade also interesting. Going the rounds here in Oz as one of the best articles on the virus so far.

The depths to which this saga extends are shown by the fact Peter Dazack was the US "expert" chosen to be on the WHO team to China. This is the same guy who Fauci was funding and then forwarding funds to Wuhan for gain of function research. It was also him who got a bunch of scientists over a year ago to say the virus was not from a lab but from nature. One of the Fauci emails shows his email to Fauci thanking him for saying it was not from a lab.

Certain Senators have been putting Fauci under pressure but from what I have read I fail to understand how Fauci is still in the job. Even Amazon have pulled his book from their pre ordering.

Perhaps Congress and FBI are too busy prioritising Jan 6 investigations than investigating Wuhan and the involvement of various people in USA in covering up its origins. Remember it is only very recently that certain social media outlets having been allowing commentators to even suggest came from a lab.

As far as conspiracies go this cover up is a big one. Luckily there are a few smart people around the world who were seeing what was going on right at the start. The Vanity Fair article first mentions a Kiwi who then hooked up with a guy in Paris online.

To be fair, National Geographic (who funded his book and he is receiving Zero proceeds from) pulled the book as they said it was released too early b/c it was supposed to be in conjunction with the televised documentary. Taking that at face value, it is what it is. I will say the timing is ironic in that they pull it and he is under the microscope.

I've been saying it from the start that it was the lab but because a certain someone said it on tv it was denounced.
I've been saying it from the start that it was the lab but because a certain someone said it on tv it was denounced.

Front page story in The Australian today by Sharri Markson who has broken some good information on the virus background and actually has a book coming out on it soon. Don't know who her sources are but they are good.

Article mentions a meeting by US Intelligence agencies, including FBI, on 3 FEB 20. Purpose was to identify if from lab or nature. You will not be surprised to know Peter Dazack was one of those consulted. Another was Ralph Baric. They concluded from nature.

The main part of the article is about Trump wanting to set up a Commission to investigate but was advised not to as too near the election.
…..Wow…..who would have thought the Covid 19 virus may in fact be man-made and some how escaped a level 4 lab in Wuhan.

Call me a cynic, but when anyone on this thread questioned the likes of Fauci or the origins of Covid and the way it has been managed or should I say mis-managed, many on here were very quick to label anyone with alternative views as fruit-loops and crazy conspiracy theorists.

This latest turn of events regarding lab leaks highlights to me how quick some on here are to ridicule those of us willing to express differing points of view or shock and horror having the audacity to question the status-quo as broadcasted by our so called un-biased main-stream media.

More concerning to me is the blatant censorship by the so called ‘fact-checkers’ of the likes of Google, Amazon, Facebook and a raft of other online social media organisations and influences, including media that are quick to delete anyone not following the ‘party line’ and spreading so-called ‘mis-information’, regardless of their expertise or credentials.

But hey lets blame the bats for Covid, face masks and social distancing will save us all and mRNA vaccines with continual booster shots for years to come will keep that nasty virus at bay. ^&grin

....And of course lets not mention China is the largest financial backer of the WHO......closely followed by the US. {eek3}
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…..Wow…..who would have thought the Covid 19 virus may in fact be man-made and some how escaped a level 4 lab in Wuhan.

Call me a cynic, but when anyone on this thread questioned the likes of Fauci or the origins of Covid and the way it has been managed or should I say mis-managed, many on here were very quick to label anyone with alternative views as fruit-loops and crazy conspiracy theorists.

This latest turn of events regarding lab leaks highlights to me how quick some on here are to ridicule those of us willing to express differing points of view or shock and horror having the audacity to question the status-quo as broadcasted by our so called un-biased main-stream media.

More concerning to me is the blatant censorship by the so called ‘fact-checkers’ of the likes of Google, Amazon, Facebook and a raft of other online social media organisations and influences, including media that are quick to delete anyone not following the ‘party line’ and spreading so-called ‘mis-information’, regardless of their expertise or credentials.

But hey lets blame the bats for Covid, face masks and social distancing will save us all and mRNA vaccines with continual booster shots for years to come will keep that nasty virus at bay. ^&grin

....And of course lets not mention China is the largest financial backer of the WHO......closely followed by the US. {eek3}

Amen. I think there was and still is a lot of sheep like movement and belief instead of common sense and thinking for oneself. It has throughout this entire disaster always been on my mind. Furthermore, what I really didn't personally like was this feeling that if you thought differently on anything or questioned it, you were immediately shunned as some nutjob radical. Critical thinking and discourse is a key to success. I don't like how quick to judge society was on this issue. As we continue to learn more and more, I think there is going to be a lot of revelations and exposures.

Amen. I think there was and still is a lot of sheep like movement and belief instead of common sense and thinking for oneself. It has throughout this entire disaster always been on my mind. Furthermore, what I really didn't personally like was this feeling that if you thought differently on anything or questioned it, you were immediately shunned as some nutjob radical. Critical thinking and discourse is a key to success. I don't like how quick to judge society was on this issue. As we continue to learn more and more, I think there is going to be a lot of revelations and exposures.


This post is not meant to minimize the tragic loss of life that occurred during this time. After re-reading it, I thought it could be taken like that, but again, my point is more about the reaction and steps that we took to combat the pandemic. IMO, there was not enough collaboration in the efforts and the press and politicians really fubared it. I believe we made a lot of mistakes caused by knee jerk reactions and the lack of listening skills, nor common sense. That is my opinion on it and I am afraid we are going to have economic ramifications for some time to come. I also believe the monday morning quarterbacking is going to reveal a lot of flaws. Again, what a mess.
This post is not meant to minimize the tragic loss of life that occurred during this time. After re-reading it, I thought it could be taken like that, but again, my point is more about the reaction and steps that we took to combat the pandemic. IMO, there was not enough collaboration in the efforts and the press and politicians really fubared it. I believe we made a lot of mistakes caused by knee jerk reactions and the lack of listening skills, nor common sense. That is my opinion on it and I am afraid we are going to have economic ramifications for some time to come. I also believe the monday morning quarterbacking is going to reveal a lot of flaws. Again, what a mess.

Furthermore, beyond all of this, what really infuriated me is how this became political...................our country should have put aside party loyalty/differences FOR ONCE and banded together UNIFIED as a nation and beat this thing........instead on BOTH sides of the aisle, it turned into a political ****show.

Sickening and disgusting and as a result, 600,000 Americans died.
Furthermore, beyond all of this, what really infuriated me is how this became political...................our country should have put aside party loyalty/differences FOR ONCE and banded together UNIFIED as a nation and beat this thing........instead on BOTH sides of the aisle, it turned into a political ****show.

Sickening and disgusting and as a result, 600,000 Americans died.
Agree with you George 100%.
Agree with you George 100%.

Imagine if these same bozos where running the country in 1941; we'd forgive the Japanese for bombing Pearl Harbor and the Germans trying to wipe the Jewish population off the face of the earth as afterall, that's their "culture" and we as Americans can't get involved in other countries affairs............................:rolleyes2:
Yeah, at least Trump isn't president, right?
Was it worth it?

Too bad so many lives were lost. Not to be mention the economic, depression/ fear, distrust of authority and media consequences.

Yeah, too bad it became political.
Yeah, at least Trump isn't president, right?
Was it worth it?

Too bad so many lives were lost. Not to be mention the economic, depression/ fear, distrust of authority and media consequences.

Yeah, too bad it became political.

I totally understand your frustration and that of others, but it would be good if we could try and keep politics out of this thread as much as possible.

I realize I'm guilty myself for not doing that at times.

Of course that's not easy given the topic and circumstances, but I would be disappointed if the thread got closed and I'm sure plenty of others would feel the same.

I'm personally thankful that the work by 'DRASTIC' is finally gaining the recognition and publicity it so deserves.
Covid news...

improving their image as a world Biden/USA announced it was purchasing 500,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine...
and donating to more needier countries...

G7 also has agreed to match that with another 500,000 doses purchased and donated...

elsewhere Russia had over 100,000 new cases yesterday...their highest number in months...

Houston Memorial Hospital took strong action and suspended/fired 170 out of their 25,000 employees for refusing to get the vaccine by their self imposed deadline that just expired...

the USA with about 65% of the adult population now vaccinated is experiencing a rolling average of about 15,000 new cases per week...down substantially...
Covid news...

improving their image as a world Biden/USA announced it was purchasing 500,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine...
and donating to more needier countries...

G7 also has agreed to match that with another 500,000 doses purchased and donated...

elsewhere Russia had over 100,000 new cases yesterday...their highest number in months...

Houston Memorial Hospital took strong action and suspended/fired 170 out of their 25,000 employees for refusing to get the vaccine by their self imposed deadline that just expired...

the USA with about 65% of the adult population now vaccinated is experiencing a rolling average of about 15,000 new cases per week...down substantially...

You mean 500,000,000 (500 million)
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