Dispatches are up!! (1 Viewer)

How cool is that!!! Nice one K&C!


How good is that Rob {eek3}^&cool ground crew are the dog bollocks as well ^&grin

Looks bloody fantastic doesn't it Neil, I knew K&C would do a superb job on this and the ground crew are terrific.

So far just the 4 Lighthorse figures, it will be a light month for me. Cheers, Robin.
This is great Dispatch this month with the French Line Infantry c 1812-15 as the outstanding new set of figures.

I like this comment "Again, more additional figures are in the production pipeline for release later."{sm4}

Good to see that the retired NAPS are already in my collection, so I can concentrate on the remaining troops.

I see that Andy has timed his release of the new Ligthorsemen and Turks with his forthcoming trip 'down under..... just to keep the 'natives happy' :smile2:

Seems that the wrong description is on AL025 it should be Mustafa Kemal or Attaturk as he was later know as.....

Now on I'll have a good look at the NAPs^&grin

Oh dear, {eek3}

has anyone check the cost of the new figures???

The Egyptian Campaign foot figures are $37 but the new NAP foot figures are $42,
oh well "such is life"

AND we have had the explanation from Andy about this already, so no use complaining !


now you have your officer for the Desert Staff Car :smile2:


General Kemal Ataturk AL025

Man you got to love that Typhoon and its figures, along with both Bowsers I've got to get all of them, going to be hard finding the dosh but I'm in.^&cool.Thanks for making these Andy , they are just what many of us have wanted.

BLAH BLAH a Typhoon and some NAPS and a VW no STUKA.........................................................................................................but they all look great well done K+C,Andy my birthday is in September that gives you plenty of time to make that elusive STUKA,great dispatches love the NAP with the beard great figure.
BLAH BLAH a Typhoon and some NAPS and a VW no STUKA.........................................................................................................but they all look great well done K+C,Andy my birthday is in September that gives you plenty of time to make that elusive STUKA,great dispatches love the NAP with the beard great figure.

Told you Wayne, RAF Uber Alles!. {bravo}}And if its Stuka v Typhoon I know which one I'd want to be in!! :wink2:


glad to see that you have woken up from your 'afternoon nap', and are as happy as I am with the forthcoming releases......

2 happy collectors in Freo :)



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