Does anyone collect Britain's figures other than Zulu's? (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Aug 31, 2007

And before the moderators jump on me my question is genuine and is in no way a deliberate baiting. I suppose it goes back to my thread (before it was hijacked) of my belief in the huge popularity of the Zulu collection.

I collect old and new Britain's primarily ACW but I have quite a few other eras in my collection (unfortunately no Zulu) but no-one on the forum appears to be in the slightest bit interested in discussing in any depth Britain's product other than the Zulu.

Joe's thread has had over 62,000 hits and 2500 replies and tracking back through 20 odd pages on this Britain's category every other subject has petered out after a dozen or so replies. The best I could find was the Hollow Cast which got 127 replies and about 3500 hits and that was over a year ago. Which is fine, however, I am left with the impression that the forum's Britain collectors are all Zulu fanatics and dont collect any other of their eras or series (stand fast Randy's glossies) as it's very apparent on these threads that they definitely don't wish to chat much about any of the others.

I suppose my premise is in fact supporting evidence of my earlier thread statement that regardless what is stated otherwise the popularity of the Zulu is indeed phenomenal! And before this thread slips down and joins all the others in this category would be interested if you believe that the Zulu is now Britains biggest and best seller-or is it just me?

I collect britain fom 1992 .
acw ww1 and 2 and napoleon 's and manny more .
no zullu's but the new models are great .

Hey Reb,

That's all I collect is Britains !!! You are right though with the exception of a few odd threads, the Zulu appears to be the going concern.

Currently my collection has

"New" hollowcast figures.
Ceremonial collection figures.
Zoo figures
Farm figures
Railway figures
Zulu Figures
I will be adding the new Matte Delhi Durbar (all pieces have been preordered :) )
UKReb, what got me into Britains was their marching bands, ceremonials, and marching color guard sets. Britains always have dominated in this area and made some great new sets such as the Cameroon Highlanders and Blackwatch Pipes and Drums.

The only other Britains sets I collect is their Zulu series. Their other series, such as Napoleonics, WWII, and WWI, IMHO, are done better by other companies. However, I am seeing improvements and will get some Napoleonic Blackwatch. Also, their new buildings are looking fantastic, such as the Tavern/Pub facade discussed in other posts.
I collect any Britains I like except Zulus. I collected all the Zulu War figures I wanted too some 20 years ago (Trophy) and have felt no need to revisit. The Britains I do collect are newer manufacture such as the Redcoat glossy, Premier glossy, VC Crimea glossy and some other odd glossies. I really like the WW1 matte series and own some 3 dozen of those sets and eagerly await more. The French cavalry are some of the best figures I own. I have some old hollowcast from the 20's and 30's that belonged to my dad but I do not pursue the older figures. IMHO the new Britains figures are superb and are amongst the best buys on the market. -- lancer
Besides the WB Zulu range (which is my favorite), I also collect the WB Napoleonic (Defense of Hougoumont) figures.
Hi Reb,

Months ago, maybe over a year ago, I expressed my amazement at the number of posts on the Zulu thread. It’s like the Energizer Bunny. It just keeps on going and going. Only dealers or manufacturers can tell us about the volume of sales for the various ranges. Maybe a few small dealers will whisper the info to us here. ?

I don’t collect the Zulu range at all. If I did, it would be the Bill Hocker version. The slimmer Zulus Bill has sculpted are more to my taste. Also, I basically collect glossy figures. The exceptions are some Frontline woodland Indians in matt, and Medevial figures by Conte and others in matt.

I paint Tradition castings in gloss and the majority of these are Napoleonic. I also have a fair number of Britains redcoats from FIW era. Also, I like Britains WWI glossy range. ... and not a single Zulu


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Hi Reb,

In the past, I collected several Britains lines. Those lines included: WW II, Zulu Wars, Alamo, and ACW. I have not added to these lines for quite some time, nor have I substituted other manufacturers figures within these lines. I am quite satisfied with the Britains figures I already own in these ranges even though their more recent figures in these catagories are vastly improved.

What has captured my imagination is the Britains Delhi Durbar line. Presently, I own the complete Britains glossy Durbar series and I am very much looking forward to acquiring their new matte series of the Durbar. I have their Jaipur Elephant on pre-order and I intend to add more of their new Durbar figures in the future.

My friend, Dave, and I have attempted to interest more members in the Britains Delhi Durbar line, but, as you correctly point out, the Zulu Wars seem to be what presently excite the Britains collectors. The new Zulu figures are magnificent and well worth collecting. However, my immediate interests lie elsewhere.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
I have several Britains 1/32 WWII Artillery sets that I bought several years back. These include: German 88 mm gun, and PaK Anti Tank Gun. The US Long Tom, 105 Howitzer and small Pack gun. They are ok sets but being relatively early releases they are not up to the standard of more recent sets by other makers.

Imo this perceived lower quality, the fact that Britains produced such high volumes of each set, and more recent competition resulted in many WWII collectors losing interest in the brand.

There is now so much competition in WWII based sets that I am now unlikely to buy any Britains WWII sets unless they made something I liked that no other company made. That said I have noticed the recent Zulu figures have terrific detail and I would buy them if I was interested in the AZW.

As for the perceived popularity of the AZW. I can only speak of my personal experience in Australia and the only Aussie based guy I know that collects AZW items is Brett from The Military Workshop. On the other hand I know literally hundreds of guys that collect WWII military models.

For the record this is just my opinion and not meant as baiting etc.
Hi Guys,

I collect many lines from Britains as well. UKReb I think this is a good question because we do seem to have a great deal of discussion and photo taking of Zulu War sets and figures but not as much discussion on other eras that the good folks at Britians have been producing. At one point a long while back I asked a similar question and we had a series of great discussion on several eras it would be great to rekindle these discussions. Now for Britains lines I collect, Napoleonics, ACW (a few), Zulu War but mainly from another maker until recently, The Crimean War, Indian Mutiny, and of course the Durbar.

I have a lot of other eras and makers but we need not discuss them here.

My current project for the Crimean is nearing completion, at least in the amassing of the sets I plan to display, just need one or two more and I will begin the process of creating the display base. The plan is to use older Crimean sets as well as the really well done new releases to bring a little action to my display area especially since I have seen so many amazing displays in the diorama threads. So what's in your display/collection that you havent been discussing?

Besides the obvious, I have the Red Baron Fokker DR1 with the Baron and his brother Lothar:eek: That's it for me
most of my collection is WBritain i collect most of there glossy sets ive got nearly all the limited edition bands, the WW1 premier series, i have almost amassed all of the redcoats & a few of the bluecoats to!!! i personally only collect the glossy zulu figures & im not even considering getting any of the zulu matte sets.
as for matte WBritain sets im only really buying the museum collection at the moment but the durbar sets are looking quite appealing so i might drift down that route in the future lol
Hi All!
I think this is an interesting question and perhaps a reflection of the interests of many of the participating members of this particular site.

As you might guess there are several very strong ranges in the W. Britain line and the AZW is a fairly recent addition in the larger scheme of things.

I really like to see the collectors interests in various ranges by all manufacturers and we take note when there is a consistent dialogue. In some cases reading posts on various sites, chatting with collectors at shows and at special events and our own research can lead to a new range.

I think that UK Reb and others can attest to the fact that we do consider requests from the core collector base and when viable we create products to fill voids.

Keep up the dialogue!
All the Best!
Thats really all I have WB.No Zulus for me mostly just the bands for me.I`m waiting for the BW Pipes and Drums and some of the other figures.Not really alot of cash togo around so I`ll stick to WB.
I think also that the Zulu wars just keeps getting added to. Nobody usually adds pics of their figures to Randy's thread (for example) They just start their own thread.

This is the same in all the other manufacturers threads as well.

Actually I find over all very little is posted in way of pictures of peoples dios and collections. (Compared to what goes on in the AZW dios)
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Found time to post again (been a while, how do you guys do it?!).

I have no doubt my experience is not typical.

I started toy soldier collecting with the AZW range and from it have branched out. I'm currently collecting the AWI range, which I think are amongst the best WBritain sculpts. AZW was my entry point, so to speak.

After starting on a few Zulu,s , I,ve since started collecting the
Blackwatch musuem series and I recently picked up the WW1 Rha
gun team and mounted officer so I,m just dipping my toes into that
range [plus I have a few of the retired british lancers on order].

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