Absolutely agree and I also am having a blast creating and posting ACW dios on the diodrama thread. However, that war/figures/era simply does not strike the same chord on the forum and definitely doesn't have the following that the AZW has on here. But I am almost singly trying to keep the stars and bars/stripes flying
I posted here on the Britain's category due to having a large collection of WB civil war figures and my genuine fondness for the company's whole output and just wondered if there was anyone else out there in cyberspace who collected any other of the company's fine product. And all of you have proved that there are. I also assure you I mean no offense to AZW collectors or indeed any other member in asking the question as I also consider the Britain's AZW range of soldiers to be some of the finest produced-but it's a fairly new product for Britain's and when you align that with the posts and hits it really is quite astonishing how they have dominated these threads as well as Frontline; Little Legion and Trophy. Five will get you ten Conte and Collectors Showcase will shortly indicate the same amount of interest when they release their new packages.
Someone mentioned on here that AZW collectors just keep adding to Joe's original posts while other threads just whither on the vine-Exactly the point I am trying to make and with over 60,000 hits indicates to me that members are really interested in the AZW whether they collect the figures or not.
Oz is spot on when he states we all cannot collect everything we would like to. He is also correct that WWII collecting of figures and AV's is huge and without any doubt has and most probably will continue to hold the number 1 position for the majority of collectors -but for a little Colonial war the AZW appears to be holding it's own nicely amongst the heavy armour at least here on TF.
Dave mentioned also that awhile back the forum hosted some great discussions on the whole of the Britain's range-that must have been before my time as a member. However, that particular piece of information is really I suppose the whole ethos of my original post of why doesn't that happen on here now especially as Richard and Ken have added quite substantially to all of the Britain's range since then.
Regardless, thanks again guys for all your posts as personally I have enjoyed reading everyone of them and have found them to be all very informative adding to my knowledge of the forum membership that I didn't have before I started this thread.