well, apologies my comments were not a dig really at FL just a light hearted jibe!!! I have a good bit of FL (mind, the WWII stuff is all about to be moved on) and they are nice but, not above comments that are not all Rah Rah. Everyone is entitled to like what they like and, everyone is also entitled to say what they don't like or, find wrong with whats on offer. Anyway, away from the jest with Wayne.
I have to disagree with you KV with prices the way they are (and, even when they were cheaper) superglue should not be a way of life in this hobby. Many collect these very sets because they cannot build and paint themselves and really should not be expected to do repairs however simple we or they find them.
I am probably not the person to be moaning the money and products I have had over the years fixing and repainting stuff for slack manufacturing but, its a simple job to ensure a model comes pristine. I mean, we have guys on here, and no disrespect to them that have already painted their Stuka which, means its worth zippo now, if they ever come to sell it, as its not mint.
Its a sad state of affairs if we live by the mantra that superglue to the ready or, mitch or KV et al will fix them good as new.