Figarti Stuka Photos (1 Viewer)

No its not good. Today I noticed that the left wing is just not connecting right. I am going to contact Figarti, this plane was a lot of money and I'm not happy with it.
Yes PA that's very possible. Appreciate if you could post that comparison picture. I still have not figured out how to post pictures but I'm determined to figure this out! Keith

Off the top of my head, the Figarti looks top be a bit larger than 21st Century. I didn't measure it though.
Let me preface this with, I,ve stopped buying Figarti products now for 2 years and all for the aforementioned reasons.
The other night I noticed my Figarti e-boat is now flakeing paint. How in the world could that problem be rectified. It cost $200 in my origional shipping cost, and it also came with partial damage.
There is no way I could ever repackage this properly to survive a trip back to China. I just mark this up to a loose, loose situation. I now have a damaged $1500 boat and Figarti has lost thousands of dollars in sales.
I,m also of the mind that for the money we pay, especially now days, glue should not even be mentioned.

That sounds a nightmare. I think some have been sniffing this product to believe thats the answer!!

Let me preface this with, I,ve stopped buying Figarti products now for 2 years and all for the aforementioned reasons.
The other night I noticed my Figarti e-boat is now flakeing paint. How in the world could that problem be rectified. It cost $200 in my origional shipping cost, and it also came with partial damage.
There is no way I could ever repackage this properly to survive a trip back to China. I just mark this up to a loose, loose situation. I now have a damaged $1500 boat and Figarti has lost thousands of dollars in sales.
I,m also of the mind that for the money we pay, especially now days, glue should not even be mentioned.
Let me preface this with, I,ve stopped buying Figarti products now for 2 years and all for the aforementioned reasons.
The other night I noticed my Figarti e-boat is now flakeing paint. How in the world could that problem be rectified. It cost $200 in my origional shipping cost, and it also came with partial damage.
There is no way I could ever repackage this properly to survive a trip back to China. I just mark this up to a loose, loose situation. I now have a damaged $1500 boat and Figarti has lost thousands of dollars in sales.
I,m also of the mind that for the money we pay, especially now days, glue should not even be mentioned.

That terrible news
Just one last comment. Remember a few years back paint flakeing on the long tom cannon, of which I also had, was blamed on a disgruntled employee and was specific to just the cannon.
Well time has prooven that it is a widespread paint problem on many of Figarti products.
And to add insult to injury, I started selling off a lot of my Figarti pieces and got about 60 cents on the dollar.
I will also agree with phantom warrior. When I would receive a Figarti product I too stared at the box, actually dreading opening it because I knew there would be a problem.
The only other company I had shipping damage issues was T Gunn, everyone else were just about damage free.

Disgruntled employee was IMO a right old lot of claptrap!!! I just don't believe it for an instance after seeing the number of flaky paint jobs on items supposedly free from the sabatoged hands of this employee!!!

Just one last comment. Remember a few years back paint flakeing on the long tom cannon, of which I also had, was blamed on a disgruntled employee and was specific to just the cannon.
Well time has prooven that it is a widespread paint problem on many of Figarti products.
And to add insult to injury, I started selling off a lot of my Figarti pieces and got about 60 cents on the dollar.
I will also agree with phantom warrior. When I would receive a Figarti product I too stared at the box, actually dreading opening it because I knew there would be a problem.
The only other company I had shipping damage issues was T Gunn, everyone else were just about damage free.
Greetings fellow collecting addicts:smile2:....I just recently recieved the "Figarti Stuka"....I was one of the fortunate...It arrived in pristine condition. I do not know how "wide-spread" the breakage issues are but I thought the product was fairly well packaged....Therefore I can only conclude that the products may have been damaged when workers were placing them in the foam of the box....It does not seem to me that these items could be broken in transit if placed carefully...........Now-Then that said....."THIS PLANE IS SIMPLY FANTASTIC"{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}} .....Figarti has the paint right and the detail is simply EXCELLENT....the wings fit perfectly....This is one BEAUTIFUL PLANE....and an Superb Effort by FIGARTI.....Well Done very satisfied with this Stuka......WELL DONE FIGARTI{bravo}}
AWESOME News mare can't wait to get mine and im not even worried about damage im confident it will be fine.
Greetings fellow collecting addicts:smile2:....I just recently recieved the "Figarti Stuka"....I was one of the fortunate...It arrived in pristine condition. I do not know how "wide-spread" the breakage issues are but I thought the product was fairly well packaged....Therefore I can only conclude that the products may have been damaged when workers were placing them in the foam of the box....It does not seem to me that these items could be broken in transit if placed carefully...........Now-Then that said....."THIS PLANE IS SIMPLY FANTASTIC"{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}} .....Figarti has the paint right and the detail is simply EXCELLENT....the wings fit perfectly....This is one BEAUTIFUL PLANE....and an Superb Effort by FIGARTI.....Well Done very satisfied with this Stuka......WELL DONE FIGARTI{bravo}}

Good to hear yours was OK particularly in view of your multiple posts in this thread.

Obviously you knew you had one coming. Just my thought (and I am not a Figarti dealer) but wouldn't it be better to wait until you receive your item rather than making so many comments/posts which are based on somebody else's negative experience. Your experience with the Stuka has been very positive and totally different to PA's situation.

Not trying to have a go at you but just a suggestion in general to people. If somebody has a problem with their item and you have one on order I can understand expressing a bit of concern but hold back until yours arrive and then give your feedback either way.

Good to hear yours was OK particularly in view of your multiple posts in this thread.

Obviously you knew you had one coming. Just my thought (and I am not a Figarti dealer) but wouldn't it be better to wait until you receive your item rather than making so many comments/posts which are based on somebody else's negative experience. Your experience with the Stuka has been very positive and totally different to PA's situation.

Not trying to have a go at you but just a suggestion in general to people. If somebody has a problem with their item and you have one on order I can understand expressing a bit of concern but hold back until yours arrive and then give your feedback either way.


NO.... "as usual"......I DISAGREE with you.... If breakage problems are not addressed by "all" Figarti Collectors...You may very well find yourself to be the next "unfortunate" customer....Breakage problems "if frequent" are bad for "all" involved especially the manufacturer.....To not express concern for your fellow collectors difficulties is short-sighted.....I collect alot of Figarti and would like to continue to purchase their products with confidence......That said: If yours arrived safe that's great because this is a superb effort by Figarti{bravo}}{bravo}}...If yours did not?? Well that is not good....Without breakage this plane is SIMPLY EXCELLENT....ENUFF SAID
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AWESOME News mare can't wait to get mine and im not even worried about damage im confident it will be fine.

I hope so too Wayne:smile2:....I know you'd been waiting for this one for a long time.....Best regards Frank

Great news about the stuka. I have two from UK collectors that are coming to me for repairs so, I will have a chance to see it monday.
My Stuka had perfect packaging and arrived in perfect condition, no better or worse than any other manufacturers product I have received.

Just got a FL Stug with perfect packaging and the hatches were broken off.

Thomas Gunn soldier an the arm off, Collectors Showcase Tiger with all kinds of stuff broken......etc.....etc...

This is not just a Figarti issue and all of you know it.

I keep a lot of glue around :wink2: ^&grin Alex
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NO.... "as usual"......I DISAGREE with you.... If breakage problems are not addressed by "all" Figarti Collectors...You may very well find yourself to be the next "unfortunate" customer....Breakage problems "if frequent" are bad for "all" involved especially the manufacturer.....To not express concern for your fellow collectors difficulties is short-sighted.....I collect alot of Figarti and would like to continue to purchase their products with confidence......That said: If yours arrived safe that's great because this is a superb effort by Figarti{bravo}}{bravo}}...If yours did not?? Well that is not good....Without breakage this plane is SIMPLY EXCELLENT....ENUFF SAID


I understand your point about expressing concern about breakages etc. However the difference in this thread is that you had one on the way to you when you were repeatedly expressing your concern/support (and at the same time praising another brand). Turns out you were not the next unfortunate customer and in fact have highly praised the item more than any other in this thread. In this case your concerns were wrong as it applied to your product. A couple of others noted they had one on order and hoped it would be OK or would send it back.

If you disagree with my suggestion that better to wait until you have received yours that is up to you.


I understand your point about expressing concern about breakages etc. However the difference in this thread is that you had one on the way to you when you were repeatedly expressing your concern/support (and at the same time praising another brand). Turns out you were not the next unfortunate customer and in fact have highly praised the item more than any other in this thread. In this case your concerns were wrong as it applied to your product. A couple of others noted they had one on order and hoped it would be OK or would send it back.

If you disagree with my suggestion that better to wait until you have received yours that is up to you.


I do disagree with your "suggestions".{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}.......And Yes.......IT IS UP TO ME^&cool...If you don't agree.... then don't read my posts{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}....E-nuff said....and.... BYE BYE MATE

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