Focke Wulfe 190 and New King and Country Warbirds (1 Viewer)

Cheers Nija:

I also collect Flown Covers/FDC, etc. that are signed. Here is an example of one which I am sure all of you D-DAY Loving Pegasus Bridge fanatics will love & it happens to be on eBay right now!



  • Pegasus.jpg
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Really terrific prints! They must look amazing with your collection.
Come on guys these will sell like hotcakes. I mean if every one on the fourm takes one that is a least ten sure fire sales. But is that enough to be sustainable. I am not sure. Will the average joe collector buy these in numbers or will it just be an elite group. That is what the marketing and slaes guys will be thinking
Thanks Louis! I have about ten of them framed but a lot of the artwork is stored in acid-free large sleeves that I have to rotate for viewing purposes. I really do love the art work and the history behind them. They are so well researched as well which I very much appreciate. In the early 90s there were numerous symposiums & actaul signings that the aircrew/pilots/tank commanders, etc. as well as the artists attended. They were a lot of fun & a great opportunity to meet & speak to the VETS in person. Sadly, time has caught up with most of WW II gents as we all know!

Two boxes arrived today from K&C headquarters in Hong Kong. One contains two Typhoons, the other two ME110's. Here's the rub: I promised Andy I wouldn't open the boxes until he arrives, and I am a man of my word. Accordingly, when Andy gets here he will find the boxes unopened, with his original tape and plastic straps intact. Its lucky I grew up fishing, it taught me patience. Between looking forward to the Symposium, looking forward to opening these boxes and looking forward to the arrival of Andy's as well as all my other friends, this is going to be a long week!
At the West Coaster, I asked Andy about the new very limited Warbirds. First, they have a matt sheen and are far superior to any of K&C's earlier Warbirds: clear canopies, detailed instrument panels, pilot seat with what appears to be photo etched restraining straps. All five of the Typhoons and ME110's are spoken for. The Typhoon cost $645 and the ME110 cost $895.

K&C plans to have two separate Warbird lines. An extremely limited number of airplanes made by three (3) artists in the Philippines and "planned production" planes made in China like Rommel's Storch. K&C will not make any more of the Typhoons and ME110's in the color schemes shown in the photos posted by K&C -- Louis, Hans and Lawrence, you guys are very lucky. They will be making another 10 Typhoons in the version that had the door-like cockpit entry and an ME110 in a Battle of Britain color scheme -- I few sorry for Louis if he intends to get every color variant or version of these Warbirds. Andy has seen the FOV airplanes and thinks they have amazing detail for the list price of $26. As a result, these extremely limited Warbirds will not be common planes like the Zero and bubble canopy Mustang -- he will be making the version of the Mustang that had the other type of canopy. These planes will also be under the new King and Country Work Shop label. Andy does not foresee making more than 10 of any plane.

As for Rommel's Storch, Andy will use my suggested language of "planned production is XXX number of planes, subject to change." K&C will announce a planned production of 300 to 500 planes, but if it gets orders for 1000 planes, they will make 1000 planes.:)
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As for Rommel's Storch, Andy will use my suggested language of "planned production is XXX number of planes, subject to change." K&C will announce a planned production of 300 to 500 planes, but if it gets orders for 1000 planes, they will make 1000 planes.:)

HUZZAH ANDY C., and a good suggestion Steven :)

Did you (or could you) ask Andy if he has thought through how one orders one of these planes: will there be an orderly process (or just a first come, first served situation) and is it through King and Country directly or through dealers? I would assume directly.

Thank you.
Steven,does that mean the rest of us won't get a Typhoon in D day markings?


Did you (or could you) ask Andy if he has thought through how one orders one of these planes: will there be an orderly process (or just a first come, first served situation) and is it through King and Country directly or through dealers? I would assume directly.

Thank you.
Dear Brad,
Andy has not thought through the process. After he returns to Hong Kong, Andy will post an announcement regarding how much low numbers of airplanes will be distributed in a fair manner.:)
Steven,does that mean the rest of us won't get a Typhoon in D day markings?

Dear Rob,

You will not be able to get the pictured Typhoon with the same identification numbers and D-Day markings.:(
As a longtime collector of King & Country, I am really disappionted!!! Andy, there must be a more equitable way of ensuring that collectors who want to purchase one of these unique warbirds with the same identification numbers and markings have that opportunity. It is darn right frustrating that the same few always get the first choice on prototypes or unique limited runs. There has to be a way in my opinion. I love the stuff and have been collecting K&C since 94-95! Tim
I don't understand why its so complicated. Just take preorders and make that many. Andy makes mucho money at no risk and those that want them get their planes. Everybody is happy.
....begun the airplane war has....Glad I dont have this bug! :cool: Give me that Waco to go along with the glider troops and I'm out the door! :p
As a longtime collector of King & Country, I am really disappionted!!! Andy, there must be a more equitable way of ensuring that collectors who want to purchase one of these unique warbirds with the same identification numbers and markings have that opportunity. It is darn right frustrating that the same few always get the first choice on prototypes or unique limited runs. There has to be a way in my opinion. I love the stuff and have been collecting K&C since 94-95! Tim

Tim, bite your tongue, there'll be no desention allowed in the rank and file!:p

It's the Irish in me, I like to start fights within the toy soldier asylum (family)!
I have to agree with Combat on this one. I was disapointed that I did not even get a chance to order the ME110. I have nothing against anyone who got one just why not open it up to preorders for everyone?

Old Guard

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