Happy Birhtday Robin (Villagehorse) (1 Viewer)

Northgate Woods

Sergeant Major
Apr 5, 2007
Robin mate,
Many Happy Returns for your 70th Birthday. You now join the 70 year olds club along with myself and young Andy. It was a privilege and pleasure for Jen and I to join you and Barb and friends and family last Sunday at the Winery to celebrate your senior citizenship.{sm4}

Cheers to the Biggest TS Collector in the Land Of OZ, Howard:salute::
Happy 70th Robin,

hope to get over to SA sometime soon, got to check out the collection,

Robin, Happiest of Birthdays to you. The best birthday is the present one.

Happy Birthday Robin ! :salute:::salute:::salute::

Hope you've been having a great day with one or two Toy Soldiers joining your collection !

All the Best mate !

Happy birthday Robin. Wishing you all the very best on your special day.
Thanks guys, appreciate your comments and this forum. Birthdays are an excuse to buy more TS’s which keeps me young, but I have told I am now ELDERLY.{eek3} , Robin.
Happy Birthday mate {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

All the best

Happy Bday Robin! :salute:::salute:: Wow, the big seven oh! I'm right behind you. ^&grin All the best. Chris

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