Have no idea what right size is anymore! (1 Viewer)

From a reference website that Gary uses...Sherman L 244", W 105",H 117"......StuartL 171", W 88",H 102". The CS models should have a 1/30 scale Height difference of 15" and 1/30 scale Width difference of 17", neither of which is represented. By the way the CS Stuart is also near the same height of my CS Panther which is supposed to be H 118"..Could show pics, but I am worn out from the battle...It is hard to dispute actual visuals if it even matters to most. Michael

The 15" difference at 1:30 scale is only 1/2" difference between the Sherman and Stuart models. The Sherman model should be 2.4" longer than the Stuart.

Are the Sherman dimensions quoted based on the Cast hull (pictured) or the Welded hull?
The 15" difference at 1:30 scale is only 1/2" difference between the Sherman and Stuart models. The Sherman model should be 2.4" longer than the Stuart.


Lke this? Michael


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Yeah see, the bases make all the difference, now take back all those mocking comments ^&grin
Other then the scale of the stuart, are you happy with the piece in all other ways? paint, detail, exe?
Other then the scale of the stuart, are you happy with the piece in all other ways? paint, detail, exe?

Otherwise, it is a great model as to detail, weathered paint and really nice figures..Michael
I did not exclude the market leader, I mention them quite a bit. For the record I stated they are the least likely to change. I also stated I have pieces of theirs I LOVE, but unfortunately have to get rid of,

because they do not fit into my new collecting profile.

I have a lot of K&C that I bought early on, I dont have to tell you they are well made with good painting, but I have grown and now I am looking for certain things that other companies are now offering....

This is a country of free speech and what some of you do to supress those with different thoughts from the main stream is deplorable, then you also state this kind of conversation takes

the fun out of the hobby. The discussion is a legitimate discussion about scale from which we can learn and grow and can actually make our hobby better. So you lighten up or dont

participate in the discussion.

What else is disgusting is you have made many afraid to participate on the Forum and that is not fair. I receive a ton of correspondence on my website regarding many topics including this one without a problem.


Well Said.....Excellent Post
just read all the posts in this thread

about FL figures : i have FL figures from their nap, awi, wwii, mameluks, samurai ranges and they are all the same scale except the mameluks which are beefier. from what i recall, i don't think that it was done on purpose but it happened that way, with the consequence that you can now mix them easily with kc figures.

all customers should ask for better quality, and better quality means better scale consistency and accuracy.

in my regular job, i do eye surgery and i don't see myself saying one day to one of my patient : yeah, your surgery went relatively well, your intraocular lens is somewhat where it should be... people ask more and more for better quality in surgical care and they should get it. if a surgeon can't deliver, he is out of the game.

i don't like it when a manuf releases products after products where you can clearly see that they have not tried to make it perfect, scale wise. in my job i always aim for perfection and i expect to get it in what i buy, and i will pay the price.

my comments are aimed at every manuf by the way


Im just so sick of this industry right now. It seems like so many of these companies can't get things right!
just read all the posts in this thread

about FL figures : i have FL figures from their nap, awi, wwii, mameluks, samurai ranges and they are all the same scale except the mameluks which are beefier. from what i recall, i don't think that it was done on purpose but it happened that way, with the consequence that you can now mix them easily with kc figures.

all customers should ask for better quality, and better quality means better scale consistency and accuracy.

in my regular job, i do eye surgery and i don't see myself saying one day to one of my patient : yeah, your surgery went relatively well, your intraocular lens is somewhat where it should be... people ask more and more for better quality in surgical care and they should get it. if a surgeon can't deliver, he is out of the game.

i don't like it when a manuf releases products after products where you can clearly see that they have not tried to make it perfect, scale wise. in my job i always aim for perfection and i expect to get it in what i buy, and i will pay the price.

my comments are aimed at every manuf by the way


Thing is people will vote with there wallets , I know I'am
Thing is people will vote with there wallets , I know I'am

I've doing exactly this for almost a year now. Only buy if I REALLY like the figure/tank from a certain manufacturer. No more impulse buying.
just read all the posts in this thread

about FL figures : i have FL figures from their nap, awi, wwii, mameluks, samurai ranges and they are all the same scale except the mameluks which are beefier. from what i recall, i don't think that it was done on purpose but it happened that way, with the consequence that you can now mix them easily with kc figures.

all customers should ask for better quality, and better quality means better scale consistency and accuracy.

in my regular job, i do eye surgery and i don't see myself saying one day to one of my patient : yeah, your surgery went relatively well, your intraocular lens is somewhat where it should be... people ask more and more for better quality in surgical care and they should get it. if a surgeon can't deliver, he is out of the game.

i don't like it when a manuf releases products after products where you can clearly see that they have not tried to make it perfect, scale wise. in my job i always aim for perfection and i expect to get it in what i buy, and i will pay the price.

my comments are aimed at every manuf by the way



Thing is people will vote with there wallets , I know I'am

Got that right buddy....If its inaccurate,overpriced,out of scale, poorly sculpted and painted.... forget it....Its just too expensive a hobby to waste money on junk.
Got that right buddy....If its inaccurate,overpriced,out of scale, poorly sculpted and painted.... forget it....Its just too expensive a hobby to waste money on junk.

hehehehe....totally agree with you there BUT I could give the "out of scale" a break (depending on the item) if I really really like it {sm4} .
Got that right buddy....If its inaccurate,overpriced,out of scale, poorly sculpted and painted.... forget it....Its just too expensive a hobby to waste money on junk.

You go my vote, 2013 will be a very different collecting profile for me. I have a huge collection now, I can let a lot pass.

I am finally getting some time and I am thoroughly researching some permanent dioramas for myself, these have to be on they money. I expect to use a lot of the TGM /TCS combo. When the dust settles I will then thin out my collection. Buying only stuff that is done right. Alex
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Since I am the one who started this mess...^&grin. The fact is that I love this Stuart release, but cannot keep it as it looks totally out of size with CS other recent releases ( a number of which I also own ). It is a shame that a quality control check on the original sculpt could have caught the difference and been adjusted down a small bit accordingly. Like the M8 which is still available from most anyone, this tank will probably be left in dealer inventory because of a mfg. self inflicted wound. Michael
Very well said George, fully agree with your post here.



I don't think I agree. Its not a case about manufacturers making their sets in different scales to increase sales. I can't believe that for a moment when we are talking about something as exact as scale. Its either 1/30th or, its not. You cannot play around with exact measurements. We are talking though, it has gone off on a lot of tangents about one company not a mix and match. I can fully appreciate a manufacturer doing their own paint and sculpt style as this is what is done and, creates the aesthetic differences that people think I like that better than X so, I will collect from now on.

If that's the case why do we have the hobby under the banner of 1/30th? we may as well say well, your going to get some good products in whatever scale we think will sell best. There is quite a lot of industry compatibility as it stands. FL, Figarti and K&C, TG do 1/30th scale AFV's as a norm now CS do on the whole. The disparity comes for some with TG, K&C and CS all doing figures in a larger format roughly, 1/28th. for me, this shows some uniformity across the board.

I am a late comer to this discussion, so had the luxury of reading many of the messages before writing.
I am forced to agree with Mitch....NO ONE has the right to play around with exact measurements.....If the soldiers may be a bit taller/fatter that is fine, but other tangible measurements such as weapons, vehicles, helmets etc... need to follow a rule, being the rule the measurement that the manufacturer defined as being the scale he chose to trade in. We cannot have a 1:32 from manufacturer A different from a 1:32 from manufacturer B.
I also agree that to a certain extent you can mix manufacturers and a good dio can come up, playing with the size issue between A at 1.54 and B at 1:32 on the depth of the dio factor.....Just do not have them side by side, that you will make a shocking site:(...ever tried putting side by side a First Legion and a K&C....one seems to be a dwarf next to the other......
Again it is understandable the scalecreeping theory, although I see it as unfair play ( as many things in life.....:confused:{eek3}), but so be it. What is unfair and needs to be BLASTED is A and B having their own version of a scale....THERE IS ONLY ONE SCALE measurement.....


I am
Just got my Stewarts today, they are no doubt bigger than the earlier ones. They have a very different finish also.

OK so here is what I am going to do. I have my main formula now of TGM Figures with TCS AFV's, it sort of solved the scale issue for me. With TCS AFV's being bigger than the main stream, so are their figures, so I don't buy TCS figures any more (Although I do like them) because TGM is actually a better match with the TCS AFV's..............BUT........... I am happy the new Stewarts are bigger so I can actually use them with Normandy and Winter figures I have from TCS, which I was going to reluctantly sell. Alex

"Where there is a will there is a way" {sm4}
If I were king of the forest, I would use a simple formula for my vehicles. According to Peter Chamberlain and Chris Ellis in their book, British and American Tanks of World War Two, the M5A1 Light tank is 14' 2.75" long; 7' 4.5" wide and 7' 6.5" high. Convert each of those dimensions to inches and divide by 30. That would create a 1:30 scale model that is 5.69" long; 2.95" wide and 3.02" high.

By contrast, the following stats are listed for the M4 Sherman (A1, A2 and A3 variants): 19' 4" long, 8' 7" wide and 9' high. Convert these dimensions to inches: L - 232", W - 103", H - 108" and divide them by 30. This means my model would be 7.7" long, 3.4" wide and 3.6" high.

People come in all shapes and sizes, but the vehicles should be constant. I measured the height of my new M5A1 Stuart at just under 4". All of the diecast models (1:72 scale) I measured are precise by this method. It just seems to be the so called Toy Soldiers that struggle with the concept.
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