Isreal (1 Viewer)

Even from the msm reports from Gaza, there still seems to be the majority of buildings standing, and Israel has done it's best to limit civilian casualties, though as to how far you can consider any of the people there civilians is debatable, as to the condition of those buildings pre-war to now, to anyone who has travelled in the Middle East, there is often not much difference on the outside of buildings and we would consider them to look like slums, but inside tells a whole different story.
Also remember the billions upon billions given to the UN for Gaza and a lot may not have changed as example, with having running drinking water available for it's people, and I'm not seeing famine in the faces of the people. as there is real famine right now in Sudan, what I am seeing is double chins and fat bellies despite msm claiming otherwise and being bombared with charity adverts for Gaza, it doesn't seem to have been high up on the agenda for Hamas, unless it was for their own quarters, since the pipes,and the billions of dollars spent by UN and EU laying drinking water pipes, only for them to be dug up almost immediately for use in the manufacture of Rockets.
Anyway to get to the point, by this I mean, judging the living conditions in Gaza, by comparing them with our own, just doesn't work, since pre-war living conditions in Gaza for many people there wouldn't be comparable to probably everyone on this forum, since we live in cultures very different and so, I'm sure there are still many targets, not gone after as of yet, that could be.
Doubtless there are still terrorist targets. Usually hiding among civilians.
I respect your point of view friend, but I'm not 100% sure you're right.
But I don't know quite enough about the complex situation, and we all have a right to an opinion.
Best Wishes from Across the Wide Sea and Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
I have to agree with Brad: it's bravado to think a new admin. could change things significantly. Now maybe a new admin. in Israel...
God Save Israel
I think having Trump in the White house will make a difference in making of a peace deal, as the Gazans will know that they had a much better chance of getting an advantage with Biden. However with their culture it will still be a very bitter pill to swallow even when given the chance of a way out, simply, because they have a less pragmatic look on life and way of acceptance of facts, being that they must always be thought of as not surrendering.
Doubtless there are still terrorist targets. Usually hiding among civilians.
I respect your point of view friend, but I'm not 100% sure you're right.
But I don't know quite enough about the complex situation, and we all have a right to an opinion.
Best Wishes from Across the Wide Sea and Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Thanks Paddy and all the best to you and your family for a Happy Christmas and New year too.

No, I sure I'm not 100% right, with the quagmire of centuries of killings and the going back in the tides of first one than another side having the upper hand, I don't think a lasting peace is ever going to be possible. All one can do is hope some solution can be found for a peace that might last past the weekend, but it's doubtful, they've tried the two state solution, and still the Gazans and those on the West Bank weren't peaceful for long, soon as they could they started attacks on Israel sponsored in part it would seem by UNWRA. No the UN have got a lot to answer for.
Although we don't agree about who should lead the USA, I agree with your views regarding Israel. Too many anti-sematic protesters who don't see the big picture. Too many don't see Israel's plight. Too many people don't care about women & children. Maybe Trump will make a difference. Let's hope.
Great to hear Trump’s words about the remaining Israeli histages in Gaza.

In response to hearing confirmation via Israel Defense Forces that New Yorker Omer Neutra, 21, was killed by Hamas during the Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack on Israel.

Trump warned Monday there will be “all hell to pay” in the Middle East if Hamas does not release every one of the remaining hostages in Gaza before his inauguration next month.
Yes, it is refreshing to see leadership by strength rather than weakness and appeasement. Most of the hostages are likely dead at this point, but if there are any to be saved, Trump is more likely to get it done. You don't have to go down into the tunnels to do this. Hamas has tentacles to Iran. You squeeze them at that source and those hostages will be released. Once every high-ranking Iranian is living in a bunker waiting for the next drone strike, the deal will be done fast.
Gaza should be a parking lot imo. Ever heard of the Webster definition of insanity. That is what dealing with the Palestinians has become. Why does anyone think it will be different this time. Well one fact is Trump wouldn’t unfreeze Iranian funds, Biden did and then October 7th occurred. So for me, I will take Trump any day on this issue. The removal of Hamas permanently is the only viable solution to guarantee Israel’s safety.
Interesting video on YouTube: Qatar's War against Israel & the US (Dominating the media and academia with oil money)

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