Isreal (2 Viewers)

These animals have made it us v them

As a Jew with family in Israel and two cousins in the idf, pardon me if I’m heavily biased towards my and their survival.

The time for touchy-feely crap is over for me. If that offends anyone, number one blame Hamas, hezzbolah, Iran etc and number two, tough!
No clue about Israeli domestic politics? Surely, you jest. I can’t believe you’re not aware of how his judiciary plan split the country down the middle and emboldened Hamas or how his efforts to help the settlers led to his moving IDF forces to the West Bank from the border with Gaza, leaving it unprotected.
I have to refrain from answering this bc my answer involves domestic policies and practices of the USA as it relates to the Middle East. Let’s just simply say the USA has an enormous hand in what happened!
I’m not going to get into legal technicalities or drill down into the historical details because I’m not that strong on them but Israeli settlers, aided by the police and the IDF, have made life difficult for the Palestinian residents of the West Bank and thrown them off their land. They have blockaded Gaza and generally made life difficult for Palestinians. No one should have to live this way. None of us would accept that. At the same time right wingers have invaded the Al-Aksa Mosque, which is holy to Muslim people.

Netenyahu’s governments have never had any interest in a two state and has been quite content to play Hamas off the Palestinian Authority and now it’s come back to bite them.

You may get rid of Hamas but unless there’s a homeland for Palestinians things will continue as before. In addition, by getting rid of Hamas in the way they’re doing it you are just more enemies that will engender future Hamases.

We may often disagree on some matters Jazz, however you're spot on here and thank you for sharing it. How anyone thinks leveling Gaza with 2.7 million residents herded together in what is seen as one of the most densely populated places on earth is beyond me.
Because someone disagrees with your view doesn't mean they missed your point, it is actually quite the contrary. I disagree with your point and I do think there is and always will be a "place" for violence. The response you are seeing by Israel is that time and place. When you get to the point where you have been attacked by terrorist with an act of war and I would argue total indecency, you have reached that point. If you are going to respond in a definitive nature, then it is going to be violent, and I strongly believe in achieving the objectives you are seeking. In this case, the best way to prevent another Hamas terrorist war attack is to eliminate the problem and that is going to take a dedicated and definitive amount of guns and bombs. When that objective is achieved and Hamas is eradicated, maybe the innocent Palestinians who are left will elect peaceful leaders and they can be rebuilt with the help of the World, much like Germany and Japan were.


I've said my piece mate, I'm not going to waste any further time here its pointless. You have missed my point entirely as have others on here, lets just simply agree to disagree and move on. Kind Regards......
We may often disagree on some matters Jazz, however you're spot on here and thank you for sharing it. How anyone thinks leveling Gaza with 2.7 million residents herded together in what is seen as one of the most densely populated places on earth is beyond me.

Can't say I'd ever wanted to visit, but maybe it's not been so entirely overcrowded or as crappy a place before the war as MSM will have you believe. Remember you only see what they want you to see for their own agenda !
I've said my piece mate, I'm not going to waste any further time here its pointless. You have missed my point entirely as have others on here, lets just simply agree to disagree and move on. Kind Regards......

You can say your piece and that is why I liked your post, but stop with the missing the point, I didn't, I just outrightly disagree and believe in something entirely different than you do, that is not pointless and I am a little tired of the holier than thou bit. I am frankly saying I disagree and that is the way it is. I didn't miss any points yours included, I just believe in the eradication of terrorist and I also believe Israel's response here is justified. I have sympathy for innocents, but unfortunately, Palestine has fostered terrorists forever and ever, does anyone remember the PLO or Arafat? Hello, he was a terrorist, plain and simple. Hamas who are the LEADERS in Palestine are terrorist, there is no other fact but that. Whether I agree with Israel's domestic politics or not, I do agree that now is the time to take out the trash so to speak.

That’s a cop out.

Let’s try it this way - follow the money!

Look to Iranian money under one president vs the one before said president and the one after said president. Once you see the money, compare and contrast with terrorist activities during the same time periods
Also - all I hear is you can’t bomb Gaza.
Has ANYONE suggested another option? Including those on this forum.

If you think Qatar, Jordan, the Saudis etc don’t want this to happen you’re out of your minds. They all want Hamas gone!!!

They have been offered peace and land no less than 6 times (more if you count smaller deals). Every time it’s a one sided failure. These people have an all or none attitude and all is never going to happen
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One other thing for me to be clear. All I hear is this bs rationalization for the chant river to the sea, well to me maybe Gaza would be better suited as the World's largest parking lot. That would make for an easier path of travel from the river to the sea.

So I say to Hamas put that in your proverbial pipe and smoke it.
I've said my piece mate, I'm not going to waste any further time here it’s pointless. You have missed my point entirely as have others on here, let’s just simply agree to disagree and move on. Kind Regards......

I agree with Toddy in that you can continue to talk and talk but not get anywhere, sadly. I don’t think there’s anything more that I can add.
As they say cut the head off the snake which is Iran. I'm not saying that would solve the problem ,maybe for a while but not forever. I get tired of hearing that the Israelis are occupying someone else's land. That is their land given to them by God. How many countries did the muslims invade and occupy and still do. Are they going to leave those lands. I feel nothing for the Palestinians (except the children) as they gloated on October 7th. The Israelis gave the civilians a chance to leave, Did the Russians give the Ukrainians a chance to leave? I don't hear all these whimpering fools complain about that.

I agree. There have been dozens of attacks targeting American military facilities from Syria sponsored by Iran. That's an act of war. Like Pearl Harbor. A drone should put a missile right onto the Ayatollah of Iran and continue to do so until whoever is next in charge gets the message. I'm not exactly clear why the politicians don't get it. There is no negotiation to be had with radicals. That is misplaced globalism premised on the theory that western civilization is the bad guy and we only have to play nice to reach some type of settlement.
I agree. There have been dozens of attacks targeting American military facilities from Syria sponsored by Iran. That's an act of war. Like Pearl Harbor. A drone should put a missile right onto the Ayatollah of Iran and continue to do so until whoever is next in charge gets the message. I'm not exactly clear why the politicians don't get it. There is no negotiation to be had with radicals. That is misplaced globalism premised on the theory that western civilization is the bad guy and we only have to play nice to reach some type of settlement.

100% agree. Why we put up with this shiite, I don't know and it just boggles the mind.
I agree. There have been dozens of attacks targeting American military facilities from Syria sponsored by Iran. That's an act of war. Like Pearl Harbor. A drone should put a missile right onto the Ayatollah of Iran and continue to do so until whoever is next in charge gets the message. I'm not exactly clear why the politicians don't get it. There is no negotiation to be had with radicals. That is misplaced globalism premised on the theory that western civilization is the bad guy and we only have to play nice to reach some type of settlement.
Iran keeps messing with Israel and pushes Israel to the brink, then Iran will end up with a lot of glass and no sand. -- Al
If the Saudis get off their *** and join the “Abraham accords”, Iran will be nothing. An alliance between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia would end so much BS.

Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Israel, USA…
That’s most of the money and military might in the region
If the Saudis get off their *** and join the “Abraham accords”, Iran will be nothing. An alliance between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia would end so much BS.

Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Israel, USA…
That’s most of the money and military might in the region

IMO, this is what Iran is truly afraid of and why they continue to wreak havoc. Once the Saudis denounce Iran, I think that domino will finally fall and it will be better for all in the Region. Alas, the Saudis......

I know one thing I'm getting tired of Jewish children not being able to go school because they are being threatened. Those who do this should be deported if not citizens and the rest should be criminally charged. Didn't here no complaints from politicians of the damage the heathens did in Washington this pass weekend. Spineless weaklings. The West better wake up quick.

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