k&c price increase (1 Viewer)

Price increases happen, and businesses have to do these things sometimes. Some of the increases are not too bad, but some are incredibly shocking. Really wasn't buying anything right now, as I am paying for a family trip to Paris and Normandy, but this is a game changer. I need to look at picking up a few pieces, and certainly it will cut into purchases later. I remember that Figarti LCT well. I saw it at a show, and I still kind of wish I had bought one. A real beauty. Yes, these types of items will not be feasible any longer, I would agree.
I hope I managed to pick up every item from the pdf list. If not, I apologise. (I may have missed a line or two)

Hope this helps in how the stats look like and your prioritising of purchases. If this helps you, then refer to it. If not, please just skip this.

Actually two items in the list posted zero price increase: LOJ024 and FW186.

Average of Price Increase​
Average of % Increase​
Count of SKU​
AE 14.6726%15
AF 1.443%9
AG 7.3014%23
AK 3.788%9
AL 10.6413%22
BB 2.334%27
CE 5.7811%9
CR 8.6016%5
DD 3.946%32
EA 3.578%23
FOB 4.579%21
FW 4.9310%69
GA 3.466%13
HK 36.1242%66
HOC 3.006%1
IC 5.249%38
IF 4.1310%15
LAH 5.6713%21
LOJ 9.1513%26
LW 8.0020%11
MG 5.008%22
MK 11.2010%5
NA 9.3410%47
NE 5.148%22
PnM 11.2319%47
RA 4.8910%47
RT 20.5837%12
SP 12.0021%9
TR 6.137%38
WH 5.868%14
WS 5.188%11
Summary 9.3414%729

Chris mate,
If you took your figures from the 17 page list that Pete Reuss posted showing the old RRP and the new RRP then you cobber have made a miscalculation. As a K&C Dealer my list came direct from K&C Hong Kong and was 43 pages long. Therefore there are 26 pages of sets that did not have a price increase not only the two that you mentioned.
Sorry to rain on your parade cobber but so far this thread has been lacking in the truth. But in the words of our famous bushranger Ned Kelly as they put the noose around his neck "Such is Life"
Cheers Howard
Chris mate,
If you took your figures from the 17 page list that Pete Reuss posted showing the old RRP and the new RRP then you cobber have made a miscalculation. As a K&C Dealer my list came direct from K&C Hong Kong and was 43 pages long. Therefore there are 26 pages of sets that did not have a price increase not only the two that you mentioned.
Sorry to rain on your parade cobber but so far this thread has been lacking in the truth. But in the words of our famous bushranger Ned Kelly as they put the noose around his neck "Such is Life"
Cheers Howard

Howard Cobber, Looks like you have shed some new Light here. 26 pages do alter the stats !

Howard Cobber, Looks like you have shed some new Light here. 26 pages do alter the stats !


I believe it's because;

1) no or almost no wheeled vehicles increasing

2) no or almost no flying vehicles increasing

3) retired but still for sale not increasing

4) larger dio pieces not increasing
Further to the increase;

* a piece that was first in production say 4 years ago has been re-cast and repainted in a number of batches. Let's say the piece was valued at $300 HKD 4 years ago when the first sets were produced. However, as new sets are produced, they need to be cast and painted at current factory prices and not at the prices when it first went on sale. K&C do not just produce 3,000 of one piece and then leave them in a warehouse. They cast X number and paint in batches as need be. They then re-cast and re-paint as market demands. The time difference between one cast and paint session to the next often covers a number of years and a lot of factory floor inflation.

(However the painters still keep putting those bloody annoying black outlines everywhere😂😂)
Chris's summary is quite useful to indicate which series going up the most.

However Howard raises a very good point about the number of items not actually going up. The total inventory list was nearly 2,000 items and still growing.

If you look at many of the items going up which are covered in Chris's statistics there are many in the $39 to $44 range which are going up to $45 to bring them in line with similar figures. This covers many of the WW1 and WW2 rises.

The great majority of figures have been out for over 18 months and in my experience most collectors who wanted those would have got them.

Vicknor also raised the point about subsequent production runs costing more and this is clearly the case over time. One of the biggest increases is on AL7A a Lighthorse flag bearer which for years has been way underpriced compared to later releases. It was released 6.5 years years ago and given a choice between it retiring forever or continuing at a higher price I would prefer it continue. A new buyer will have to make up his own mind if wants to buy it. Any current collector who has not got it yet was probably not going to buy it anyway.
Chris mate,
If you took your figures from the 17 page list that Pete Reuss posted showing the old RRP and the new RRP then you cobber have made a miscalculation. As a K&C Dealer my list came direct from K&C Hong Kong and was 43 pages long. Therefore there are 26 pages of sets that did not have a price increase not only the two that you mentioned.
Sorry to rain on your parade cobber but so far this thread has been lacking in the truth. But in the words of our famous bushranger Ned Kelly as they put the noose around his neck "Such is Life"
Cheers Howard

Howard mate,

There was no raining on anyone's parade, whichever way you want to write. As you can see, the table does not suggest anything negative to the collectors, other than if you want to take action, which are the series to go take a look. If the collector finds the table useful, use it. If not, then just please ignore it. If the collector finds it useful, use it to select the series to zoom in on items that you want to place before July 1st. If you wish to place the order with your dealer, go ahead. If you wish to place the order direct, go ahead. If you wish to place the orders for items NOT going up in price, go ahead.

For items that do not have an increase in prices, there is no impact to the collector for now, even if it is 43 pages long or 143 pages long.

For myself, I have zoomed in on the series of my interest that will have a more significant impact on my pocket if I do not take action now and have placed my orders already. We do not have a dealer, so two orders went out direct and it was for a series dear to the Aussies. I am also glad that WW2 stuff did not significantly impact me and that is because I already have bought these earlier (like what Brett said, if you already have it, there is no impact).

PS A lot of useful info on where to quickly work (with your dealer to order), but why focus on the two items, which was really not the point that I was making.

Cheers, Chris
We do not have a dealer, so two orders went out direct and it was for a series dear to the Aussies.
Cheers, Chris

With our falling dollar all series are dear to us. TS may be expensive but puns are free!
Howard Cobber, Looks like you have shed some new Light here. 26 pages do alter the stats !


Precisely, such is stats. If the 26 pages were added in, the conclusion would be perhaps, a no call to action needed (to swipe your credit card with your dealer).

For taking this thread off the rails...uksubs is no longer a part of this conversation.
That's it I'm done. Well done K&C you just lost another collector. Time to go make £1500+ on Ebay.

I am puzzled by these type of reactions - your figures don't suddenly disappear overnight or magically lose their appeal. Why not switch to collecting something else and keep the K&C collection?


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