Superb photo, Moe. Inter-service co-operation at it's best. -- AlWe call this one Double Trouble:
Superb photo, Moe. Inter-service co-operation at it's best. -- AlWe call this one Double Trouble:
We call this one Double Trouble:
Superb photo, Moe. Inter-service co-operation at it's best. -- Al
This is great !
Love the pilot looking at the photographer.
Thank you.
Extraordinary picture! The real double trouble is to resist the temptation of getting these birds flying into our collections...{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
I don't know how you did the shot Moe but you nailed it as far as realism goes. It also helps when the subject matter (corsairs) are excellent and superbly detailed. I can't wait for mine to arrive.
Thanks, Tom. I've got the models on JJ stands pending a permanent home in the cabinets, an indignity that new stuff frequently endures on arrival:
View attachment 232791
As far as the pic, I just did a capture of them in front of some foam board. Then I edited out the stands of course!:wink2:
Moe, that’s a lovely looking cabinet to display in. Very nice indeed. Wish I had space for stuff like that
Now that’s a great picture!
Nicely done Moe . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Great pic's Moe, they tempt me to buy the deck pieces and all the ground crew to go with my Corsairs but I'm a bit tight with the money nowadays.
Moe...those are very nice should send John a few of them...
Looks like their on a real aircraft carrier.
Superb pictures Moe.
Did the plane come with pilot (in cockpit) ?
Great looking photos Moe . . . . I got my piolt figure last week and I agree with you - an outstanding figure for sure. I am certainly looking forward to the next round of figures for the Bunker Hill . . .
:smile2: Mike