My JJD WWII BH (Bunker Hill) Carrier Collection (1 Viewer)

I gotta' believe that John's has plans for future releases in this BH range ... but with just the HVAR addition I can envision 5 or 6 new figures and sets. :rolleyes:

For example, crewmen pulling/pushing a cart loaded with HVAR rockets. OR ... two crewmen lifting them off and handing them to another sailor(s) who are installing them under the wings. Maybe a sailor bending down examining the rockets .... and more. Very specific deck action that would lend itself to a taunt, action scene of getting the Corsairs ready for a strike on Japanese shipping. <Be still my pounding heart>

--- LaRRy

I totally agree with your assessment Larry and I can tell you for one that I would be all in for everything mentioned . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Should be touching down on Tuesday with Monday being a holiday.....................;)..............

That's great news indeed George . . . Looking forward to pairing the Navy Corsair up with the USMC Corsair. The flight deck will finally come alive . . .
:smile2: Mike
I gotta' believe that John's has plans for future releases in this BH range ... but with just the HVAR addition I can envision 5 or 6 new figures and sets. :rolleyes:

For example, crewmen pulling/pushing a cart loaded with HVAR rockets. OR ... two crewmen lifting them off and handing them to another sailor(s) who are installing them under the wings. Maybe a sailor bending down examining the rockets .... and more. Very specific deck action that would lend itself to a taunt, action scene of getting the Corsairs ready for a strike on Japanese shipping. <Be still my pounding heart>

--- LaRRy

LaRRy, I'd be all in for any kind of ordnance cart, rocket, bombs or torpedo, and handlers, or course. Another nice addition would be a refueling team...a couple of guys and a hose...and some armorers for the machine guns!:wink2: In making these comments, I'd note a difference in doctrine between the USN and IJN carriers. Provisioning of Japanese aircraft was done on the hangar-deck, whereas fueling and arming on USN ships was routinely done on the flight deck.


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In making these comments, I'd note a difference in doctrine between the USN and IJN carriers. Provisioning of Japanese aircraft was done on the hangar-deck, whereas fueling and arming on USN ships was routinely done on the flight deck.



Hey Moe, Interesting fact. :salute::

What happened at the Battle of Midway when the attacking US Dive Bombers caught the Japanese carriers with their flight deck loaded with fuel and ammunition. ^&confuse

Either way, I doubt that many of us will be making a 2 deck carrier diorama and all the action will be on the flight deck for all to see.

Actually, I started a Japanese Carrier diorama (Akagi) but haven't been able to make much progress as "life happens". Still it "was" two decks but the Hanger deck is more external with doors and such to "peek" inside but mostly just an implied depth.

--- LaRRy
Hey Moe, Interesting fact. :salute::

What happened at the Battle of Midway when the attacking US Dive Bombers caught the Japanese carriers with their flight deck loaded with fuel and ammunition. ^&confuse

Ah, you have to read Shattered Sword. The authors got curious when Lundstrom noted in one of his books that pics of the IJN carriers taken from B-17 showed no strike on deck during the time period in question. They researched the events via Japanese language sources, and learned that the primary source for American accounts, Fugita, had lied! The book is an absolute must read.

Either way, I doubt that many of us will be making a 2 deck carrier diorama and all the action will be on the flight deck for all to see.

Actually, I started a Japanese Carrier diorama (Akagi) but haven't been able to make much progress as "life happens". Still it "was" two decks but the Hanger deck is more external with doors and such to "peek" inside but mostly just an implied depth.

--- LaRRy

The double-decker display sounds great, but may be a chevron (or two) beyond my skill level!:redface2:

For anyone who’s interested, more info about Shattered Sword:

Absolutely the most interesting and important book on Midway that I have read. My history professor at the UMd in the early 70's was Gordon Prange, author of At Dawn We Slept and Miracle at Midway. He placed great store in the accounts of Mitsuo Fuchida, having befriended him and had him as a house guest on occasion for interviews, etc. Fuchida fooled a lot of people, although it may not have been deliberate deceit as much as a need to please by telling people what he believed they wanted to hear. Shattered Sword is ground breaking and a must read. -- Al
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Many thanks .. :salute:: .. to Al and Moe.
Book ordered and on the way ....!

--- LaRRy
LaRRy, I'd be all in for any kind of ordnance cart, rocket, bombs or torpedo, and handlers, or course. Another nice addition would be a refueling team...a couple of guys and a hose...and some armorers for the machine guns!:wink2: In making these comments, I'd note a difference in doctrine between the USN and IJN carriers. Provisioning of Japanese aircraft was done on the hangar-deck, whereas fueling and arming on USN ships was routinely done on the flight deck.



These aircraft, with the folding wings, are begging for plane handlers to push them into position after coming up from the hangar deck. :smile2: Chris
Just catching up on this thread. Your display looks fabulous, The Corsair is my favourite US fighter of WW2 and JJD really have made a beaut here ! :salute::

Just catching up on this thread. Your display looks fabulous, The Corsair is my favourite US fighter of WW2 and JJD really have made a beaut here ! :salute::


Thank you very much Steve. The Navy version #167 is scheduled to land here next Tuesday. Will start setting up the flight deck display after that with both the Corsairs and the deck crew figures that I currently have.

:smile2: Mike
For those of you collecting the new JJD Corsairs from the USS Bunker Hill, here are 3 books that might be of interest to you:
1- 'Danger's Hour: The Story of the USS Bunker Hill and the Kamikaze Pilot who Crippled Her', by Maxwell Taylor Kennedy, Pub. by Simon and Schuster in 2009. Price is quite affordable.
2- 'The USS Bunker Hill Story: A Golden Anniversary History', by Irv Udoff, Pub. by Turner Publishing in 1997. Price is expensive.
3- Cruise Book, 'The USS Bunker Hill: November 1943 - November 1944; The Record of a Carrier's Combat Action Against the Axis Nations in the Pacific', Edited by Wallace and Greer, Pub. by the USS Bunker Hill Association in 1945. Price is expensive.
Despite the price of the last 2 titles, they are well worth having if your interest is deep enough.
-- Al
I've just received and put in my shelfs a couple of the new carrier deck bases, they are awesome ......kudos to John Jenkins...a really impressive work...and thanks for having provided a home to my Hobby Master planes :)


We need planes!{sm4}



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My Navy version Corsair #167 arrived at my porch on Tuesday . . . . Alas, I was out of home and didn't get home until late yesterday afternoon. #167 was waiting for me in good order. This Corsair is every bit as nice as #183. The detail on these Corsairs still amaze me. For example . . . . Along the wing edges are the words "walk way". Mind you now, these words can't be read due to their incredibly small size (at least my old eyes can't read them). However, with a good magnifying glass you can make the words out when properly focused. Here are some photos of my Bunker Hill flight deck with both planes being serviced by the flight deck crew. Next month BH-21 will arrive, the first pilot figure . . . .

:smile2: Mike

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Mike, your display becomes more and more impressive with each successive post. Wow ... what a GREAT scene.
Looks like you have 6 JJD BH deck sections; ..... and all needed with your ever expanding Air Wing and Crew.{sm3}

When you get a chance it would be nice to see a combined shot of the SARA deck, planes and crews along with the Bunker Hill decks. ...^&grin

--- LaRRy
Mike, your display becomes more and more impressive with each successive post. Wow ... what a GREAT scene.
Looks like you have 6 JJD BH deck sections; ..... and all needed with your ever expanding Air Wing and Crew.{sm3}

When you get a chance it would be nice to see a combined shot of the SARA deck, planes and crews along with the Bunker Hill decks. ...^&grin

--- LaRRy

Thank you Larry. Yes I have 6 JJD BH deck sections as well as 6 JJD IWA deck sections. When I get a chance I'll take a photo showing both BH & IWA together . . . .
:smile2: Mike

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