It's called pushing the 'Panic Button'. I'm pretty sure Sonny Jurgensen is available. -- AlRedskins just signed mark Sanchez!!!!! How is there not a better option available?
It's called pushing the 'Panic Button'. I'm pretty sure Sonny Jurgensen is available. -- AlRedskins just signed mark Sanchez!!!!! How is there not a better option available?
Redskins just signed mark Sanchez!!!!! How is there not a better option available?
They opted for Sanchez from a group that included E.J. Manuel, Kellen Clemens, Josh Johnson and T.J. Yates.
They opted for Sanchez from a group that included E.J. Manuel, Kellen Clemens, Josh Johnson and T.J. Yates.
If there was scientific/genetic way to combine the DNA of all five of those QB's and make one QB, you'd still end up with hot garbage.
Well the Lamar era begins in Baltimore, you'd think I'd be happy beating the Bungles and helping our playoff chances but to be honest I've seen this movie a few times already, I'm not a fan of running QB's, it just takes a few good defensive coordinators to figure out a way to stop Jackson, but at this rate it's a good possibility that Flacco and Harbaugh will be gone by 2019 unless there is a major win total over these last 6 games, so I better learn to embrace the change and get on board the new Vick 2.0 because it's coming and so are many changes.
Mike, it is always on my TV on Turkey Day. The one rule is to make sure that the tv is out of throwing range of the dining room table. The big screen tv's make too easy a target for the errant turkey leg.:rolleyes2: -- Alonly one I have even heard of is T J Yates...
it's against the Cowboys...
so they stand a 50/50 chance with him as QB...^&grin
and as it's a T-Giving day game...
they are gonna cram it down the public's throats...
like it or not...
I'll enjoy the game...
but hardly a prime time match up...
can't imagine it's a must watch in any body else's home on here but mine...
I guess you have to give the Redskins credit for not considering He Who's Name Cannot Be Spoken, thank goodness. -- AlThey opted for Sanchez from a group that included E.J. Manuel, Kellen Clemens, Josh Johnson and T.J. Yates.
I guess you have to give the Redskins credit for not considering He Who's Name Cannot Be Spoken, thank goodness. -- Al
George, you must have missed the memo. Defense is now officially illegal under pain of death. It sure ain't the game I remember. Third highest scoring game in NFL history. Sheesh. Yet, I am watching too.This MNF game is an embarrassment to the sport, 84 points and there is still 11 minutes to go.
The over was 63; at this rate, 100 should have been the over.
Neither of these teams has anything that resembles a defense.
Oh gee wait, a 6 play 75 yard drive in about 90 seconds and it's 47-44, 91 points and counting.
And anyone who thinks this is exciting has a screw loose.
This is pathetic, but hey, I'm the nitwit who's watching it...……………….
Remarkable. You aren't gonna miss by much. Maybe you should play the Lotto this week. -- AlChefs/Saints is my pick, final score 70-69.
The Chefs will roll the Steelers or the Patriots in the AFCCG, Saints/Rams in the NFCCG is going to be a shoot out.
We'll see.
George, you must have missed the memo. Defense is now officially illegal under pain of death. It sure ain't the game I remember. Third highest scoring game in NFL history. Sheesh. Yet, I am watching too.-- Al
Grew up watching the bruising running of Jimmy Brown, the Green Bay sweep, Gale Sayers running wild with brutal defenders like the Fearsome Foursome, Nitschke, Butkus, and Larry Wilson. No trace of it remains. Like you say, today's version of football isn't bad, just not my cup of tea. It is all but unrecognizable to the game of the 50's, 60's, and 70's, and that it is too bad, IMHO. -- AlGoing to be easy to decouple from the mother ship and confine my football to Saturdays when we’re done in New England.
The lawyers were pushing things this way, and when fantasy unfurled its full financial potential, we were done.
It’s not a bad thing, it’s just not my thing.