Can someone tell me if this is Trophy. I'm just wondering because of the base and because my knowledge of Trophy is poor. Thanks. I can get you more photos if necessary.
Thanks guys, appreciate the experts helping me out. I was just looking at the Trophy listings and I see there are two now being sold: one in the UK and one in the US; I think the one Martyn was looking at was the US auction.
Great sets! The first photo is of WW2 (Wild West Series) "The Fur Trapper." It looks complete except the description calls for a "pile of pelts" along with the blanket covered in other trade goods. Martyn probably knows for sure. I thought i could help identify that Sudanese Infantry set, but my catalog does not have it in it. Other sets look real early. Thanks for the photos.
Thank you guys,
Will check of a missing piece... Any idea about regiments on other photos?
Martyn knows the set #s on the Natal Mounted Police riders and dismounted!
First off, I love Martyn's graphic on the "Pile of Pelts." Indeed there can be no more doubts! Like Mike said the other two matching sets are the Natal Mounted Police. The dismounted kneeling firing set looks similar to TD#A "Patrol Under Attack" however there are none of the cool prone horses.
Thanks as always to Master Martyn for taking the time and energy to help us out! I think the bottom pic is of the famed King's Royal Rifle Corps post amalgamation for the Sudan War(s). Trooper may be able to help?
Could be Mike, or maybe 60th Rifles.
Here are my KRRC
These guys are later period dress...I'm thinking '82 time period with the black/green uniform with black valise equipment. I can't figure out the green patch on the sun helmet though.
I'm steering towards the early Sudanese "rescue" period