What I don't understand is the fixation (?) by manufacturers on the Fw 190A-2/A-3 verison planes. Is this the only template available or is it easier to copy from an older existing mold than create a new one? Forgive my ignorance here, but just trying to understand why we only see the older type modelled so often.
Why are companies not able to produce a later version, such as the Fw 190A-8? This is the much more modern and aggressive looking of the varients produced imho. This would also perhaps avoid some of the problems we are seeing matching up color plates of Luftwaffe aces to their correct version planes.
Like Spitfrnd, I can more easily accept personal interpretations of German Air Force RLM paint colours, or discrepancies in aircraft markings, but getting the underlying design charactoristics right is critical to an accurate portrayal of this fine aircraft.