Figured you were hiding one last photo Buster that's why I'm late in thanking you for your last round of photos and thanks for saving my favorite for last.........Joe:salute:::salute:::salute:::salute::
That's okay Martyn as long as you also tell Mike I'll make it up to him by placing a big order next week after I scan the photos from the show posted on the forum. ^&grin
Thanks Martyn, here's a few more quick snaps ..... I'm sure you'll recognize these sets, even though they're not dressed in Khaki. ^&grin More to follow ..... well, maybe tomorrow. :smile2:
Wow Buster, you and Mike have been busy. Great additions. :salute:: I think I have a LL pkg arriving tomorrow. :smile2: Chris
:salute:: I think you will like what you see least some of it anyway ^&grin
Martyn, I always like everything I see on Mike's tables, I just need to stay focused! :rolleyes2:^&grin
Just one more day and a wake-up call, hope you have the camera all charged up and will be able to find a minutes to sneak away from your own table to snap some pics of Mike's. ^&grin:salute::
Hi Buster
All ready...should be a great day...check your email:wink2:
Looking fwd to your pics Martyn, your posts are "my LL catalog." :smile2: Chris
Excellent Martyn, one can never have tooooo many GS Wagons! :wink2:^&grin
Another great addition adding to your General Service Wagons my friend and thanks for sharing it with us.:salute:::salute:::salute:::salute::
That's a great set Martyn, I was starting to worry that you had misplaced it after treating me to a sneak-peek about a month ago ..... glad you found out where young Archie had it hidden.
With Martyn's assistance I was able to add this Nile River Boat to my LL navy ..... looks like I might need a JGM river mat ..... :smile2:
Excellent addition Buster :salute::