Nfl 2012 season!!!! (2 Viewers)

It looked as though the Packers caught the ball and then Tate got his arms around it as they went to the ground. A tie goes to the receiver. And they have replay officials. However, they should have called offensive PI for the shove and had another play. I'm not sure the regular officials call it any different. There was a lot of complaining about the officiating last season and as a fan of PAC 12 football I've grown immune to awful officiating.
Deadspin apparently has a still photo that shows the Packer defender Jennings on the ground with the ball. At that point the play is over. That is why the one official is waving his arms to signal a time out when there's a touchback.

Also the replay official can't overturn the call. He can only rule if there was a catch.

I'm quite sure the regular one gets this right.

It's just an awful call, no ifs or buts about it.
Anyone who has some type of vision can tell that the Packer defender was the one who caught the ball, held the ball, maintained possession of the ball all the way to the ground then the Seahawk player puts his arms on it as they fall to the ground!!!!! absolutely insane!! the reporters mention that at some point the the fill in refs will cost a team a win and the Packers are the first, I sadly disagree, the invisible offensive pushoff in the end zone call against Ravens/Eagles game would have put the Ravens up by 2 scores with little time left:mad::mad: so a 3-0 is now a 2-1 record, but back to the Packers, hopefully this loss will not go in vein and the NFL will push to get this mess resolved asap, I hope so as my Ravens play Thursday night and the real refs would be a welcomed sight...Sammy
The league is really showing its true colors. All their lip service to the safety of the players and the integrity of the shield is b.s. - its all about squeezing every last dollar out of the bazillion-dollar league income.:mad:

This seems to sum it up pretty well for me...trying to save a few dollars and ruining the integrity of the game over it...
Some of the principal issues in the labor dispute with the refs are the NFL’s desire to do away with the NFLRA’s pension plan and pay for performance. The NFL would like to get rid of the defined pension plan the refs have. This is an issue that they plan to face with the players in a few years. Many companies no longer have pension plans but 401(k) plans. Defined benefit plans eat up a lot of dollars, particularly as the number of retirees increase.

On pay for performance, the NFL wants to increase the number of officials, who could be brought in to give other referees a break, but also to replace those referees who the league feels is substandard. If an official misses a few games because of bad calls, that can cut into compensation. And the refs doesn’t want its members’ compensation to be subject to performance reviews.
Deadspin apparently has a still photo that shows the Packer defender Jennings on the ground with the ball. At that point the play is over. That is why the one official is waving his arms to signal a time out when there's a touchback.

Also the replay official can't overturn the call. He can only rule if there was a catch.

I'm quite sure the regular one gets this right.

It's just an awful call, no ifs or buts about it.

It's impossible to say what the regular officials would have done. There were any number of bad calls last season. How is it impossible to overturn the call because he can only rule if there was a catch? The ruling on the field was a simultaneous catch. It seems like the replay official could overturn that or why review it all?
WOW!!! I just finished watching the NFL network and the offical take from the Monday nite game is the NFL league office is that they AGREE with the call and the refs made the right call {eek3} ^&confuse...unreal, looks like were going to be stuck with replacement refs for awhile if they are backing such BS calls as that one in the Monday nite game, the league is going to stick wth them no matter what:mad:...Sammy
The NFL has compounded its stupidity by upholding the call but at the same time saying that Tate should have been called for offensive pass interference. If that was the case, then the so-called TD should have been disallowed. But forget that for a second, you have two officials making opposite calls. Where was the Referee, resolving the inconsistency?

Oh, and by the way the side judge had never refereed above junior college level.

And all this over a disputed $3.3 million.
Good lord, every time I see that replay, it just gets worse and worse. The play should have been dead because of the offensive pass interference before the 'amateur hour' refs even had a chance to screw it up. What were they looking at? AND the NFL confirms the call? What an absolute disgrace. Roger Goofball needs to get a grip. -- Al
Breaking news! Brett Favre has decided to make a comeback based on the new NFL ruling that interceptions count as TD's! {eek3} -- Al
I woke up this morning and the lock out was over . . . now we can back to complaining about the regular refs!{sm4}
I woke up this morning and the lock out was over . . . now we can back to complaining about the regular refs!{sm4}
So right. There is something almost not fair in harshly critisizing 'amateur hour' refs. Much better feeling when moaning about the pros.:tongue: -- Al
I'm just glad the lingerie football league is getting their refs back. It's a big relief to know their season is on track.
I am much happier this week and I wouldn't count the Steelers out just yet. Heck I figure we can only get better if we can ever get to full strength. Played again this week without 2 super starters on defense and the second half we looked pretty good. Still have lots of work to do offensively, but at least we put TD's on the board today in place of all the field goals that cost us the first week. As for the officiating, they killed us too, but at the end of the day, that is what it is. The regular refs are not much better, they for the most part know the rules better, but still blow a lot of the same calls.

Just my 2 cents.


I would like to recall this post, the Steelers can get worse, losing to Oakland on last sec fg after blowing 2 TD lead.................where do you begin. Thank God we have a bye this week.

I give Tomlin credit instead of dissing the officiating regarding the Raiders 2nd half 3rd down conversions, he says we had 1,2nd down to stop them too......I hate losing.

I'm just glad the lingerie football league is getting their refs back. It's a big relief to know their season is on track.

As one of the players said, now the replacement refs can go back to their jobs at foot locker.

They were just God awful, so many mistakes and screw ups, really does make you appreciate the real refs.

Funny how the lock out got settled right as the bye weeks start, meaning all teams had to deal with these boobs for three games; beyond this weekend, anytime this was settled prior to week 10 meant some teams had more games affected than others.

Things that make you go Hmmmm...
I'm just glad the lingerie football league is getting their refs back. It's a big relief to know their season is on track.

there was an article I read on Yahoo Sports last week...

where the principal owner of the Lingerie Leauge...

was amazed that the NFL had retained a referee on their standy-by list...

that they Lingerie League itself had rejected for incompetency...
After trailing 21-7 and the Bills on the verge of punching in a touchdown, Brandon Spikes lit up the ball carrier, forcing a fumble to end the half; the Patriots went on a 38-7 run and smoked the Bills.

The Jets got smoked by the 49ers 34-0 and Holmes blew out his knee; that's two players on the Jets who went down to season ending knee injuries the past two weeks, neither of whom was touched in the process. I'd blame field turf on it, but one happened on grass, the other on the field turf.

A pretty lousy thing to see to be honest.
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That was a horrific performance by Sanchez. Why they didn't give Tebow a couple of series is beyond me.

It's time to "suck for Barkley."
That was a horrific performance by Sanchez. Why they didn't give Tebow a couple of series is beyond me.

When I saw Sanchez threw for 103 yards, I did a double take to be sure I read it right.

My friends son threw for 104 yards in a game on Saturday.

He's nine years old and plays pop warner football.

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