Please Mr. NFL, would you put a stop to these moronic staged mass celebrations in the end zone? The celebrations by single players are crass enough, but a dozen players playing leap-frog or bowling? This infantile crap is out-of-control. How are these celebrations not a violation of the taunting rules? Please salvage some vestige of dignity and professionalism for those viewers that don't enjoy circus antics on a football field. Thank you. -- Al
Being a Steelers fan, this does get to me too, feel like they are more worried about this than the game at hand. That said, it appears the NFL laxed these rules to bow to fans who were sick of the flags for even little celebrations. I guess they need to find a happy medium, some of it is funny though and I guess it is better seeing a little fun than the yellow flags! That said, I remember the ole Redskins used to have a blast with them. Again, I don't know what I prefer, but I really don't like the flags, so if this is what we put up with, might be better. My main concern is that they focus on the game, jeez, the Steelers are just lucky in my opinion. I know Brown probably pulled in one of the greatest catches all season and I give Ben credit for making it work in 17 secs to get the game winning FG, but why does it have to be that hard, and I mean no offense to the Packers. I think the Steelers have one of the most talented teams out there, but my gosh, we made a backup qb look like Unitas (again, he made plays, not taking anything away from that).
Back to celebrations, I guess it beats the alternative. Heck, the officials could always get those calls right, but they miss every hold and pass interference it seems!
PS - favorite TD Celebration that did get flagged was when Terrell Owens pulled the sharpie out of the goalposts and autographed the fb, then threw it in the stands - I thought that was pretty darn clever!