But George how many years did you have to wait to win the world series? At least in my life time the Cardinals won more than their fare share. And even the Rams in their short time here won the super bowel and probably a second if your team had not cheated

I'm just messing with you Gary, ie, sometimes be careful what you wish for, maybe Baltimore would have been better off with the Blues..............

Me personally, I waited 43 years for the RS to win it all.
The Blues; they came into the league in 1968 was it when the league expanded from 6 to 12?
Then some genius decided "Let's put the original 6 in one conference, the 6 expansion teams in the other and have the winners play each other."
Brilliant, the result was the Blues got to the SC final three years in a row.
Where they got slaughtered by a combined 12-0, ie, three sweeps by Montreal twice and then the Bruins.
They had enough of that nonsense so in 1971, they mixed the teams up and gee whiz dude, that's the last time the Blues got to the SC finals.
The Red Sox got to the WS three times and the ALCS another two times before they finally won it in 2004.
Since 1970, the Blues haven't been to the SC finals.
Just curious, have they been to the conference finals in the past 48 years, I can't recall
Hey, look at it this way; when they finally do win it, you'll be thrilled beyond belief.
As far as the Patriots cheating; ah well, whatever helps folks sleep at night...............................