Plastic Spartan pics (2 Viewers)

He had quite a bit of trouble with some lunatic he encountered through e-bay and who later started buying from him through his web site. This situation pretty much soured him on the on line business at least for now. You can still find painted SPartans and Persians on e-bay every now and then though.

I have some of his Persians and Spartans and they are closer to the true 54mm, while Conte's are true 60's so there is a noticable size difference with some of them. Some of it has to do with the bases used and some will fit in rather nicely, a mixed bag really.

Yep, agree, they are generally a bit smaller, but he's got some terrific poses done. Shame about one idiot mucking things up for him (and the rest of us). I keep on eye on his ebay sales, but most seem to sell (quite justifiably) pretty highly. His paint work is superb.
Yes, he does have some unique poses, especially with his Alamo guys and he is a superb painter, some of the detail he puts on his figures boggles my mind. I usually find I can get 3 painted figures for about $8.00 a figure, sometimes less. Of course, some of the really unique poses go for much higher. I imagine he'll come around in the not too distant future once this lunatic vanishes from the scene.
Cheers for the warning Ed, I've not messed around with them too much at the moment, but I suspect I won't be able to keep my curiosity in check much longer.
Well as I said before, if you want to change a figures weapons, better to change the arms and mind you do not apply pressure to the hands in the process.;) I have also found it is helpful to use a thin (but not sharp) blade to pry from the socket to minimize the stress to the arm joints (which can also be broken:eek:).
Has anyone noticed the single cards of plastic Spartans for sale on Ebay, that didn't take long but for the most part, with shipping the starting bid price is above the dealer prices around. I am thinking I need some more swordsmen though.

The single cards are availabe from the Hobby Bunker
Not sure if this has already been suggested but I've found when swapping arm heads etc that if the figures are soaking in a bath of hot water it's a lot easier and less chance of breakages.
Not sure if this has already been suggested but I've found when swapping arm heads etc that if the figures are soaking in a bath of hot water it's a lot easier and less chance of breakages.
Now that is a good suggestion, how hot is hot?
It's Washing Up Hot! (Or so the wife tells me) You can safely put your hands in.
Funny thing, I got a few of the mold shots that were on e-bay and the plastic on them wasn't quite as stiff as the plastic on the production figures, so swapping hands and arms didn't seem to be an issue. Of course I can only speak for the red color.
Not sure if this has already been suggested but I've found when swapping arm heads etc that if the figures are soaking in a bath of hot water it's a lot easier and less chance of breakages.
Tried this last night and it works a charm; if I had only known sooner:rolleyes: Ah well, what's another card or two:eek: Thanks much Andyull.
Has anyone noticed the single cards of plastic Spartans for sale on Ebay, that didn't take long but for the most part, with shipping the starting bid price is above the dealer prices around. I am thinking I need some more swordsmen though.
Try Sierra. They have a good selection.

Cape? You guys slay me. One thing I have noticed there do not seem to be any capes or cloaks on the plastics. Does anyone have some with the cloaks?
Just a taste for our fiends, errr, ah friends yeah, that's it friends. Not complete but close.

Fingures looking good My lord General now I know why you've been quite lately and seems like your feeling much better which I hope you are....Your Aide De Camp
Just a taste for our fiends, errr, ah friends yeah, that's it friends. Not complete but close.

Oooo, are those what I think they are;):D? They are looking fantastic and do their friends there quite proud. I can't wait to see them first hand.
I know the Spartans were toughness personified and would not pause to take on impossible odds but do you think they really intend to confront an entire Panzerkorps?:eek::D
I received notice that the bronze Spartans are now in transit; is any one going to get some of those? I know I am.:D

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