Rom048 elephant crew (4 Viewers)

War Elephants seem to be the hot new product for 2017. The Tiger tank of the ancient world is now going to be produced by First Legion and K&C cannot be far behind with a reintroduction of their Silk Road Elephant as a War Elephant. I await announcements by John Jenkins and W. Britains to complete the list of entrants in the Great War Elephant Race of 2017!
Russian Vityaz just released their new elephant. Just as a point of reference, the head "buldges" are very similar to the Thomas Gunn elephant. I think both are spectacular. For those who were saying the Gunn elephant wasn't good, but pointed to Aeroart/vityaz elephants as the benchmark.......:

Russian Vityaz just released their new elephant. Just as a point of reference, the head "buldges" are very similar to the Thomas Gunn elephant. I think both are spectacular. For those who were saying the Gunn elephant wasn't good, but pointed to Aeroart/vityaz elephants as the benchmark.......:


NICE! Also, looks like many actual photos of Elephants in the wild and zoo that have been posted before! Great elephant too!
Russian Vityaz just released their new elephant. Just as a point of reference, the head "buldges" are very similar to the Thomas Gunn elephant. I think both are spectacular. For those who were saying the Gunn elephant wasn't good, but pointed to Aeroart/vityaz elephants as the benchmark.......:


Hi Zach,

I love the Arsenyev Roman war elephant, but it's not new. It was released several years ago. They do have a new elephant coming though. It's an Indian was elephant.

The details and pose of this Asian Elephant is virtually identical to the TG Asian Elephant. The Castle is the same, the abnormal head is the same, the position of the head and trunk is the same, the oversize figures are very similar in scale as they relate to the size of the Elephant. A side by side comparison of these two models would suggest that the design originated from the same source IMO.

The Niena Studio St. Petersburg has an excellent Asian War Elephant that is anatomically correct and correctly scaled to the figures. A Google search of War Elephant models shows both the Vityaz and Niena models for comparison. Which model is correct in anatomy and scale?

Russian Vityaz just released their new elephant. Just as a point of reference, the head "buldges" are very similar to the Thomas Gunn elephant. I think both are spectacular. For those who were saying the Gunn elephant wasn't good, but pointed to Aeroart/vityaz elephants as the benchmark.......:

.... I am just beyond speechless. He is just going to keep moving the line.... So just ignore him, Because next he will be saying the world is flat...
.... I am just beyond speechless. He is just going to keep moving the line.... So just ignore him, Because next he will be saying the world is flat...

Don't feed the trolls!!!!!! :):)

Seriously, I don't care anymore either, as I have now seen more actual photos of Elephant Cranial features than I need in a lifetime, it is in black/white/living colour that Elephants have bulges in their head. If one chooses to be blind, that is one's choice.

Side note - ever hear about the definition of insanity - paraphrase - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result!

A comparison is proposed; yet no answer is given. Perhaps the answer would be too disturbing as it may validate the basic primes and emotion thus subsumes logic!
I love Elephants - but I wouldn't want to eat a whole one. :D

Lighten up guys - jb
The War Elephant in the first photo is identical to the TG model except it has a Macedonian crew. The second photo shows an anatomically correct Asian War Elephant with a size compatible crew. The third photos is of an anatomically correct Mieji Bronze Asian Elephant with a 65mm Roman figure for size comparison. Note that the top of the head is not pushed forward over the Elephants eyes; but is a smooth curve in profile. The shape of the Elephants head in profile in the first photo and in the TG model is incorrect.

Does anyone know who produces the excellent Asian War Elephant in the second photo?

I think I finally figured out... This guy wants to get a rating of general, just in this thread, that's why he keeps saying the same thing over and over again. If he keeps at it he will make the 10,000 post. Just on this thread alone....😆
He just got his you know what kicked on the FL section so he figures he will come over here for a cheap win :rolleyes2:
I've remained quiet on the last elephant you keep showing as the accurate one. Well, I have never in person nor in photos seen an elephant with such perfectly round ears and monotone interior coloring. That thing has Disney Mickey Mouse ears.
You also keep calling it a war elephant. Is the bc you put it next to a soldier? Does putting it near a tank make it a tank? Come on man, time to move on
The Elephant is Bronze and the Tusks are Ivory. Made in Japan about 1900, signed by the maker and it will purchase about 10 TG Elephants at auction. A true work of art.

The Selucids painted their War Elephants ears red to make them look more fierce in battle! The Indians paint colorful patterns all over their elephants. I will stick with Bronze or Chocolate!

I crack up every time I see the Chocolate Easter Elephant.
Please reread my post. I stated the second photo of a War Elephant that was anatomically correct and size compatible with the figures. The Bronze Elephant in the third photo is to show the correct figure size compatibility. The TG figures are oversize.

I will repeat my question; does anyone know who made the War elephant in the second photo?

I've remained quiet on the last elephant you keep showing as the accurate one. Well, I have never in person nor in photos seen an elephant with such perfectly round ears and monotone interior coloring. That thing has Disney Mickey Mouse ears.
You also keep calling it a war elephant. Is the bc you put it next to a soldier? Does putting it near a tank make it a tank? Come on man, time to move on

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