Rom048 elephant crew (5 Viewers)

Were you in the discussion when I predicted a price tag of $395? I have managed to impress myself ... not an easy thing to do!

Now that I could imagine - most of us who know you have that challenge {sm4}
Boy, this thread is getting strange. Cmon TG, make the pre-orders available..... before something more stranger happens....:p
[Your too rigid about the head, overall great piece and vale for money will be around $400

you try finding something like this for that price impossible
Yes I did get a bit "rigid", it is an impressive set...still not keen on the head...but getting used to it.
A fix for the ugly head would be a cloth head cover or a piece of armor as used on many Aero Art War Elephants. The Black Hawk War Elephant uses both for a very elegant effect IMO.

The Howdah seems too small for the figures. A Macedonian War Elephant had a crew of 3 or 4 in the Howdah. No way could you fit 3 figures in the TG Howdah unless you use 54mm figures. A price of $390.00 should include more figures. The Black Hawk War Elephant has 3 in the Howdah
at half the price; but they were produced in much larger volume and Andrea enjoys an economy of scale in production that TG can only dream about!

TG needs to produce an accessory kit for this War Elephant, to include quivers for arrows and spears/pilums and shields for the sides of the Howdah.
A fix for the ugly head would be a cloth head cover or a piece of armor as used on many Aero Art War Elephants. The Black Hawk War Elephant uses both for a very elegant effect IMO.

The Howdah seems too small for the figures. A Macedonian War Elephant had a crew of 3 or 4 in the Howdah. No way could you fit 3 figures in the TG Howdah unless you use 54mm figures. A price of $390.00 should include more figures. The Black Hawk War Elephant has 3 in the Howdah
at half the price; but they were produced in much larger volume and Andrea enjoys an economy of scale in production that TG can only dream about!

TG needs to produce an accessory kit for this War Elephant, to include quivers for arrows and spears/pilums and shields for the sides of the Howdah.

This getting tiresome i.e. References to black hawk. Honestly as I said before that is a NOT good example, it was poor quality in design, make and colors. Aeroart is a gold standard at a retail of 4 times the price so no comparison for other reasons. Unless ACTUAL real life photos of elephants previously posted are all fakes which they are not, the elephant is just fine.

Honestly I think you have posted your same opinion multiple times, I would ask that you self police yourself and leave the discussion or post something new and relevant. Posts saying a manufacturer NEEDS to do something are not very realistic, I would bet the majority of these elephants are sold so there is not a need here.

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You have stated that you own two Black Hawk War elephants; so they must not be as bad as you contend. Please advise what the problems are with the Black Hawk War Elephant. You mention color; which color and why? You mention poor design, why is the design poor? Is the design inaccurate?
You have stated that you own two Black Hawk War elephants; so they must not be as bad as you contend. Please advise what the problems are with the Black Hawk War Elephant. You mention color; which color and why? You mention poor design, why is the design poor? Is the design inaccurate?

First off this is a TG elephant forum and not appropriate for other discussion. Second I buy every elephant released because I like elephants, even the bad ones. Design is crap because they broke in shipment, colors are super bright almost toy like and I don't mean that as a compliment. Quality for the price was not even close, they remind me of those cheap ancient Egypt resin diorama articles made in china. But at the end of the day I bought them bc they are elephants. End of story.
TG has some nice accessory weapons sets for its WWII figures. Why not have a detail set of quivers and shields for the War Elephant? I think more figures for the Howdah would also be nice, if they would fit. Most War Elephant Howdahs carried three or four warriors typically.
TG has some nice accessory weapons sets for its WWII figures. Why not have a detail set of quivers and shields for the War Elephant? I think more figures for the Howdah would also be nice, if they would fit. Most War Elephant Howdahs carried three or four warriors typically.

When you have made your prototype, post some photos and we will give feedback. ^&confuse
OMG.....this is just incredible. How many times can you go on and on about this. Your like a broken record. I'm just gonna come out and say it but the majority here don't want to read your inaccurate posts. I have been a collector of anything and everything Roman for several years now. Collecting anything from soldiers to artifacts. Do I see things produced that drive me nuts? Absolutely, but do I get hung up about it like you. No way! Simple, DON'T BUY IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT! I'm just gonna repeat that one more time for you DON'T BUY IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!
I just don't know what your overall goal is. Most people may make a comment or 2 about a piece they think might be inaccurate and then move on because it is no longer of interest to them because it doesnt meet their collecting criteria. The fact that you keep commenting on it leads me to believe that you want the piece but don't want to admit that you do because if you did it would look as though you were wrong and I truly believe you might be incapable of admitting that you are wrong.
It's just incredible out of everything presented your hung up on the cranial structure. If you want to talk accuracy then pm me. Because out of everything presented I can't believe this is what you have pinpointed. With that said I will absolutely be purchasing one of these. Flaws or not it is a stunning piece and I will make some slight modifications to make it the way I want it with out pushing my personal agenda on others through this forum.
My goal is to improve products where possible by pointing out errors in models that may be corrected in the interest of historical accuracy. I also enjoy technical discussions and I respond to comments that I find interesting or educational by asking question. I do not demand that people commenting that I may disagree with go elsewhere or change the subject. I try to be polite in my responses; although it is sometimes difficult.
My goal is to improve products where possible by pointing out errors in models that may be corrected in the interest of historical accuracy. I also enjoy technical discussions and I respond to comments that I find interesting or educational by asking question. I do not demand that people commenting that I may disagree with go elsewhere or change the subject. I try to be polite in my responses; although it is sometimes difficult.

TG upcoming war elephants will be fabulous look forward to them not only do they look fantastic I bet prices will be affordable to the everyday
How can you do comparison reviews if you can only discuss TG products on this thread? You introduced Aero Art War Elephants to the thread and no one objected. I mentioned the Black Hawk War elephant because it is well done and affordable. The Elephant is well sculpted and anatomically correct. The version you have must be different than mine. Mine arrived via USPS without damage. Also the paint quality is very good and the purple tassels and bells are very nice details. The three man crew in the tower is very well sculpted and painted. The Elephant and crew are in dynamic poses which imparts a sense of motion to the piece. Granted Aero Art pieces may be superior as you contend; but are they worth 4X the cost? The 18 available Black Hawk Zama figures are compatible in period and scale with the War Elephant are an important consideration for those collectors interested in doing a Punic War diorama at a price less than that of a small car.

First Legion has announced a forthcoming War Elephant and posted a photo of an excellent Asian Elephant sculpt. I look forward to comparing the TG and FL in a future review. I will post it on the general matte discussion thread to avoid the potential conflicts you have cited as a concern.

First off this is a TG elephant forum and not appropriate for other discussion. Second I buy every elephant released because I like elephants, even the bad ones. Design is crap because they broke in shipment, colors are super bright almost toy like and I don't mean that as a compliment. Quality for the price was not even close, they remind me of those cheap ancient Egypt resin diorama articles made in china. But at the end of the day I bought them bc they are elephants. End of story.
It's not that you're offering your opinion - that we all appreciate. Different takes, good discussion, etc are all good. For me its the beating of the dead horse. Everyone who says they like it, your response is the same as your prior ones. We know how you feel about it, to say it over and over again, doesn't change anyone's mind and actually weakens the original post. I for one like reading criticism as much as praise, so i welcome your critiques, but what is said is said - no need to keep repeating it
Just my thoughts - you may feel differently and that's totally fine.
It's not that you're offering your opinion - that we all appreciate. Different takes, good discussion, etc are all good. For me its the beating of the dead horse. Everyone who says they like it, your response is the same as your prior ones. We know how you feel about it, to say it over and over again, doesn't change anyone's mind and actually weakens the original post. I for one like reading criticism as much as praise, so i welcome your critiques, but what is said is said - no need to keep repeating it
Just my thoughts - you may feel differently and that's totally fine.

Aint it the truth, like a broken record that just won't quit. Zach, I will send you the piece of crap Andrea Blackhawk elephant that we keep hearing about since I have 2. Maybe we can get one of the Russian artists to strip it and properly paint it. Problem is it is of such crappy quality that it will be in "Kit form" by the time we get it back from St. Petersburg. I find it hard to take someone's opinion seriously who uses this as a great affordable example. I only have it for the need to be complete addiction, other than that, it is awful. I am actually considering buying the kit form Andrea elephants and sending to Russia for painting. Chasing the older Aeroart's I need is getting too costly!

Anyhow back to Groundhog Day.

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