Shootings In El Paso (2 Viewers)

**** right Louis and Thank God there are a majority of Americans who still believe in the Bill of Rights. I have taught my son gun safety, importance since the age of 14 when he first started shooting with me. He is not gun crazy in the least, but is very respectful and enjoys shooting targets. He doesn't have access outside of my supervision to any guns and I would challenge anyone who can find a way into my gun safe other than blowing it up.

As to everyone else on this thread - USA or abroad - you are welcome to your opinions and mine is no better than yours, but having a family who has been a victim of one of these senseless shootings, I can tell you as a family we come from a diverse political and social views and not ONE of them believes that "gun ban or control" is the answer. Do I think we need strict regulations and there needs to be strict qualifications to own them, YES, but reducing the number of guns in circulation is not an answer, that ship long ago sailed.

As I said before, if you are really interested in our Federal and State laws - go read them, they are actually quite diverse and the will of the people in each State differs greatly. Regarding criminals - our federal government has "lost" more automatic weapons to criminals than a private citizen, gun store etc ever could, so start there, not the people.

Finally - Rich brought up a view on automatic weapons. As I posted earlier, they are legal means to own them. That said, I don't believe in that. The average citizen doesn't need to own a fully automatic weapon, IMO there is no purpose to own one and I don't believe that we should be in possession of them. That said, there is a HUGE difference between an AR 15 and a M 16 or an Uzi or a 30 Cal, etc. An AR 15 is not made the same way, doesn't come close to firing with the same rapidity, velocity, volume, timing etc. It is a hunting or sporting rifle that has a look to it and that is it. If you change the design of the gun, it would not even be in this conversation.


You and I are completely on the same page.
Rupert Murdoch's Conservative newspaper the "New York Post" had the following cover page headline today:

"President Trump, America is scared and we need bold action. Its time to.......BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS".
This is a very interesting thread.

I live in two states that are at two absolute opposite ends of firearm restrictions.

With all of the data from both sides, with all of the rhetoric from both sides and with all of the emotion from both sides all I can tell you is that I feel much safer in one place than the other.

This is just a mess. But, I love my country and am proud to be a Texan. I am not proud of the ills that come out of wood work and wreak havoc on the innocent whether they are domestic or abroad. Our world is full of terror and those who incite it and all we can do is try to make a change in the places were will live and play.

I made a change today on a personal matter unrelated to any of this mess, but it was a positive change none the less. I think thats all we can do and I know this issue is a passionate one. I'm right there with you in the on all levels of the debate. If people could converse like we do on this forum with civility, respect, tolerance and a little fun maybe they too could make changes or have their voice heard.

I have no social media...the forum is the ONLY internet thing I participate in and ladies and gents it is an honor to know your acquaintance. Its a honor to converse with you, laugh with you, complain with you, bicker with you and grieve with you. I just wish people would find something more positive to do with their lives than fall into the river of hate and act out on it.

So, maybe if we commit to an act of kindness or exchange a pleasantry with someone we don't know...maybe just maybe we could turn the tide in someones life. I don't know if it will, but at least its a start.

John from Texas
It has been a very polite discussion as well. Both sides stating their case calmly.
I wish the rest of my country had this ability still.
Lets not forget that there are important messages here: Only men can have a mental illness, not women. Women are always mentally sound. Remember this in your next domestic argument!

And another one: Computer games are only played in the US! Teenagers outside the US play with toy soldiers who do not generate aggression like computer games! Remember this as Christmas is nearing!
Rupert Murdoch's Conservative newspaper the "New York Post" had the following cover page headline today:

"President Trump, America is scared and we need bold action. Its time to.......BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS".

A shotgun is an assault weapon, they all are assault weapons, therein lies the problem. I can show you shotguns that are not hunting guns, they are killing machines. Again, I hate to sound like a broken record, but education and definition is huge and what you posted is again part of our problem. The press on all sides are MORONS on this issue. The NRA are MORONS on this issue. Nearly all Politicians are MORONS on this issue. Say what you will about the Supreme Court, but in my lifetime, I have found about 95% of their decisions the only rationale and thought out statements, decisions, I have ever seen. Maybe they should take up the cause of defining a weapon...………

We have to be aware that these type of sickos are few and far.We have over 300 million people in this country and 99% are good people.Unfortunately one person can create a lot of havoc.
Don't worry, in a few days everyone will move on from this. Then we'll have another shooting and have the same arguments and ideas thrown around. But nothing at all will be done. There's too many people in this country obsessed with guns. I served in the Army, fired everything from a pistol to .50 cal machine gun. Why the fascination with guns is beyond me. It's just going to get worse. This is the thing to do now for these nuts. And they're all legal law abiding gun owners until they snap. Wait until 3 or 4 of them band together and walk into a mall or outdoor gathering with AR15's blazing away.
Don't worry, in a few days everyone will move on from this. Then we'll have another shooting and have the same arguments and ideas thrown around. But nothing at all will be done. There's too many people in this country obsessed with guns. I served in the Army, fired everything from a pistol to .50 cal machine gun. Why the fascination with guns is beyond me. It's just going to get worse. This is the thing to do now for these nuts. And they're all legal law abiding gun owners until they snap. Wait until 3 or 4 of them band together and walk into a mall or outdoor gathering with AR15's blazing away.

Me too...I was qualified on all them as well-9mm, M-16, M-203, Mk-19, LAW, shotgun, frags,. 50 cal, claymores (FRONT TOWARD ENEMY) haha! All of them and know what they can do to another human being/enemy. I know their power...used their power and was witness to their destruction. Hell, I even was on the other side of a A-10 gatling gun strafing...on a range in Korea thank god and that was terrifying.

When I saw a news report of women carrying AR-15's in Texas with their strollers, I was like "c'mon man". That was so dumb. I mean how are you going to get in and out of your caravan with that rifle? Its hard enough getting in and out of a HUMVEE with a M-16 or any other armament let alone a mom mobile. But, Texas passed the open carry law and that's it...its legal. I don't have a concealed permit, but do have a 9mm and a M-16, just like I had in the service. And yes it is in a "break glass if an emergency" type of storage. I can't even tell you the last time I went to the range. Don't need to...they work.

Im not a hunter, but don't look down upon hunters at all. I have never shot an animal, except a bird with a BB gun when I was a kid and was scolded by my dad a la To Kill a Mockingbird. I've been fishing twice and the second time was the worst experience of my life...long story. Anyway, no judgement here, with the exception of Africa hunting and the pics of a person killing a giraffe or a Lion. Bro, c'mon man don't you watch National Geographic? But its a BIG business and I was once invited to Africa by a hunting lodge owner, but declined...the flight was 22 hours, so no...nor did I feel like running around with lions, tigers and bears-oh my!

But, yeah the fascination blows me away too. Some people treat their guns like how Golum looked at the ring and said "oh precious". Your right it is going to get worse. It is worse! Its going to get out of hand (the gun issue) and there is no end in sight and like I said before there is another mass shooting on the horizon. Maybe tommorrow, tonight...right now.

You'll find most military or ex-military guys are not so hard up about toting a firearm and actually make fun of "civilians" walking around with their pee shooter on their hip like John Wayne. I try not to judge, but yeah ill throw a eye roll and a "whatever" thought here and there depending on hard johnny/jane bad *** is slinging his side arm. If I do get a concealed permit (which after every shooting makes me realize that I might have too) nobody would every know I was armed and I would loathe carrying it. Why? Because thats when I would know that everything, including me has changed and basically I would being going back on duty.

John from Texas

This is just a mess. But, I love my country and am proud to be a Texan. I am not proud of the ills that come out of wood work and wreak havoc on the innocent whether they are domestic or abroad. Our world is full of terror and those who incite it and all we can do is try to make a change in the places were will live and play.

I made a change today on a personal matter unrelated to any of this mess, but it was a positive change none the less. I think thats all we can do and I know this issue is a passionate one. I'm right there with you in the on all levels of the debate. If people could converse like we do on this forum with civility, respect, tolerance and a little fun maybe they too could make changes or have their voice heard.

I have no social media...the forum is the ONLY internet thing I participate in and ladies and gents it is an honor to know your acquaintance. Its a honor to converse with you, laugh with you, complain with you, bicker with you and grieve with you. I just wish people would find something more positive to do with their lives than fall into the river of hate and act out on it.

So, maybe if we commit to an act of kindness or exchange a pleasantry with someone we don't know...maybe just maybe we could turn the tide in someones life. I don't know if it will, but at least its a start.

John from Texas

I am proud to consider you my friend. That is one of the most eloquent and inspiring posts I have ever read. If you ever get to New York or to the OTSN, dinner and drinks are on me.
After this, one would think something has to be done regarding the gun laws in the US, according to Wikipedia there are 112.6 guns per one hundred people in the US, the next highest is Serbia with 58.2! Now that is disturbing to say the least.

I am proud to consider you my friend. That is one of the most eloquent and inspiring posts I have ever read. If you ever get to New York or to the OTSN, dinner and drinks are on me.

I agree Louis mate and if you ever meet big john, then you'll see he is a bit roudy and hard to handle.....nah, John is a top bloke all round.

John mate, I really hope you pop over to the CTSS this year.


Louis and Tom, thanks for accolades. Louis I'm a cheap date and might even wink at you. Tom if there was ever an "all around bloke" description in the dictionary your picture would be there.

John from Texas
All around??? Come on, that’s me! I’m way rounder then Tom!

Oh wait, you weren’t talking about shape??
All around??? Come on, that’s me! I’m way rounder then Tom!

Oh wait, you weren’t talking about shape??

I thought you were "all around" Zach, just all around and under the tables....^&grin


Louis and Tom, thanks for accolades. Louis I'm a cheap date and might even wink at you. Tom if there was ever an "all around bloke" description in the dictionary your picture would be there.

John from Texas

John mate, thanks for the nice words but if my ugly mug was in a dictionary, I think the masses would demand an immediate reprint!!! ^&grin

I KNEW ZB LANG would pipe in at some point! The guy just can't help himself...feeling all lonely and... cold.

ZB I am going to make my best effort to go to Chicago and yes you are a dear friend.

John from Texas

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