Stalingrad 1942-43 (1 Viewer)

Hi Frank, with more releases of the First legion Stalingrad range your thread becomes better and better, I wish we had a crystal ball to see what this thread will look like in a few years? looking forward to the future already, thanks again for sharing...Sammy
Thanks again for the kind words.

Soviet forces attempt to dislodge Germans who have made it to the Volga bank.


Another highlight, Frank. Thank you. Wonderful perspective.

I also appreciate with how little you can accomplish these photos. You generally do not require dozens of figures and several AFV's. This should be a consolation for collectors with budget limitations or who cannot just limit thei interest to one range. ^&grin

Doing the photo backdrops cant be beat, so we adopted your technology as you have seen....This is another captivating shot.

I wish we lived close so we could work on stuff together and bring things further over the top. Alex
Anotehr brilliantly done series of photos Frank . . . .
:smile2: Mike

Another highlight, Frank. Thank you. Wonderful perspective.

I also appreciate with how little you can accomplish these photos. You generally do not require dozens of figures and several AFV's. This should be a consolation for collectors with budget limitations or who cannot just limit thei interest to one range. ^&grin

That is the major difference between modern conflicts like WWII and older conflicts where massed infantry was the norm. Yes the AFVs are expensive but you really only need one or two for a realistic scene. The ranges and dispersion involved WWII are so great that cramming too many things into a small space doesn't look realistic.


Doing the photo backdrops cant be beat, so we adopted your technology as you have seen....This is another captivating shot.

I wish we lived close so we could work on stuff together and bring things further over the top. Alex

Thanks, the backdrop method allows for depth simply not possible in a diorama alone. I like your results so far.
As always Frank a sweet set of photos for sure, always a pleasure to review this thread it's what makes this hobby so enjoyable...Sammy
December 1942,

A T-34 pauses during defensive operations to halt "Unternehmen Wintergewitter" (the German effort to relieve Stalingrad)



That's an amazing photo Frank. Of course, the T 34 looks good too :wink2:

Bravo..great picture, not to mention great looking tank.
December 1942,

A T-34 pauses during defensive operations to halt "Unternehmen Wintergewitter" (the German effort to relieve Stalingrad)




Absolute perfection Frank. Such a stunning image. Did you make those trees? They really add to the ultra-realism of your scene. I would like to get some of those! Wonderful artistic vision as always. Thanks for sharing your work!:smile2:

Frank, this recent display of winter photos is as exceptionally done as your other winter offerings . . . . . absolutely my favorites . . . . .
:smile2: Mike
December 1942,

A T-34 pauses during defensive operations to halt "Unternehmen Wintergewitter" (the German effort to relieve Stalingrad)




Well it is quite clear which T-34 I will be purchasing:wink2:....FIRST LEGION RULES....Most Definitely{sm4}....Excellent Photos Frank.{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
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Thanks guys!

Joe, this picture is a composite of two pictures, the foreground which includes JG Miniatures snow and the FL T-34 and a background image which includes the ground further back, the trees and the sky.

This is just one of the methods I use in creating scenes. Other methods include using traditional backdrops (background picture) together with a variety of dio elements and creating scenes that don't require a background at all (i.e. dio elements such as a building fill the frame, photograph at a downward angle so the ground fills the frame etc.)

This particular picture is a bit of a retread as I did a similar one about a year and a half ago with the winter Pz.III.


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