Thanks for your comments. Original battlefield was 20' x 10' and although built in modules it was just too darn big, It's now a more manageable size of 10' x 4'.
This set of four corn stalks I bought in a model shop Railroad Express in the Bay Area San Francisco although the owner John did tell me he also listed on eBay. They come in various scales these are 1-32. I particularly like the ears of corn on these sets
These sets came from Old NorthWest they are metal and I believe Britains are bringing out similar sets this year.
Hope that helps
This is like reading a histo-novel! But better cause it's got the top pics! I need to know what happens next.
Big thumbs up.
You wont like it!
UKReb, great detail, love the gore
I like the Berdan's Sharpshooters. The Grey beard on the left was modeled after a guy that used to be in my Union reenactment unit.
(except he's on the right here.)
Having not been around so much lately i've only just discovered this thread.
It's truly awsome what you guys are achieving here.
What would be really good if when it is all finished it could be collected in a single uninterrupted thread.
Harry your new strap line is The Stealer by Free. Ask me one on sport and you'll win!