Oooops, Caught you on one there UKReb. The plans wraped in the cigars was during the Sharpsburg Campaign, not on the Penninsula.
Captain absolutely right I think I was more concerned when writing the post that I had started a new civil war between Louis and George unaware they were good friends just taking a pop at each other.
I deserve to be demoted for that faux pas-![]()
Hell! I know the story like the back of my hand General Order #191 was found by an Indiana infantryman called Mitchell just before Antietam/Sharpsburg
Where the heck did the Peninsula come from
But then again I'm only a Brit playing civil war
Embarrassed Reb
Don't be embarrassed Reb. I have it on good authority that a 5th Columnist from the Brave Flying Kites Regiment planted the order in order to promote mischief. So how could you have known..??
When can I expect my Rodgers Rangers reinforcements..?? Like, what's their ETA so's I can light the landing flares..??
They left this morning via Glasgow
Any idea what time the pubs chuck out up there Harry?
Super stuff! I like the tent is that home made? I take it the maps are printed off your pc? Thanks for continuing the story.
How many civil war figures do you have,it's a fantastic collection.I at one time collected civil war but I got rid of them to my everlasting regret.I had all the Troiani sets from Conte and some of the Art of War series from Britains.I had one called 20th Maine and 15th Alabama,a 3 set diorama set from 2003.They cost about $144.00 a set.I saw them on the web the other day and now they are selling for $ 425.00 for each set.Keep posting as I really enjoy them.
Hi Mark
Last count of my civil war boys was around 1150 figures-all metal-that's a few years collecting mind and still adding to it.
I have got those Britain sets you refer to but I always believed the sets were mis-named as 20th Maine and 15th Alabama as all 3 sets only had Rebs and some resin boulders as per Little Round Top terrain. The 20th Maine were issued as "Hold at all Costs" plus a 3 set add on which I also have.
I too have noticed that they fetch a fair price now but the Britain's ACW sets that go for real mega-bucks are "Lone Star" Confederates at Antietam and "Clear the Way" Union Irish Brigade at Fredericksburg both sets were issued in 1999 but I only bought the Union set plus the add on I never use the "Clear the Way" Yanks in my dios as they are, I believe, the only figures depicted in full winter rig.
A couple of months ago both of those sets went on ebayUK for £380.00 ($737.00) thats £380.00 for each set now that's what I call quite an increase on the £60.00 I paid back in '99. But I wish to heck I had bought the Reb sets as well.
Thanks for your interest