The American Civil War Diaries (6 Viewers)

Will we see the aftermath of the battle or.................


Considering that at the moment but might be a bit too gruesome for the forum some of participants diary entries were mighty vivid describing the scenes they witnessed :eek:

By the way did you notice in the latest chapter a couple of your TSSD plains cavalrymen converted and painted as Rebs? Thanks for shipping them they certainly came in handy especially for Dingler the Georgian flag bearer. You were right much easier carving up plastic than metal;)

I just posted on another thread that my desire to actually collect come"s from seeing some great dioramas at a museum in Gettysburg and I want you to know that yours ranks right there with the ones I saw at Gettysburg.
Well, those that find it too gruesome have the option to not look.

Yes, I did notice those two unfortunate fellows in there, I don't think the flagbearer is going to live to fight another day.

Glad to help in any small way I can and it is part of my never ending quest to convert metal collectors over to the dark side. (plastic)
Sensational story and images. Really top notch. I have always had a fascination with the entire Spring 64 campaign.Attended the 125th battle reenactment event that included the Wilderness, Laurel hill and the Mule shoe.Was on the left flank of the column about 4 ranks back charging the earthworks.
You've really captured the feeling with your collection. Hat's off.
Sensational story and images. Really top notch. I have always had a fascination with the entire Spring 64 campaign.Attended the 125th battle reenactment event that included the Wilderness, Laurel hill and the Mule shoe.Was on the left flank of the column about 4 ranks back charging the earthworks.
You've really captured the feeling with your collection. Hat's off.
Did you live?
Did you live?
No Ed.My 1864 self did not.
Wilderness,NO. Laurel Hill , YES, Muleshoe, NO, Overrun in Reb counter attack that broke through our left, behind us.So LOUD and so much smoke and being fixated on the attack to our front we didn't even see them coming.Got a nice jab in the ribs with a musket barrel , pushed down and trod upon by more than a few Johnnies pouring over the breastworks.
The event, The touring in Virginia , the History, was all an awesome and humbling experience.Been meaning to go back for several weeks just to tour.Someday.Sorry, didnt mean to hijack the thread.
No Ed.My 1864 self did not.
Wilderness,NO. Laurel Hill , YES, Muleshoe, NO, Overrun in Reb counter attack that broke through our left, behind us.So LOUD and so much smoke and being fixated on the attack to our front we didn't even see them coming.Got a nice jab in the ribs with a musket barrel , pushed down and trod upon by more than a few Johnnies pouring over the breastworks.
The event, The touring in Virginia , the History, was all an awesome and humbling experience.Been meaning to go back for several weeks just to tour.Someday.Sorry, didnt mean to hijack the thread.
Sounds like my paintball experience, my first time out I only survived one out of eight battles.
Colonel Upton had achieved what he set out to do-break through the Reb defenses. His troops now consolidated their line on the unfinished Rebel entrenchments to the rear of the salient. Upton now waited impatiently and watched for the promised Union brigades to support and cement his line.


After the fierce and bitter fighting a strange lull now settled over the newly christened battleground. Ammunition was replenished, fouled guns quickly cleaned and the Union wounded treated. Upton's men had captured eight pieces of Reb artillery and hundreds of prisoners who were now to be escorted back to the Federal lines.


First Lieutenant Charles B Harrington 121st New York was tasked with rounding up the Reb prisoners. Since joining his regiment at the beginning of this campaign he had seen many dead Rebels but here he noticed that some looked as though their tunics had been callously torn open. By whom? Surely his men were not robbing the dead.
"Corporal who did that to those men?"


"Who did what to 'em sir?"
"Who ripped their shirts off them like that?"
The corporal, a veteran since Second Manassas hid a smile beneath his whiskers and then said
"They did it themselves sir!" They did it to see if they was gut-shot. If you get gut-shot you're a dead man. It might not even hurt first, but the're aint a sawbones in either man's army can save a fella who's been gut-shot".


"So's they took a look see and those poor Reb devils....Well! they's knew they were dead before they were"

(This recorded incident was the last entry in Lt Harrington's diary. He was killed in action two days later at the Bloody Angle.)


But on another part of the captured line old friends met again. Captain William J Sperry 6th Vermont recognised the very familar face of Maj John C Key who had been assuring that the wounded Confederate soldiers were being seen to by a Union surgeon. As Sperry approached his close friend from their old army days Key smiled
"Hello Bill, I assume you will require my sword?"
"Only if you intend using it. My God John it's good to see you again. How long as it been?"
Key thought for awhile then said "April '61-Texas and those pesky Comanches"
Sperry grinned and said "Hell who'd of thought this damm war would have gone on so long?"
"Indeed! but there is an easy solution Bill. Allow us our independence and then we can both go home"


Sperry frowned "Not that simple John, politicians in Washington are determined to preserve the Union and then of course there is Emancipation"
"Bill the majority of the men in my brigade have never even seen a black person let alone own one. We fight for our states rights as written in the Tenth Amendment in the old Constitution" Key paused then added
"You do of course realise you will never hold this position. Very soon my boys will launch a counterattack and push you back over those ramparts. And we will continue this fight until none of us are left"
Sperry sighed "That maybe so-but for you old friend the war is over. And in case we don't see each other again I wish you luck John and hope you come out of this mess alive"
John Key smiled "If indeed fate should decree our paths do not cross again.....I'll see you in hell Bill Yank"
Sperry returned the smile "See you in hell John Reb"


And even as the old friends bid their farewells MG Stephen D Ramseur was rallying his North Carolina Brigade supported by the brigades of Steuart and Johnstone sent by General Ewell to shore up the breach that the surprise Union attack had opened


Upton had now waited almost 30 minutes but all he saw was an open field empty of the vast support he was to have received. Empty except for the scattered bodies of his own men who had fallen during his charge. Angrily he shouted out "What in God's name is Gershom Mott waiting for?"
As he was about to send a second message back to his lines shouts and heavy musket fire suddenly abrupted from behind him


The Rebs had launched their counterattack!


To be continued

UKReb;276144 [B said:
The Rebs had launched their counterattack![/B]


To be continued



Once again a classic piece of story telling and photos Reb....The Lt.
Bob, this just gets better and better! :cool: I think you deserve a beer at the London show later this month...;)

Absolutley brilliant Bob, just brilliant. I am so envious of all the different posed figures you have. And the Rebel battle line you created is just


Once again, superb attention to historical detail, a great story line, and a stage that allows the viewer to feel as though he were a front line participant. You make us all feel as if "we were there"

Thank you so much for continuing this brilliant effort my friend.:eek::cool: I just returned home to this episode and it is a wonderful way to start the weekend. I really do appreciate all the time, effort and expertise these vignettes reflect and I must admit to suffering withdrawal when you stretch out the schedule from time to time. I think this if my favorite series to date. I will be anxiously awaiting the next chapter, as usual.:cool::)
Outstanding as always Bob, great job, keep those stories and dioramas coming!!!!!!
Nicely displayed and narrated as always Bob. Always a pleaseure browsing through your work.

Looking forward to the next episode "Jackson's vacation in Gran Canaria - The Storming of the Beach Huts"
Nicely displayed and narrated as always Bob. Always a pleaseure browsing through your work.

Looking forward to the next episode "Jackson's vacation in Gran Canaria - The Storming of the Beach Huts"


I really am going to miss you in March-Roll on June;)


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