As always many thanks for your very supportive comments and suggestions-your continued interest in the thread makes it well worthwhile putting this potted history of the ACW (Eastern theater) together in toy soldier form.
I do have every one of the scenes from Gettysburg to Spotsylvania on disc and am seriously considering doing something along the lines of what Kevin has done with the K&C book-especially after having a long chat with him at the London show. Even though he told me to be prepared to lose money on it I am still fond of the idea of it being a unique way of presenting a history of the struggle between the States and I don't think it's been done before. I could even throw in the Alamo story as a preface or post-script

Your "Mule Shoe" fight is up next and it's big, it's violent and it's bloody-just as you like it
Thanks again guys
Nous Somme Touts Sauvages ? I had convinced myself that that particular diodrama had not drawn that much interest from other froggers and was the reason I cut it short......Hmmmm!