Many thanks for your kind comments and by all means I will forward you a full step by step tutorial on how to knock up one of the Reb's cannon/shell explosions. I don't believe there would be enough interest in it to warrant a thread on the forum for as you well know, unfortunately, the American Civil War comes bottom of the class in interest on here and to get the full impact for the shot you definitely need figures that appear to be thrown up in the air- if you know what I mean- and currently only Conte ACW/Alamo figures fit that scenario-as far as I'm aware unless of course you do what I do and convert figures to fit the impact of an explosive shell or canister. Therefore when complete I'll e-mail it to you. Please be patient as it will take awhile.
I am sure that is correct, just as there are legion here interested in Bob's ACW magic. To paraphase Quigley, "just because we don't collect it, doesn't mean we don't like to see it."Bob I think there would be plenty of members interested in a explosion tutorial. I know I certainly would be !!!
Many thanks for your kind comments and by all means I will forward you a full step by step tutorial on how to knock up one of the Reb's cannon/shell explosions. I don't believe there would be enough interest in it to warrant a thread on the forum for as you well know, unfortunately, the American Civil War comes bottom of the class in interest on here and to get the full impact for the shot you definitely need figures that appear to be thrown up in the air- if you know what I mean- and currently only Conte ACW/Alamo figures fit that scenario-as far as I'm aware unless of course you do what I do and convert figures to fit the impact of an explosive shell or canister. Therefore when complete I'll e-mail it to you. Please be patient as it will take awhile.
Many thanks for your kind comments and by all means I will forward you a full step by step tutorial on how to knock up one of the Reb's cannon/shell explosions. I don't believe there would be enough interest in it to warrant a thread on the forum for as you well know, unfortunately, the American Civil War comes bottom of the class in interest on here and to get the full impact for the shot you definitely need figures that appear to be thrown up in the air- if you know what I mean- and currently only Conte ACW/Alamo figures fit that scenario-as far as I'm aware unless of course you do what I do and convert figures to fit the impact of an explosive shell or canister. Therefore when complete I'll e-mail it to you. Please be patient as it will take awhile.
Another marvelous chapter and history lesson; as always I am thrilled with both.Once again you also demonstrate your mastery of figure choice and placement, terrain and accessories. I wish I knew the figure lines for this period well enough to ferret out the modifications but I am left with just appreciating how well they communicate your detailed historical scenes. BRAVO again my friend, BRAVO.
Excellent thread Bob, as always you make the story come to life.Thank you Joe, Mike, Bill, Konrad
That was indeed a sad day for the Confederacy when they lost Stuart and it sped downhill fast for them after that