Four Star General
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The Battle of Five Forks-"The Confederacy's Waterloo"
City Point-Virginia 31st March 1865 Grant's HQ.
Following President Lincoln & Sherman's departure Grant and Meade assembled Sheridan and his Cavalry Corps Commanders.
"General Sheridan your Cavalry Corps supported by two Pennsylvania Infantry regiments from II Corps will move around the enemy right flank. Swing south then head north and wreck their railroad supply. Once we take his supply route Petersburg and Richmond will fall. Grant paused:
"My one concern is that Lee will break out and try to link up with Johnston's army. If he does we will pursue him whilst Bill Sherman keeps Johnston pinned down in North Carolina"
Sheridan uttered "General Grant, Lee and his army will not slip past me and my boys. Who will be covering the left flank?"
Grant replied "Warren's V Corps and I ensure you he will be in position by noon tomorrow. Wait for his signal and then co-ordinate a pincer attack"
Lee's spies had immediately notified Lee of Sheridan's movements. He rode with Longstreet- First Corps Commander-now returned to the army after recovering from his wounds received in the Wilderness- and located General George Pickett and his division at Five Forks Junction. Lee addressed the diminutive Virginian
"General, today Sheridan attacked us at Dinwiddie Court House and was repelled by General Heth's Division. It is my belief those people (Lee never referred to the Union army as the enemy always as "those people") will move towards here at Five Forks to try and outflank us and capture the Southside Railroad. You sir, must hold this position at all hazards. General Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry will support you on the left flank".
Pickett pledged he would hold the position, Lee saluted and rode off. Longstreet looked sternly at his Divisional commander
"George, you must hold this line to the last man"
3 PM 1st April 1865-Union Cavalry position right flank of the Confederate Line.
Cavalry Commanders MG Wesley Merritt & MG G A Custer found the area in front of the Confederate position impractical for mounted operations. They ordered their troopers to dismount and attack on foot. They had waited nearly three hours for a messenger from Warren's V Corps but nobody came.
For the anxious cavalrymen forced to lie inactive before a vigilant and formidable enemy, watching the lengthening shadows, which marked the waning of the day, the waiting seemed an eternity.
But Warren and his Corps had been impeded by muddy fields and tangled undergrowth. Also they were unable to locate the Confederate left flank according to their maps. Warren and his Corps would not be in position until 4.00 pm
A furious Sheridan relieved Warren and placed MG Griffin in command of V Corps. They attacked the hastily erected Confederate left flank and smashed through the Reb line. Whilst Custer and Merritt charged the right
The Rebs poured Minies into the Federal line but nothing was going to stop them as "them damm Yankees came on like a blue avalanche"
One 56th North Carolina infantryman noted "our old flag was shot to pieces, nothing but a bunch of rags tied to a stick, but we tried to stand by it like a wall of iron"
The Union soldiers swarmed on all sides of the Confederate line and the Rebs noticed their tattered old banner slowly sink out of sight
The fighting was fierce and bloody until the Rebs were completely overlapped by superior Union numbers. No matter how adept the junior commanders were they could not co-ordinate their actions without guidance from their Divisional Commanders. With no support forthcoming the Confederate defence slowly began to break
The Infamous Shad Bake
So where were the Confederate Divisional Commanders?
When Pickett didn't see any action developing to his front by 3.00pm he decided to accept MG Tom Rosser's invitation to the Virginian tradition of a shad bake. Pickett and FitzHugh Lee without informing anyone where they were going rode to Hatcher's Run two miles to the rear which was surrounded by thick woodland that muffled any sounds of gunfire and cannon.
As Pickett and Lee munched on the tasty fish both were completely unaware that the whole Confederate line at Five Forks was close to collapse.
The Reb
Bob, what I love about your work, and this is a perfect example, is the way you make figures from different producers work together in a seamless fashion. In the Reb charge here it looks to me like they are Collectors showcase boys at the front and leading the way, but can I ask which other producers figures you have in say the background of the Union ranks?. They just work so well and its this I hope to replicate when I finally get going.