The Glory of Rome (4 Viewers)

I'm thinking the mounted figure is a Decurion of the Cohors Equitata or other auxiliary cavalry and I cant wait to get my grubby hands on him.

I am thinking that a Praetorian doesnt work as I cannot immediately see the conncection with Legio 1 Minerva. But,,,,,could simply be a subset- if it is a Praetorian then we will eventually see a mounted Emperor (Trajan?)

Best regards
I'm thinking the mounted figure is a Decurion of the Cohors Equitata or other auxiliary cavalry and I cant wait to get my grubby hands on him.

I am thinking that a Praetorian doesnt work as I cannot immediately see the conncection with Legio 1 Minerva. But,,,,,could simply be a subset- if it is a Praetorian then we will eventually see a mounted Emperor (Trajan?)

Best regards

Hmm, I don't know. The small pic on FL's site sure looks like the shoulder pieces for lorica segmentata. I can't remember seeing a pic of either mail or scale armor with such shoulder plates. I guess it it possible such a figure is a cavalryman, but I doubt it. Such segmented armor would have been much more rigid than mail or scale, which would create specific problems to being on horseback.

On another note, I found an really in-depth article from the Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies concerning the segmented armor. It is a very detailed study of the development and use of this armor. Kind of interesting, if a guy wants to check it out.

Cool Noah, that's an excellent journal. will no doubt check out the article.

Guess we are in a hold position till Matt stops teasing!! {sm4}
Cool Noah, that's an excellent journal. will no doubt check out the article.

Guess we are in a hold position till Matt stops teasing!! {sm4}

Yeah, it will be interesting to see what the figure winds up being. I don't think Matt minds all the speculation....

Thanks for the link Noah. I will definitely check it out.
I see ROM001 has re-appeared with BACK ORDER - THIS PRODUCT WILL BE RESTOCKED next to it

I think we can all agree how popular this 'Glory of Rome' range has been, even with only one release so far! The fact that ROM001 sold out so quickly and is being restocked indicates this is one of the better sellers for FL. That can only mean bigger and better things for this range, as the support for it is obviously present among collectors.

I see ROM001 has re-appeared with BACK ORDER - THIS PRODUCT WILL BE RESTOCKED next to it


Great News....Many thanks to Matt and First Legion for re-releasing and restocking ROM001....At least this company "is trying" to provide wanted items to their "loyal customer base".....Romans line looks excellent indeed and seems to be quite popular....A win/win for FL and collectors....and foils the plans for greedy speculators......Thank you.....FIRST LEGION RULES{bravo}}
It is great to see ROM001 being restocked . . . I have already called my supplier and have had one of these reserved for me when they become available.
:smile2: Mike
Just a couple quick shots from the diorama I made myself. I can't wait till the end of April when the Germans arrive!


Great shots of your collection in action Joe . . . Nicely done . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Thanks Mike. Got your eyes set on any one of those Germans in particular? I really like the German standard bearer and the German charging with the axe.
Thanks Mike. Got your eyes set on any one of those Germans in particular? I really like the German standard bearer and the German charging with the axe.

I have ROM025 "3-figure vignette" and ROM030 "Charging w/Axe" preordered . . .
:smile2: Mike
Q. Titurius Sabinus made a fatal decision in 54BC when he agreed to come to terms with Ambiorix. Ambiorix agreed to let Caesars 14th Legion abandon their winter quarters under the assumption that the 14th Legion would have safe passage back to their lines. Sabinus who trusted Ambiorix as a former friend and ally to Caesar agreed to terms in belief that Ambiorix would hold true to his his word. Unfortunately for Sabinus the legion was attacked on the trail no less then 2 miles from their winter quarters. The 14th caught of guard and panicked held their ground and formed several orbs (just for you Mike) to hold off the onslaught. Fierce fighting carried on from the morning into the afternoon until Sabinus believed he could talk sense into Ambiorix. As both sides restrained from fighting for negotiations Sabinus assembled his entire high command with the exception of second in charge Aurunculeius Cotta to meet with Ambiorix and his followers. As Cotta looked on from within a orb he watched in horror as Sabinus and all the command staff were cut to pieces by Ambiorix and his men. Ambiorix then resumed the attack on the Romans. Cotta who was very critical of Sabinus decision in the first place fell in battle while a small contingent of Romans were able to make it back to the fort where they decided to commit mass suicide.

This is my rendition of those events. I know the armor doesn't match up since this was before Imperial times but I was always fascinated by the story and appalled by the decision making which led to the 14th Legion being wiped out.

Q. Titurius Sabinus made a fatal decision in 54BC when he agreed to come to terms with Ambiorix. Ambiorix agreed to let Caesars 14th Legion abandon their winter quarters under the assumption that the 14th Legion would have safe passage back to their lines. Sabinus who trusted Ambiorix as a former friend and ally to Caesar agreed to terms in belief that Ambiorix would hold true to his his word. Unfortunately for Sabinus the legion was attacked on the trail no less then 2 miles from their winter quarters. The 14th caught of guard and panicked held their ground and formed several orbs (just for you Mike) to hold off the onslaught. Fierce fighting carried on from the morning into the afternoon until Sabinus believed he could talk sense into Ambiorix. As both sides restrained from fighting for negotiations Sabinus assembled his entire high command with the exception of second in charge Aurunculeius Cotta to meet with Ambiorix and his followers. As Cotta looked on from within a orb he watched in horror as Sabinus and all the command staff were cut to pieces by Ambiorix and his men. Ambiorix then resumed the attack on the Romans. Cotta who was very critical of Sabinus decision in the first place fell in battle while a small contingent of Romans were able to make it back to the fort where they decided to commit mass suicide.

This is my rendition of those events. I know the armor doesn't match up since this was before Imperial times but I was always fascinated by the story and appalled by the decision making which led to the 14th Legion being wiped out.


Hi Sahara!
Great pic and very nice display! I like the fill light{bravo}}
And thanks for the historical datas.
You can't even tell that these are miniatures.Great job.
Thanks Mark and Xavier. I never get tired of these FL pieces. Everyday it seems to be a new experience with them. FL truly makes some terrific stuff.

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