Things that annoy me (4 Viewers)

The NFL Pro Bowl game. Ridiculous. After playing a 17-game schedule, a couple of playoff games, and then having to play in this meaningless game. Another product of pure greed. I can't imagine anyone watching it.
Academy Award Best Pictures nominations. As usual, I haven't seen most of these. The couple that I have seen were awful. "The Power of the Dog" - saw it. Fell asleep several times. No idea what it was supposed to be about. An artsy film without the art. "Nightmare Alley" - a snooze fest. Some great production values but boring movie. And are they kidding with "West Side Story"? Good grief. I'm not saying they should nominate "Fast and Furious 9" but some of these nominations are the product of out of touch woke Hollywood. Shocking.
Academy Award Best Pictures nominations. As usual, I haven't seen most of these. The couple that I have seen were awful. "The Power of the Dog" - saw it. Fell asleep several times. No idea what it was supposed to be about. An artsy film without the art. "Nightmare Alley" - a snooze fest. Some great production values but boring movie. And are they kidding with "West Side Story"? Good grief. I'm not saying they should nominate "Fast and Furious 9" but some of these nominations are the product of out of touch woke Hollywood. Shocking.

I stopped watching the Academy Awards when Saving Private Ryan got boned, if you win best director, 99.999% of the time, the picture you directed also wins, not some broken toilet of a movie 5 people went and saw, that was all on Weinstein throwing his Hollywood weight around, the piece of **** that he is.

And I don't need a sanctimonious lecture on world affairs from some vapid moron with a high school education; just take you statue and get off the stage, no one cares what your world views are.
Academy Award Best Pictures nominations. As usual, I haven't seen most of these. The couple that I have seen were awful. "The Power of the Dog" - saw it. Fell asleep several times. No idea what it was supposed to be about.

Saw this explanation online: The Power of the Dog ultimately tells a story about toxic masculinity, sexuality, and how they can lead to a person's destruction. Campion taps into the male ego, as she compared the film's meaning to Donald Trump.

Feel pretty safe saying I will not be watching this one.
Saw this explanation online: The Power of the Dog ultimately tells a story about toxic masculinity, sexuality, and how they can lead to a person's destruction. Campion taps into the male ego, as she compared the film's meaning to Donald Trump.

Feel pretty safe saying I will not be watching this one.

Read this movie is the odds on favorite to win an Oscar. Yawn. ^&cool Oscars presentation may beat out the Olympics for least watched show.
From the Academy nominees for best picture I have seen "Power of the Dog"," Don't Look Up" and "Belfast". All were disappointing to me.
"Power of the Dog" left me with no clue what they were trying to convey although when I read the reviews I kind of got it. I thought Kirsten Dunst
did a good acting job but otherwise not worth watching. I polled my "intellectual" and "more artsy" friends and they all felt the same way.
"Belfast" had the most potential due to its subject matter but also left me with little enthusiasm. The characters and story were very dry in what should
have been a very emotional story.
"Don't Look Up" had a great cast but honestly I turned it off after 45 minutes or so.
I will probably watch the others just to be fair but not really looking forward to it.

I do enjoy the nominees for best "Shorts" and "animated features".
Super Bowl commercials. I had to suffer through hours of those yesterday. They apparently think that if you insert a celebrity (many of whom I didn't recognize) into a commercial that it will be funny or interesting. Wrong! I couldn't even tell what a lot of them were advertising. Imagine what they pay these folks to appear in an ad. Unreal.
Super Bowl commercials. I had to suffer through hours of those yesterday. They apparently think that if you insert a celebrity (many of whom I didn't recognize) into a commercial that it will be funny or interesting. Wrong! I couldn't even tell what a lot of them were advertising. Imagine what they pay these folks to appear in an ad. Unreal.

The one with Larry David in it was pretty funny; the rest were hot garbage.

And if I see one more ad for an electric car/truck/whatever, I'm going to scream..............I get the feeling gas powered vehicles are going to be phased out and we'll all be forced into buying electric cars/SUV's............great.
Oscars presentation may beat out the Olympics for least watched show.

Funny you mention that as an article I read on the Academy Awards indicates viewers are tuning out at an alarming rate; the main reason is the movies that have been nominated for best picture the past several years.

Used to be a time where the most popular movies/top grossing movies were the majority of the movies nominated vs now where movies no one is seeing are getting nominated, the message being sent is "the general public is too stupid to know what a best picture really is, so we'll nominate them and show you what good taste is all about."

Sounds like that was a solid plan as viewership continues to plunge..................
Super Bowl commercials. I had to suffer through hours of those yesterday. They apparently think that if you insert a celebrity (many of whom I didn't recognize) into a commercial that it will be funny or interesting. Wrong! I couldn't even tell what a lot of them were advertising. Imagine what they pay these folks to appear in an ad. Unreal.

I can honestly say that I have never purchased anything based on a commercial.

Advertising is a bill of useless goods sold to people who make things.

The two best examples are Apple and car companies.

Everyone knows about every new Apple product via the news so there is no need to spend millions on stuff everyone already knows about.

And car companies? They are even more stupid (if that was possible). Why have commercials when your product is literally advertised for free anytime someone drives a car.
The one with Larry David in it was pretty funny; the rest were hot garbage.

And if I see one more ad for an electric car/truck/whatever, I'm going to scream..............I get the feeling gas powered vehicles are going to be phased out and we'll all be forced into buying electric cars/SUV's............great.

Well George, as you may know, new gas powered vehicle sales will be banned in the UK in the future. That will surely be pushed here at some point. Chris
I can honestly say that I have never purchased anything based on a commercial.

Advertising is a bill of useless goods sold to people who make things.

The two best examples are Apple and car companies.

Everyone knows about every new Apple product via the news so there is no need to spend millions on stuff everyone already knows about.

And car companies? They are even more stupid (if that was possible). Why have commercials when your product is literally advertised for free anytime someone drives a car.

Yes, I don't understand the economics of it. It must cost $10-20 million or more to hire a Hollywood star to appear in a commercial, produce the commercial, and then buy the airtime during the Super Bowl. Does any entity increase sales by that much as a result of the commercial? It doesn't seem likely that a car or beer company sells another $20 million worth of product due to the commercial to pay for this. The money still flows, though, like the mighty Mississippi. A local plumber needs to advertise to get business but Budweiser or Ford not so much.
Well George, as you may know, new gas powered vehicle sales will be banned in the UK in the future. That will surely be pushed here at some point. Chris

Every time the wind blows around here, the power goes out, what happens if a major storm rolls through and people are without power for days/weeks like in NJ/PA during Hurricane Sandy or in Texas with the ice storm last year; if you can't charge your phone or keep the heat on, how are you supposed to charge your electric car?

Will every home now have a charging station for electric cars and what is that going to cost?

Dumb, dumb, dumb; if you want to buy an electric car in order to save the local squirrel population, then fine, good for you, but don't force the rest of us to.
Every time the wind blows around here, the power goes out, what happens if a major storm rolls through and people are without power for days/weeks like in NJ/PA during Hurricane Sandy or in Texas with the ice storm last year; if you can't charge your phone or keep the heat on, how are you supposed to charge your electric car?

Will every home now have a charging station for electric cars and what is that going to cost?

Dumb, dumb, dumb; if you want to buy an electric car in order to save the local squirrel population, then fine, good for you, but don't force the rest of us to.

I like the Chevy Silverado commercial showing powering a house with the truck. The commercial makes it sound like the truck is some sort of magical, unlimited source of power. They obscure the fact that the truck's battery has to be charged, to power anything. And there are people who don't realize that.

Every time the wind blows around here, the power goes out, what happens if a major storm rolls through and people are without power for days/weeks like in NJ/PA during Hurricane Sandy or in Texas with the ice storm last year; if you can't charge your phone or keep the heat on, how are you supposed to charge your electric car?

Will every home now have a charging station for electric cars and what is that going to cost?

Dumb, dumb, dumb; if you want to buy an electric car in order to save the local squirrel population, then fine, good for you, but don't force the rest of us to.

Get a generator...I have a generator powered by propane with a tank buried in my back yard. It keeps most of my house operating and can last for up to three weeks.
My children have electric cars and love them, saving lots of money on gas. I haven't decided to make the switch, however. Pro's and con's for both sides.
They don't even know if they have enough resources to make all the batteries they will need. Wind power,solar power won't be able to keep up with the demand for electric for housing.People don't realize that the use for fossil fuels in many products is enormous.People are scared of nuclear power.Change like this has to be fazed in over a long period of time.And how many would be able to afford a electric car?They are going to put a wind farm along our coast and it may destroy the fishing industry.Plus the rest of the world are going to continue the old ways so all this is a waste of time and money,especially our money.
Things That Annoy Me! If you can't do anything about something that annoys you, then accept that you can't and move on to something that's more constructive . . .

Bosun Al
Get a generator...I have a generator powered by propane with a tank buried in my back yard. It keeps most of my house operating and can last for up to three weeks.
My children have electric cars and love them, saving lots of money on gas. I haven't decided to make the switch, however. Pro's and con's for both sides.

I live in a condo complex, they don't allow generators.

We wanted to put in zoned AC and heating for the master bedroom with one of those wall mounted units, they'd need to drill holes in the interior walls and run a line down to the can do, so they sure as **** aren't going to allow a generator either.
I live in a condo complex, they don't allow generators.

We wanted to put in zoned AC and heating for the master bedroom with one of those wall mounted units, they'd need to drill holes in the interior walls and run a line down to the can do, so they sure as **** aren't going to allow a generator either.

Get a Franklin stove and start chopping some wood....LOL
Fast food restaurants that are drive thru only. I don't want to wait 20+ minutes in line to get food that will be cold by the time I get home. Half the fast food places have indoor dinning open. Why not the rest? BTW, was this topic previously posted. ^&confuse Chris

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