Things that annoy me (5 Viewers)

I'm not sure who designed the merges onto the interstate highways in PA but they clearly did not anticipate a sea of traffic and trucks. We have many of those short suicide merge lanes when you have about two seconds before the merge lane ends. Those that stop in the merge lane are doomed to sit there. Only the most reckless or ignorant of the dangers have success in that situation. It's a reverse form of Darwinism at work. Devolution flourishes in the age of idiocracy.

Yeah short merge lanes can be scary. But with long merge lanes you often get long unbroken lines that you're not meant to cross even if there's a break in the traffic. So you have to keep going until you reach the broken lines near the end, usually I just go FU lines, I'm crossing early. The bonus is you get past the slow dudes in front quicker ^&grin
A thread titled "Things that annoy me" is almost destined to degenerate into a huge fracas.

Will watch and see.
Reading about horrific crime after horrific crime. A couple of teenagers in Iowa beat their Spanish teacher to death with a baseball bat. Some guy in NYC rubbed human feces on a random woman in the subway. An elderly woman was apparently pushed by a random woman on the street causing her to hit her head and die. Another elderly woman was the victim of a carjacking in which her arm was caught in the seat belt. She was dragged by the car until her arm was ripped off and she died. And that is just from the news this week.
They need to put these animals away and throw away a the key. I don't care if they had a bad childhood or not.Innocent people shouldn't have to pay for the way their lives turned out.
A thread titled "Things that annoy me" is almost destined to degenerate into a huge fracas.

Will watch and see.

Plenty of things annoy me, but not sure I could be bothered posting about them......

Like you will watch and see and grab some popcorn. :tongue:^&grin
A thread titled "Things that annoy me" is almost destined to degenerate into a huge fracas.

Will watch and see.

You and others do understand that 99% of the things myself and others include Doug/Combat post about is dripping with, these things really do not annoy us, we're just using sarcasm.

This is the reason why I stopped posting in the sports threads; too many of my sarcastic comments were interpreted as to how I actually think/feel.

Ever go to a comedy club and listen to the comedians; their sets are based on sarcasm and relatable comments that folks in the audience can identify with and find funny................"OMG, I too find it comically annoying when I go to someones house party and they insist everyone take their shoes off, so people are all walking around in socks looking like morons!!".........................

Check out Sebastian Maniscalco, his entire act is based on sarcasm and things that people can relate to, same with Bill Burr, none of what they say is actually how they feel.

Do you or anyone else really think I give about some imbecile cruising along at 70MPH in the passing/high speed lane and refusing to move out of the way?

Knock yourself out and sit in that lane all you want, makes me no nevermind................but it's funny to rail about it.
would be hilarious to see this in Frank Caprio's, "Caught in Providence", traffic court show...

"Well son...the speed limit was 70 got a ticket for going 83 mph...were you speeding?"

"Yes sir...but I was in the fast lane."

" you understand what the maximum speed limit is?"

"Yes your honor, but I was in the fast lane."

" the bailiff $137.00."
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Frank is a national treasure, he's the best.

A friend of mine who's a MA state trooper once told me "I don't pull anyone over unless they're driving 85+...........anything less than that, to me they're in the flow of traffic not bothering anyone."

Sounds about right.

Not gonna lie; I've got a bit of a lead foot, always have, going back to my teenage years, had fast car after fast car as a kid, my SUV has some balls, that's for sure.

Since thanks to this country's new broken toilet of an energy policy that has driven gas up to over 4.00 a gallon, I now drive a lot slower and do not ramp up my acceleration................I used to gas up every other week, I now gas up every three weeks.

Thanks Joe for making me more energy conscious!!! I have to bend over and shell out 85.00 once a month basically instead of twice a month.

85.00 to fill my tank; disgusting.
You and others do understand that 99% of the things myself and others include Doug/Combat post about is dripping with, these things really do not annoy us, we're just using sarcasm.

This is the reason why I stopped posting in the sports threads; too many of my sarcastic comments were interpreted as to how I actually think/feel.

Ever go to a comedy club and listen to the comedians; their sets are based on sarcasm and relatable comments that folks in the audience can identify with and find funny................"OMG, I too find it comically annoying when I go to someones house party and they insist everyone take their shoes off, so people are all walking around in socks looking like morons!!".........................

Check out Sebastian Maniscalco, his entire act is based on sarcasm and things that people can relate to, same with Bill Burr, none of what they say is actually how they feel.

Do you or anyone else really think I give about some imbecile cruising along at 70MPH in the passing/high speed lane and refusing to move out of the way?

Knock yourself out and sit in that lane all you want, makes me no nevermind................but it's funny to rail about it.

Fair enough explanation but my comment still stands.

Things have been quite around here for a while so hopefully we will have some "excitement " here soon
Ok, I will sum it up with this post while sincerely hoping this thread continues forever and ever:

Things that annoy me?

This thread………
This thread started in 2019. Mostly a source of good fun without any acrimony in over three years. There are song title and happy birthday threads for those that can't cope with some fun. Don't start up here and ruin it.
I've posted a few entries here that I consider a harmless way to vent about some minor annoyances. I don't follow professional sports anymore, particularly MLB. But I don't go on that thread and criticize the comments there. I just ignore it. Just some friendly advice for those "annoyed" with this thread. Chris
The Oscar's. What a circus. I didn't even realize it was on last night but caught the Will Smith incident by accident. Thought it was a fake at first because they didn't show the whole thing in real time. Unreal. And then after committing assault they give him a standing ovation! Got to love that Hollywood crowd. They love Harvey Weinstein and Roman Polanski as well. At least "Power of the Dog" didn't win best picture. That would have been the final straw. Awful.
that was a little much....should of been done in private...but Chris Rock stepped over the line...sometimes you think you're being funny...but I can see why Smith did it...
The Oscar's. What a circus. I didn't even realize it was on last night but caught the Will Smith incident by accident. Thought it was a fake at first because they didn't show the whole thing in real time. Unreal. And then after committing assault they give him a standing ovation! Got to love that Hollywood crowd. They love Harvey Weinstein and Roman Polanski as well. At least "Power of the Dog" didn't win best picture. That would have been the final straw. Awful.

For a guy who played Ali, that was some weak sauce.............either that or Chris Rock has a steel jaw, the man can take a punch, I'll give him that.

1917, Dunkirk, The Mule, American Sniper, Fury.................those are the last times I've been to a theatre.

Other than someone sending me a clip of that punch, I didn't watch .02 seconds of that nonsense.
For a guy who played Ali, that was some weak sauce.............either that or Chris Rock has a steel jaw, the man can take a punch, I'll give him that.

1917, Dunkirk, The Mule, American Sniper, Fury.................those are the last times I've been to a theatre.

Other than someone sending me a clip of that punch, I didn't watch .02 seconds of that nonsense.

I think it was more of a *****slap George.
For a guy who played Ali, that was some weak sauce.............either that or Chris Rock has a steel jaw, the man can take a punch, I'll give him that.

1917, Dunkirk, The Mule, American Sniper, Fury.................those are the last times I've been to a theatre.

Other than someone sending me a clip of that punch, I didn't watch .02 seconds of that nonsense.

Imagine the ego and out of control mind set of a guy who thinks he can walk on a stage in front of a TV audience of maybe 100 million or more and slap someone. Then turn around and accept an award. Where are the police and security at these events? Chris Rock has to "press charges" to keep from being assaulted by this nitwit when the incident occurred on television? Did Lee Harvey Oswald have to press charges against Jack Ruby? And imagine the Hollywood robots jumping to their feet and applauding Smith right after that assault. The kicker is that this will turn out to be the best thing to happen to the Oscars and Smith given all the publicity for a dying show. I haven't seen Will Smith since he was on that TV show a hundred years ago. There will be a huge Oprah interview bringing them all together and making millions.
Amy Schumer was a co-hostess, reason enough for me to not watch the Oscars, again. She lives in a $12M apartment, thus being the first comedian in history to earn a million bucks for every person on earth who thinks she's funny. Chris
I think it was more of a *****slap George.

After reading this, I went back and watched it again..........a slap....................mother of God.

Surprised he didn't take off a glove and slap him with it and then challenge him to a duel.
After reading this, I went back and watched it again..........a slap....................mother of God.

Surprised he didn't take off a glove and slap him with it and then challenge him to a duel.

Maybe the saddest part of this spectacle is how the audience reacted. They reminded me of those lackeys who had to applaud like maniacs whenever Joseph Stalin spoke to avoid going to the Gulag. They were terrified not to applaud Smith when he won his award because they might be accused of racism and risk being marginalized or never working again. It's actually fairly scary that even the Hollywood elites might lose their jobs for not being deemed to be in compliance with the agenda. All the media talk is about the reaction of the Academy and whether Smith's Oscar might be taken away. But not a single commenter is asking why he wasn't arrested at the event. Where are the police and security when someone is assaulted right before their eyes? I don't get it. If anyone other than a Hollywood star had done that, they would be in jail.

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