Things that annoy me (1 Viewer)

Record droughts. Read an article about Lake Powell is lowest level in 100 years.

It's a national security issue for much of California and the west to be at the mercy of the whims of nature. Tens of millions of Americans with a water shortage. California sits on an inexhaustible supply of water. But no effort has apparently been made by the corrupt politicians to find any solution. Israel and other countries have had desalination plants for years. The US is sending billions to Ukraine and other countries that is stolen or goes to some unknown purpose but no one wants to spend money on this.
Airlines. Wife and I just came back from a short vacation. Three out of four flights there and back delayed by an hour or more. Makes it tough to make a connecting flight. And what's with the half dozen+ boarding priorities? :rolleyes2: Chris
Airlines. Wife and I just came back from a short vacation. Three out of four flights there and back delayed by an hour or more. Makes it tough to make a connecting flight. And what's with the half dozen+ boarding priorities? :rolleyes2: Chris

Yes, I've had the same experiences recently. The airlines are the greediest most incompetent entities going. It's a miracle that flying is so safe. I give them credit for that much but they received billions in bailouts and treat their customers like dirt. Try calling their customer service line sometime when you have about six hours to spare. The media wonders why people on planes are punching each other out. LOL. They have been put through the ringer just to get on the plane and then are crushed together like sardines. Yet another example of devolution in the age of idiocracy.
Airlines. Wife and I just came back from a short vacation. Three out of four flights there and back delayed by an hour or more. Makes it tough to make a connecting flight. And what's with the half dozen+ boarding priorities? :rolleyes2: Chris

Bill Burr the comedian does a great bit about the boarding priorities policy during one of his visits with Conan back in the day.............
Getting charged almost $20 for an e-book. Almost as much as a real book they have to print, transport, and sell in a bookstore.
Bad enough they just put into effect the anti-plastic law into effect.Whether it's justified or not I don't know but I don't believe the state very much.If you read the law you will be confused more than before.You can use certain bags if this happens or that happens but only if the store is a certain size. They aren't allowed to put plastic straws out but if you ask for one they can give you one.:confused:.Give me back the old days. There might have been more dirt and pollution and much less safety laws but people had longer life spans back then than they do now.They also had more fun and had a sense of humor.
Bad enough they just put into effect the anti-plastic law into effect.Whether it's justified or not I don't know but I don't believe the state very much.If you read the law you will be confused more than before.You can use certain bags if this happens or that happens but only if the store is a certain size. They aren't allowed to put plastic straws out but if you ask for one they can give you one.:confused:.Give me back the old days. There might have been more dirt and pollution and much less safety laws but people had longer life spans back then than they do now.They also had more fun and had a sense of humor.

We have a plastics ban, grocery bags, takeout containers, utensils, straws, etc in Hawaii. At first, you feel bummed, but then you get used it. After awhile, it becomes no big deal and think its a good thing. When you see micro plastics on the beach and floating on the water, you realize we have to take these steps.

They suck.

Their service sucks, they've raised their rates THREE times in the past year and are still losing money.

All first class packages including regular mail now can only travel a certain distance per day; so slower service for more money, letters are taking forever to arrive on the other end, including bills, so people are getting hammered with late fees.

NOW, any package over a certain size, they whack you with a surcharge, anywhere from 15.00 to 45.00....................UPS on large packages are cheaper. One USPS package to MD was NINETY FIVE dollars, same package UPS was 58.97.

They can kiss my ***, I'm done with them.
"...any package over a certain size, they whack you with a surcharge, anywhere from 15.00 to 45.00....................UPS on large packages are cheaper. One USPS package to MD was NINETY FIVE dollars, same package UPS was 58.97."

Thanks for the info George. I switched to USPS yrs ago as they were cheaper than UPS. Didn't know the rates had changed that much. BTW, The Brown stores were much cheaper to ship thru UPS until UPS bought them out and immediately raised the rates. Chris
Gas prices here jumped 45 cents a gallon literally overnight. That's a 15% increase. :mad: Chris
We have a plastics ban, grocery bags, takeout containers, utensils, straws, etc in Hawaii. At first, you feel bummed, but then you get used it. After awhile, it becomes no big deal and think its a good thing. When you see micro plastics on the beach and floating on the water, you realize we have to take these steps.

As I checked into this I more I found that a lot of plastics are being found in animals.I remember my cousin a while back contacting cat food companies telling them there was something like plastic in the food.I guess the animals that we eat have harmful toxins in them,especially marine life from the plastics.So I guess this is a good thing.The only thing I don't understand is the checkout guy at Wal-Mart told me that you have to bag your stuff, they are not allowed.I know that's going to make for long lines.
"...any package over a certain size, they whack you with a surcharge, anywhere from 15.00 to 45.00....................UPS on large packages are cheaper. One USPS package to MD was NINETY FIVE dollars, same package UPS was 58.97."

Thanks for the info George. I switched to USPS yrs ago as they were cheaper than UPS. Didn't know the rates had changed that much. BTW, The Brown stores were much cheaper to ship thru UPS until UPS bought them out and immediately raised the rates. Chris

USPS is nuts with this new surcharge and it's not cheap, in some cases, it's DOUBLE the actual cost of the shipping, only small boxes for me from now on, all larger boxes will go to UPS and yes, UPS whacks you just about every time with some "rural route surcharge" and a gas surcharge.............sorry, I find it hard to believe every one of my customers live in the middle of nowhere.

Gas surcharge? So now you're going to charge me for gas.................I should try that one "Yeah, so I shipped your box, it was 5.25, had to tack on a 75 cent gas surcharge"................
Graduation announcements. This one comes out about this time every year. I don't mind announcements from close friends and family members. What annoys me are the ones from people we haven't heard from in years. We sent one woman a Christmas card and gift for her child. No reply/acknowledgement and didn't hear from her for 11 yrs. And lo and behold we get a letter about what great friends we are and a graduation announcement. We haven't heard a peep out of some of these people and they think we're obligated to send money. No shame.
Standing in Soviet-era lines to buy something in the year 2022. I went to a hockey game this last weekend where they have gone cashless. Between periods there were probably 75-100 people standing in line to buy food. They are probably still there. The cashless part doesn't appear to have improved efficiency. In part, because they apparently can't find anyone to work the concession stands. The employees were about a hundred years old.
cold calls...on my land line...10 a day sometimes...and some (fewer) on my cell too...

I have an outstanding bill with I want to sell my house...clean my air conditioner car warranty has expired...insulate my home...change my energy provider...just to name a few...the list is endless...

the worst of non-Medicare insurance teams selling Part C plans...if you have not experienced this're gonna hate soon as you turn will get 10 calls a day from these companies...I'm 67 now and still get them...

I block their numbers...but they almost always call back again with a new number...I am registered on the "National Do Not Call Registry"...but it doesn't help...

the funniest of all...these guys with these thick Middle Eastern accents calling to tell me my Apple computer is compromised (hacked or has a virus) and they can fix it for me or my computer will crash soon...I don't even use Apple...I'm a Microsoft guy...
I like to jack with them sometimes pleading..."oooh no...really...what can I do...can you help me?"
if I'm bored...sometimes acting like an old man...almost deaf...mentally feeble with dementia talking confused and disoriented...making them repeat themselves over and over...

and now they have found a way with new technology to make their number appearing on my Caller ID to be coming from my local area code...
so even if you don't recognize the phone number displayed...
you feel you should answer it cause it might be important...
It's interesting but I seem to be getting fewer calls. I was expecting a deluge of political calls due to the upcoming PA primary but have received almost none. Maybe check with your phone provider if you haven't done so. Many now offer call blocking options for spam calls. They can identify likely potential telemarketing calls and block them before they even ring your phone.
Calls, I found they are a good emotional release a long time ago. I pick them up, and when it is an actual human, I either waste their time with incessant talking/questions until they hang up, berate them about the volume and times of their calls, stay silent and complain about the connection or my favorite for the real scam artists, argue their points, insult them righteously and end with my favorite FO comment! I have found it therapeutic to my stressful days, they make for great targets of verbal aggression. Funny thing now, I no longer get a lot of calls between 4 and 6pm................

I've calmed down quite a bit in the last few years...
at least with the telemarketers...
usually I just hang up then press *67...

I kind of feel sorry for them in a way...
they know it's a crummy job...maybe it's all they can find...
I would guess they hate doing it...
but the poor SOB is at least trying to make a living instead of stealing...
probably not getting much better than minimum wage...or worse yet on commission...
they're just trying to make a living...

the scammers...
the Apple computer guys...the Amazon scam guys...the people that call late evenings...etc...
I occasionally will purposely try to rattle their cages...
I've calmed down quite a bit in the last few years...
at least with the telemarketers...
usually I just hang up then press *67...

I kind of feel sorry for them in a way...
they know it's a crummy job...maybe it's all they can find...
I would guess they hate doing it...
but the poor SOB is at least trying to make a living instead of stealing...
probably not getting much better than minimum wage...or worse yet on commission...
they're just trying to make a living...

Ah Mike, you're just low in testosterone in your older age. Just joking. No sense having a telemarketer having a space in your brain rent free.
I've calmed down quite a bit in the last few years...
at least with the telemarketers...
usually I just hang up then press *67...

I kind of feel sorry for them in a way...
they know it's a crummy job...maybe it's all they can find...
I would guess they hate doing it...
but the poor SOB is at least trying to make a living instead of stealing...
probably not getting much better than minimum wage...or worse yet on commission...
they're just trying to make a living...

the scammers...
the Apple computer guys...the Amazon scam guys...the people that call late evenings...etc...
I occasionally will purposely try to rattle their cages...

Pretty sure none of those people when they were little kids would think to themselves "When I grow up, I want to be a telemarketer, cold call people who are totally uninterested in what I am peddling and are going to swear at me, berate me and hang up on me, can't wait."

I'm very sympathetic to them, am very polite, I have to answer every call as you never know who it is, I cut them short pretty quickly and am not rude about it.

Poor bastards.

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