Things that annoy me (9 Viewers)

Getting through the Nets, Bucks (defending champs) and the top seeded Heat was quite a run.

They ran into a better team and lost, they committed a **** ton of turnovers, but a lot of that was on the Warriors defense, snuffed out their offense, forced extra passes, panicked passes, desperate passes which led to turnovers.

Cury is on another level.

The better team won, I thought they had a shot when they were up 2-1, but they got rolled 3 strait after that.


As usual, another informed and honest sports take from you.

If nothing else it was great to see 2 teams whose 3 core stars were all homegrown and drafted by their original teams vie for the championship.

In the age of “player movement” I doubt we will see that very much in the future.

Best (with a tip of the cap to the 2022 Celtics),
People who take up a cause but know so little about it as to be humorous. Like displaying their Ukrainian flag upside down.
People who drive the wrong way in parking lots.

It really isn’t that difficult, the direction of the parking spots denotes the direction of traffic for a particular lane.
The company seeking to build the desalinization plant spent over $100M on the permit process and engineering plans. Approximately 80% of Israel's municipal water comes from desalinization and plans to double production by 2030. The vote against the California plan was 11-0. The US has not built a new oil refinery since 1976. Hoover Dam and The Golden Gate Bridge could never be built today.

May be beating a dead horse here but just read California has a $97.5B budget surplus. A small fraction of that would have paid for the $1.4B desalinization plant. Instead the Gov wants to give residents a check for approx $1K (no mention of reducing taxes). What happened to the days when voters could be bribed with a few drinks at the local bar? :wink2:
People who drive the wrong way in parking lots.

It really isn’t that difficult, the direction of the parking spots denotes the direction of traffic for a particular lane.

Parking lots are treacherous. My beefs: 1) idiots who drive diagonally across the parking lot at a high rate of speed instead of going down lanes; 2) people who park their enormous SUV/truck at the end of a parking lane rendering it impossible to see around them when trying to pull out; 3) people who back up without even looking (mostly elderly); and 4) drivers who don't think it is necessarily to yield to pedestrians crossing from a store to the parking lot (mostly middle aged males).
May be beating a dead horse here but just read California has a $97.5B budget surplus. A small fraction of that would have paid for the $1.4B desalinization plant. Instead the Gov wants to give residents a check for approx $1K (no mention of reducing taxes). What happened to the days when voters could be bribed with a few drinks at the local bar? :wink2:

PA is also awash in money. They have something like a $10 billion surplus and can't even figure out how to spend the money on any more pork projects. A remarkable development for the corrupt state government. I'm assuming this is a product of all the Covid related money from the federal government. The resistance to the desalinization plant is a head scratcher. My understanding is that the environmentalists have concerns and it takes a lot of energy but the prospect of tens of millions being without water and at the whims of nature is unreal when there is a viable solution.
Israel has the largest desalination plant in the world and 55 to 60% of its domestic water comes from desalination.
Desalination has turned one of the world's driest countries into the unlikeliest water giants.
Why we are still stalling is beyond reason!
Parking lots are treacherous. My beefs: 1) idiots who drive diagonally across the parking lot at a high rate of speed instead of going down lanes; 2) people who park their enormous SUV/truck at the end of a parking lane rendering it impossible to see around them when trying to pull out; 3) people who back up without even looking (mostly elderly); and 4) drivers who don't think it is necessarily to yield to pedestrians crossing from a store to the parking lot (mostly middle aged males).

I stopped at a fast food restaurant for breakfast while doing errands. Twice elderly (older than me) gentlemen backed into me. Fortunately they hit my rear bumper and had no damage. I now park at the far end of the parking lot.
Israel has the largest desalination plant in the world and 55 to 60% of its domestic water comes from desalination.
Desalination has turned one of the world's driest countries into the unlikeliest water giants.
Why we are still stalling is beyond reason!

And as commented earlier, they plan to double production by 2030.
As a California native I can tell you that all we know how to do is destroy things while claiming we had nothing to do with said destruction.

Trust me, if we continue to build desalination plants we would run the oceans dry in a matter of years then we would blame Israel for it.
One of my biggest annoyances:

Climate change activists who think the world is about to cross the threshold of carbon doom yet still vehemently resist nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy is the best and safest energy option we have that would actually have a significant impact on carbon emission reduction...but people are moronic, and nuclear reactors scare the little pea brains of the masses...
I don't know where they think sitting in the middle of the road is going to bring people to their side. Did you ever notice that when they get together for a rally they leave a mountain of trash.
Remaking old movies and TV shows - badly. When I read that Rob Zombie was remaking "The Munsters" with his wife Sherri Moon (one of the worst actresses in history) as Lily Munster my Spidey senses said uh-oh. The trailer confirms that this may be the worst movie idea in history.

THE MUNSTERS Trailer (2022) - YouTube
Remaking old movies and TV shows - badly. When I read that Rob Zombie was remaking "The Munsters" with his wife Sherri Moon (one of the worst actresses in history) as Lily Munster my Spidey senses said uh-oh. The trailer confirms that this may be the worst movie idea in history.

THE MUNSTERS Trailer (2022) - YouTube

That looks.....................horrendous.

As in direct to video horrendous.
Remaking old movies and TV shows - badly. When I read that Rob Zombie was remaking "The Munsters" with his wife Sherri Moon (one of the worst actresses in history) as Lily Munster my Spidey senses said uh-oh. The trailer confirms that this may be the worst movie idea in history.

THE MUNSTERS Trailer (2022) - YouTube
After viewing this, I am, like Rick Dalton, getting my flame thrower. -- Al
I did like Fred Gwynn in the original though...

also especially his character in My Cousin Vinny as the staunch judge...
I laugh every time I see the "two yutes" scene...

even Car 54 was cute...
Yes, I enjoyed the original Munsters show as well. It was campy fun. Fred Gwynne was also great in "Pet Sematary." This movie, however, looks god awful. I'm pretty sure Rob Zombie is scared of his wife and the only way she can get acting roles is if he makes a movie.

Anyone looking for a decent horror/zombie movie with some comedy should try "Valley of the Dead" on Netflix. It is surprisingly well acted for a Spanish zombie movie. Set during the Spanish Civil War. Not something you would ever see from Hollywood. It's not bringing home any Oscar's but with my low expectations for all things horror-related it was entertaining.

Things that annoy me...well I got a few so here we go:

#1-Stayed the night in Austin on July 2nd to leave from Austin International on the 3rd to go to NOLA for the 4th and spend a few of days in the French Quarter. I get up early to get the wife coffee (who parked my truck the night before) and turn on the truck only to hear that my Tundra now sound like a drag car. I thing to myself "***" and looked under the carriage only to find that my catalytic converter has been sawn off and stolen. So, we had to drive to the airport sounding like I was "roll coaling" all the way in.

#2 Get to NOLA and all is well...the Hotel on Bourbon street is nice and the beer is cold. However, every time we come out of the hotel there are these kids banging on 5 gallon buckets creating the most annoying racket that reverberates down the entire street. I mean I cannot even enjoy the sights (there are a lot of them) nor a cold one with out this non rhythmic banging of hollow buckets. One mom was out there will all here kids banging away on 5 buckets and one of the kids stared me down asking for a tip. Nah man, I gave a $10 to the full on Jazz band who performed on the street later that night who had the whole street dancing and yes I was out there shaking it.

#3 Go to cafe on Bourbon street one day and get the girls some drinks...I'm looking at the beer selection and all I see is Bud light and I'm like nah man. Yes, I am a beer snob and its only Lager for me...Modelo, Stella, Sapporo, Kirin, Asahi, Dos Equis, Estrella Galicia/Damm. So, I go to a bar next door and get a cold one and bring it back. Man you would have thought I came back to the cafe naked, because the security detail there tore me down for bringing another drink into their cafe. I explained that all they serve is "Bud Light" and even though I dropped a good $30 on the girls foo-foo drinks they weren't t having it and kicked me out. While I was leaving I told them to get the owner to atleast support their local lager/brew "Voodoo" something or other.

#4 Take the gang to the super elite, super cool, wanna be Amex lounge in the NOLA airport. Its called the Flyers Club or something. Anyway, after all the ID checks and membership card flashing I ask for a Crown and Water. You guessed it, they don't serve Crown Royal. Another "***". All this high rolling to get into the joint and no Crown? C'mon man! It was okay as I am used to this and ALWAYS have 4 or 5 mini CR in my back pack.

#5 Fly back to Austin and immediately attend a business meeting at hit up a local Mexican joint for our meeting. I did not arrange the dinner meeting, but the last time I was there the food was pretty good. I was there just to listen and listen I did because I did not anyone to catch a whiff of my Crown breathe. Ordered Enchiladas and that story will be #7.

#6 Since I had a few Crown and Water and a belly full of Enchiladas I sat in the back and the boss lady drove home. I put my ear plugs in because that was the LOUDEST 1 hour trip back to San Antonio because of the missing catalytic converter. **** that thief, but hey man he did a good job cutting it out as the cuts were clean.

#7 Go to the dealership to get an estimate to replace the CC via insurance and its a whopping 6K! Plus, since there is an wave of CC thefts on Tundra's right now they are back ordered. So, the long and short of it: 3 month wait. And to end story #5 I woke up the next morning keeled over because my gut was killing me from them enchiladas.


John from Texas

PS: Did I mention the 100 plus heat? I love the heat, but man its hot.

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