Things that annoy me (12 Viewers)

Regarding the electric vehicle mandates; as my pops used to say, "Follow the money", there is an agenda here and it's all about money/who stands to profit by ramming electric cars down everyones throat.

If I want to buy one, it should be an option, not a directive.

IPhones are great, but I know a lot of people who have flip phones; IPhones are an option, not a mandate.

Seems like every car commercial these days is about electric cars, stop throwing it in front of my face.

Cross off California as a landing spot for me when I retire and move out of Taxachusetts.

They're trying to bring in the same BS electric car mandates down here in NZ. They've even brought in a ute tax (small truck) to ping all new ute owners as of the 1st July. So any Tradesman/Farmer etc will get slammed with yet another tax for using a petrol/diesel vehicle to do their job and run their utterly ridiculous is that?
Smaller baked goods. From time to time I buy Entenmann's Donuts, and Tastykake items (been hooked on those since a kid). In both cases, and this is becoming common, the individual items are at least a third smaller than the originals. A not very clever way to disguise price increases. :mad: Chris
Traffic lights that are synched up so that if you drive at a normal speed you hit every single one red. What is the thinking here? To ensure maximum congestion?
Traffic lights that are synched up so that if you drive at a normal speed you hit every single one red. What is the thinking here? To ensure maximum congestion?

My policy is once that happens at one light, I break the sound barrier to get to the next one before it happens to me again.

Problem solved.
Smaller baked goods. From time to time I buy Entenmann's Donuts, and Tastykake items (been hooked on those since a kid). In both cases, and this is becoming common, the individual items are at least a third smaller than the originals. A not very clever way to disguise price increases. :mad: Chris

Ah, shrinkage, charge more, get less, also known as the Entenmann's shim sham, it's the oldest bakers grift in the book.............:wink2:
Am I the only one who read that and immediately got a mental image of George Costanza screaming "I was in the pool! I was in the pool!!!" ^&grin

I thought the same. From George's answer, I thought I was going to read something juicy.
Traffic lights that are synched up so that if you drive at a normal speed you hit every single one red. What is the thinking here? To ensure maximum congestion?

Well, the other side of that synch is that you can hit all the greens if you time it right. The Germans call it a "green wave".

My traffic light beefs are:

  • People who don't move when the light turns green. These days, they're usually looking at their mobiles. It's particularly annoying when I'm behind one, but just cause for bemusement when the person is behind me. As I pull away, I think, "It's green, *******, hang up and drive!"
  • People who edge forward an inch at a time while the light is red, but when it turns, they sit.
  • Intersections with a left turn lane, but no left turn signal. So drivers who want to turn left have to wait till it's clear, which might not happen in that cycle

New beef about forum users in general: guys who post to ask a question, but don't post all their information. Over on Hyperscale right now, there is a post, asking how difficult or easy it is to get replacement parts from Trumpeter. One of the replies asked if the poster has tried emailing Trumpeter, and he said he did. Why didn't he say that in the first place, then?

Well, the other side of that synch is that you can hit all the greens if you time it right. The Germans call it a "green wave".

My traffic light beefs are:

  • People who don't move when the light turns green. These days, they're usually looking at their mobiles. It's particularly annoying when I'm behind one, but just cause for bemusement when the person is behind me. As I pull away, I think, "It's green, *******, hang up and drive!"
  • People who edge forward an inch at a time while the light is red, but when it turns, they sit.
  • Intersections with a left turn lane, but no left turn signal. So drivers who want to turn left have to wait till it's clear, which might not happen in that cycle


If I'm first in line at a traffic light, I always give it a moment before entering after it turns green because I can't count the number of times that I've seen drivers barrel through the intersection trying to beat the red light. Incredibly dangerous. All it takes is one time to pull out and get crushed by someone who runs the light. I was sitting at a light in Gettysburg a few months ago. About the third car back. The light turns green. The first car starts to go through the intersection and out of the corner of my eye here comes a dump truck. Doesn't even pause and runs the light. T bones the car and smashes it to bits. Could easily have killed someone.
If I'm first in line at a traffic light, I always give it a moment before entering after it turns green because I can't count the number of times that I've seen drivers barrel through the intersection trying to beat the red light. Incredibly dangerous. All it takes is one time to pull out and get crushed by someone who runs the light. I was sitting at a light in Gettysburg a few months ago. About the third car back. The light turns green. The first car starts to go through the intersection and out of the corner of my eye here comes a dump truck. Doesn't even pause and runs the light. T bones the car and smashes it to bits. Could easily have killed someone.

Always a smart move.

I always hesitate and look both ways as you never know, better to be safe than get T boned by some out to lunch clambrain.
What annoys me is when an actress gets her proverbial backside handed to her by a jury including the word with malice, yet she and spin doctor publicist release a statement shortly thereafter still claiming to be the victim? Does anyone take any responsibility for their own actions in this world????

What annoys me is when an actress gets her proverbial backside handed to her by a jury including the word with malice, yet she and spin doctor publicist release a statement shortly thereafter still claiming to be the victim? Does anyone take any responsibility for their own actions in this world????


What annoys me is that that was even a story.
What annoys me is that that was even a story.

Her retort, yes. The trial, after wasting precious time watching some of it, it became very apparent that Mr. Depp, while of questionable habits, was actually the majority victim in this case. The guy was basically blackballed and screwed over all due to unproven allegations by a person who I guess in some ways, never got over him or the rejection or the divorce or whatever you want to call it. But when you add up the losses from being fired from Pirates Franchise and Fantastic is huge and unfair. So, while I certainly do not condone all of Depp's actions, he certainly got some "justice" in this case.

Some commentor cautioned never to envy the rich and famous after watching some of this trial because they are often living completely miserable lives. It's difficult to feel sorry for such individuals since they largely brought this misery on themselves and can jet off to their private island to recover, but they are just people like anyone else (just with millions of fans and unlimited wealth!). Depp is a talented actor although his oddball characters are very similar. Not sure how much longer he can milk that. His career seemed to be running down even before this mess. The trial seemed to be a publicity gimmick to kick start it again as much as anything.
The fact that we follow stories like the Depp-Heard trial tells me that we have long since passed the point Ben Franklin meant when he replied to Mrs. Powel, "A republic, madam, if you can keep it." To paraphrase Antonia in "I, Claudius," "I was born into a world of adults. It's become a world of adolescents."

What annoys me is that 2 years in a row, the leader of the free world failed to formally acknowledge and commemorate one of the key remembrances of World War 2 - D-Day. I just find that absolutely disgusting. Only thing said in 2 years is a tweet at 8:45pm last night..........................WTFF....

Things are so bad in California that they are installing water flow reducers in homes to limit that amount of water that can be used. Imagine living in a typical California home that now costs a million dollars or more and trying to take a shower with water that barely trickles out. Talk about karma. Now if there was only a source of water for California like access to an entire ocean.
Things are so bad in California that they are installing water flow reducers in homes to limit that amount of water that can be used. Imagine living in a typical California home that now costs a million dollars or more and trying to take a shower with water that barely trickles out. Talk about karma. Now if there was only a source of water for California like access to an entire ocean.

Did you also see the LA requirement regarding gas appliances? We have officially jumped the shark, moon and universe.

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