Things that annoy me (3 Viewers)

good to hear from you...
catalytic converter thieves...
Abbott...needs to pass a new law on these guys...
they hit trucks cause they're easy to crawl under...
you need to buy a McLaren or something low to the ground...
not good for flood driving though...

Things that annoy me...well I got a few so here we go:

#1-Stayed the night in Austin on July 2nd to leave from Austin International on the 3rd to go to NOLA for the 4th and spend a few of days in the French Quarter. I get up early to get the wife coffee (who parked my truck the night before) and turn on the truck only to hear that my Tundra now sound like a drag car. I thing to myself "***" and looked under the carriage only to find that my catalytic converter has been sawn off and stolen. So, we had to drive to the airport sounding like I was "roll coaling" all the way in.

#2 Get to NOLA and all is well...the Hotel on Bourbon street is nice and the beer is cold. However, every time we come out of the hotel there are these kids banging on 5 gallon buckets creating the most annoying racket that reverberates down the entire street. I mean I cannot even enjoy the sights (there are a lot of them) nor a cold one with out this non rhythmic banging of hollow buckets. One mom was out there will all here kids banging away on 5 buckets and one of the kids stared me down asking for a tip. Nah man, I gave a $10 to the full on Jazz band who performed on the street later that night who had the whole street dancing and yes I was out there shaking it.

#3 Go to cafe on Bourbon street one day and get the girls some drinks...I'm looking at the beer selection and all I see is Bud light and I'm like nah man. Yes, I am a beer snob and its only Lager for me...Modelo, Stella, Sapporo, Kirin, Asahi, Dos Equis, Estrella Galicia/Damm. So, I go to a bar next door and get a cold one and bring it back. Man you would have thought I came back to the cafe naked, because the security detail there tore me down for bringing another drink into their cafe. I explained that all they serve is "Bud Light" and even though I dropped a good $30 on the girls foo-foo drinks they weren't t having it and kicked me out. While I was leaving I told them to get the owner to atleast support their local lager/brew "Voodoo" something or other.

#4 Take the gang to the super elite, super cool, wanna be Amex lounge in the NOLA airport. Its called the Flyers Club or something. Anyway, after all the ID checks and membership card flashing I ask for a Crown and Water. You guessed it, they don't serve Crown Royal. Another "***". All this high rolling to get into the joint and no Crown? C'mon man! It was okay as I am used to this and ALWAYS have 4 or 5 mini CR in my back pack.

#5 Fly back to Austin and immediately attend a business meeting at hit up a local Mexican joint for our meeting. I did not arrange the dinner meeting, but the last time I was there the food was pretty good. I was there just to listen and listen I did because I did not anyone to catch a whiff of my Crown breathe. Ordered Enchiladas and that story will be #7.

#6 Since I had a few Crown and Water and a belly full of Enchiladas I sat in the back and the boss lady drove home. I put my ear plugs in because that was the LOUDEST 1 hour trip back to San Antonio because of the missing catalytic converter. **** that thief, but hey man he did a good job cutting it out as the cuts were clean.

#7 Go to the dealership to get an estimate to replace the CC via insurance and its a whopping 6K! Plus, since there is an wave of CC thefts on Tundra's right now they are back ordered. So, the long and short of it: 3 month wait. And to end story #5 I woke up the next morning keeled over because my gut was killing me from them enchiladas.


John from Texas

PS: Did I mention the 100 plus heat? I love the heat, but man its hot.

That is great stuff. At least you have the new "Munsters" movie to look forward to!
good to hear from you...
catalytic converter thieves...
Abbott...needs to pass a new law on these guys...
they hit trucks cause they're easy to crawl under...
you need to buy a McLaren or something low to the ground...
not good for flood driving though...


I had no idea how bad the thievery of CC's are. Unbeknownst to me, the CC have platinum, rhodium and some other precious metal that fetches like 14K an ounce. Now I got to put in an anti-theft plate under my truck so it does not happen again. But, I got to wait a few months for the to even happen, because the CC on Tundra's are back ordered. Its a mess and SUPER ANNOYING not to have my wheels. Of course, the insurance company is taking their sweet time to process it and I have yet to get any info back on a rental. I'll probably wind up with a Dodge Neon or something with a 4 banger.

Anyway, I have been out of pocket this year and so far have spent 52 days at sea and have visited 13 countries from Panama to Montenegro. In Late April to 3 June we were on a 35 day transatlantic cruise from Tampa to Spain and then all over the mediterranean. The only ANNOYING thing about that trip is that the Cruise ship did not serve Crown Royal and the only port that had it was Gibraltar. I picked up 2 5ths.

John your neighbor.

I had no idea how bad the thievery of CC's are. Unbeknownst to me, the CC have platinum, rhodium and some other precious metal that fetches like 14K an ounce. Now I got to put in an anti-theft plate under my truck so it does not happen again. But, I got to wait a few months for the to even happen, because the CC on Tundra's are back ordered. Its a mess and SUPER ANNOYING not to have my wheels. Of course, the insurance company is taking their sweet time to process it and I have yet to get any info back on a rental. I'll probably wind up with a Dodge Neon or something with a 4 banger.

Anyway, I have been out of pocket this year and so far have spent 52 days at sea and have visited 13 countries from Panama to Montenegro. In Late April to 3 June we were on a 35 day transatlantic cruise from Tampa to Spain and then all over the mediterranean. The only ANNOYING thing about that trip is that the Cruise ship did not serve Crown Royal and the only port that had it was Gibraltar. I picked up 2 5ths.

John your neighbor.

any rental is hard to get in Galveston...
my a/c had some issues a few weeks ago...
put it in the shop and called every car rental shop in Galveston...
first rental available was 2 weeks...
I have a motorcycle...even though it's a bagger...not good for things like grocery shopping...or home Depot...

they will probably put your big oversized butt in a Kia compact...
you should just drive one of your fleets oversized cement mixer trucks for a while...^&grin
neighbors would love that parked in your driveway...
COVID cases must be surging again. I know more people that have come down with the virus in the last three months than at any point in the pandemic. My wife and I got it recently after flying. The cases being reported by the media are likely vastly understated because most folks can test at home now. They are never reported for inclusion.
COVID cases must be surging again. I know more people that have come down with the virus in the last three months than at any point in the pandemic. My wife and I got it recently after flying. The cases being reported by the media are likely vastly understated because most folks can test at home now. They are never reported for inclusion.


THAT is annoying...are you and the boss lady allright?

John from Texas

THAT is annoying...are you and the boss lady allright?

John from Texas

Thanks John. A pretty miserable experience but feeling better. My wife had it worse than me. It's taken us about a week to feel human. The media certainly has a different take on the pandemic now in comparison to when it first started even with it spreading like wildfire. Hardly a mention. I will bite my tongue on that one, though, to avoid getting political.
According to one expert, the number of actual COVID cases in the US is likely 7-10 times higher than being reported due to the prevalence of home testing. That means that there are one million new cases every day! Unreal.
"100 million for the ukraine,,,," I get second rate generic drugs and closed VA facilities due to budget,,,No wonder no one is enlisting
I hear SS will probably go up 11% at the beginning of the new year.
....we have billions for the Ukraine but social security will go bankrupt in 20 years...what a joke!

I'll only be 81 by then, I plan on living until I'm 130 with my Mediterranean diet, so what am I going to do for dough for 49 years?

Imagine me at the Chicago Toy Soldier Show at 130...................;)....................or any show for that matter................{eek3}
trying to lower the anger level,,frustration etc,,play with a few soldiers
I'll only be 81 by then, I plan on living until I'm 130 with my Mediterranean diet, so what am I going to do for dough for 49 years?

Imagine me at the Chicago Toy Soldier Show at 130...................;)....................or any show for that matter................{eek3}

i recently enjoyed shuffling thru the texas show,,i noticed the shadow to my six is getting a little longer,,
After passing in a clearly marked passing lane getting flipped off. Happens not infrequently. I never understand this but freely return the compliment.

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