Things that annoy me (4 Viewers)

People (generally women) who claim they have been evicted from places like Disneyland, gym, or an airplane based on the way they were dressed. These are typically fake stories to hype traffic to their social media websites. I find it hard to believe anyone has a dress code much less enforce it against attractive women. I've seen people on airplanes in their pajamas. It's unreal how society went from every person dressing nicely to the homeless like state of dress. Sweatpants are the norm in PA. My dad was telling me about a guy he knew who mowed his lawn in a jacket and tie.
Something called the "Jimmy Kimmel Bowl." Maybe it is just a dislike for Kimmel, but there are now so many bowl games they have started naming them after C list celebrities? It could be worse I suppose. How about the "Stephen Colbert Bowl"?
People (generally women) who claim they have been evicted from places like Disneyland, gym, or an airplane based on the way they were dressed. These are typically fake stories to hype traffic to their social media websites. I find it hard to believe anyone has a dress code much less enforce it against attractive women. I've seen people on airplanes in their pajamas. It's unreal how society went from every person dressing nicely to the homeless like state of dress. Sweatpants are the norm in PA. My dad was telling me about a guy he knew who mowed his lawn in a jacket and tie.

Now I'm going to sound like a get off my lawn type, but I miss the days when people dressed up for occasions such as a wake/funeral, going to church or getting together with friends and family for the holidays.

Now when I attend such occasions, all I see is what appears to be homeless people/Hobo Joe.

I'm attending a wedding in a few weeks; I can only imagine some of the get ups people will be wearing.

Remember the old images of sporting events and the crowd was full of gentlemen wearing shirts, ties, suits and hats?

Now you have 60 year old men wearing XXXXL team jerseys, that's quite a look.

My girlfriend, who travels a ton for work, has snapped pictures of people in airports dressed in a way that would make your head spin.......................

Sadly, like a lot of things, it's a lost art in todays broken toilet of a society.
Now I'm going to sound like a get off my lawn type, but I miss the days when people dressed up for occasions such as a wake/funeral, going to church or getting together with friends and family for the holidays.

Now when I attend such occasions, all I see is what appears to be homeless people/Hobo Joe.

I'm attending a wedding in a few weeks; I can only imagine some of the get ups people will be wearing.

Remember the old images of sporting events and the crowd was full of gentlemen wearing shirts, ties, suits and hats?

Now you have 60 year old men wearing XXXXL team jerseys, that's quite a look.

My girlfriend, who travels a ton for work, has snapped pictures of people in airports dressed in a way that would make your head spin.......................

Sadly, like a lot of things, it's a lost art in todays broken toilet of a society.
As a kid, I was used to seeing my father wearing office type pants and a button down collar oxford type shirt, with wing-tip tie shoes as his standard around the house clothing, whether relaxing or mowing the lawn. He was dressed to the nines, never leaving the house without a suit, tie, and hat on when going to work. Different generation, different world. I miss it. -- Al
I saw books of my company in the 50's- 60's and even though it was a glass factory which had a lot of hard work they had nice neat work clothes on. Now the company has to make dress rules so they don't come to work in pajamas and bedroom slippers! Also the people of yesteryear were 99% thin.
I saw books of my company in the 50's- 60's and even though it was a glass factory which had a lot of hard work they had nice neat work clothes on. Now the company has to make dress rules so they don't come to work in pajamas and bedroom slippers! Also the people of yesteryear were 99% thin.
Ain't that the truth. My dad was 5' 10" and i don't think he ever weighed more than 140 lbs. My right leg weighs more than that.:rolleyes2: -- Al
Now I'm going to sound like a get off my lawn type, but I miss the days when people dressed up for occasions such as a wake/funeral, going to church or getting together with friends and family for the holidays.

Exactly George. Attended a funeral home visit for a fellow employee whose 16 yr old son had died in an auto accident. The older son was wearing flip flops. Guess he just got in from the beach. :rolleyes2:

It wasn't too long ago college basketball coaches wore suits to the games. Now they wear sweat shirts.

Irks me when we go to 4/5 star restaurants for special events and the clown at the next table is wearing shorts, tee shirt and ball cap. Restaurants wouldn't let people in unless dressed appropriately. Chris
Now I'm going to sound like a get off my lawn type, but I miss the days when people dressed up for occasions such as a wake/funeral, going to church or getting together with friends and family for the holidays.

Exactly George. Attended a funeral home visit for a fellow employee whose 16 yr old son had died in an auto accident. The older son was wearing flip flops. Guess he just got in from the beach. :rolleyes2:

It wasn't too long ago college basketball coaches wore suits to the games. Now they wear sweat shirts.

Irks me when we go to 4/5 star restaurants for special events and the clown at the next table is wearing shorts, tee shirt and ball cap. Restaurants wouldn't let people in unless dressed appropriately. Chris
Driving in a snowstorm today with the speed limits reduced on the highway and a tractor trailer carrying an oversized load passed me going about 70 mph.
Mr Friends,

So, I have been traveling a lot this past year and have been out of pocket. HOWEVER COMMA, when I am back in Texas and have to do some traveling here in South Texas I look forward to some pretty drives. But, I can't enjoy the scenery because there is usually some jerk-owitz driving like a wanna be F1 driver. Weaving in and out of traffic and cutting off HYUGE semi-s who have to break suddenly. Or worse, tail gaiting a semi and then cutting the guy off next to him to pass. I mean it has really gotten out of control.

Guaranteed there is going to be at least 2 to 3 of those yahoo's whipping in and out of traffic putting everyone is danger and usually they are driving a tin can kind of car. It has been crazy and tests every ounce of my patience and I am proud to say I DO NOT engage with butt hole drivers...even the ones who shadow me and try to get my attention.

On another note...sadly...alot of the drivers have out of town plates. Now, I am not indicting those who move here, but uh, just be careful because folks do carry guns round here and yes there have been highway shoot outs. Go figure...

So as of late that is what has been annoying me lately. Well there is another one...went to a new "Japanese Restaurant" and ordered a shrimp tempura appetizer...

...It was breaded in corn meal.

John from Texas
Reading about people trying to fly over the holidays and getting stuck in airports etc. The airlines are in total disarray even under ordinary circumstances. I can't imagine any sane human trying to fly over Christmas and paying for the privilege. There needs to be a complete reset of the airlines.
People were warned that this monster storm system was coming yet tried to fly. I understand wanting to see friends and family but you have to keep your eye on the weather forecasts.
People were warned that this monster storm system was coming yet tried to fly. I understand wanting to see friends and family but you have to keep your eye on the weather forecasts.

You simply can’t blame the airlines for the weather.
Reading about people trying to fly over the holidays and getting stuck in airports etc. The airlines are in total disarray even under ordinary circumstances. I can't imagine any sane human trying to fly over Christmas and paying for the privilege. There needs to be a complete reset of the airlines.

This may sound mean but I don’t have a lot of sympathy when people are warned it’s going to be worse than normal but still insist on going.
This may sound mean but I don’t have a lot of sympathy when people are warned it’s going to be worse than normal but still insist on going.

There are some factors like weather that the airlines don't have control over, but the problem is mostly greed. The airlines used 9/11 as an excuse to do away with basic customer services. You can't get anyone on the phone unless you stay on hold for hours. Flights are cancelled or delayed on large scale numbers for fake reasons. The experience of flying these last several years is nothing short of torture. And the media wonders why there are so many incidents on the flights. It's because the customers are put through the ringer and then crammed into an increasingly smaller space. Maybe folks should wise up and stop flying but that's easier said than done if you are traveling long distances.
There are some factors like weather that the airlines don't have control over, but the problem is mostly greed. The airlines used 9/11 as an excuse to do away with basic customer services. You can't get anyone on the phone unless you stay on hold for hours. Flights are cancelled or delayed on large scale numbers for fake reasons. The experience of flying these last several years is nothing short of torture. And the media wonders why there are so many incidents on the flights. It's because the customers are put through the ringer and then crammed into an increasingly smaller space. Maybe folks should wise up and stop flying but that's easier said than done if you are traveling long distances.
I agree with you on a lot of that but when you know a storm of this size is coming you have to use common sense. No way I would travel knowing what was coming.
I agree with you on a lot of that but when you know a storm of this size is coming you have to use common sense. No way I would travel knowing what was coming.

The problems with the airlines are longstanding. The cancellations date back well beyond the current situation. The airlines received millions in corporate welfare from the government during COVID. It was conditioned on not firing anyone. What did they do? They made buyout offers to folks. Many accepted and quit. When flights started up again, they had a shortage of employees. So they don't have enough people to staff their airlines, they cancel flights using false pretenses, and laughed to the bank.
The problems with the airlines are longstanding. The cancellations date back well beyond the current situation. The airlines received millions in corporate welfare from the government during COVID. It was conditioned on not firing anyone. What did they do? They made buyout offers to folks. Many accepted and quit. When flights started up again, they had a shortage of employees. So they don't have enough people to staff their airlines, they cancel flights using false pretenses, and laughed to the bank.

Yup, airlines (hotels, restaurants, rental car companies etc.) ate up public COVID money and did nothing for consumers.

Yet, if I saw the news mentioning that the storm of the century was coming, the last thing I would do was travel.

Blaming everything that happens on someone else,while ignoring the obvious, gets old fast.
Yup, airlines (hotels, restaurants, rental car companies etc.) ate up public COVID money and did nothing for consumers.

Yet, if I saw the news mentioning that the storm of the century was coming, the last thing I would do was travel.

Blaming everything that happens on someone else,while ignoring the obvious, gets old fast.

Who is doing that? The airlines have been inept for as long back as I can remember with the absolute worst customer service in the any industry. The airlines used 9/11 as a pretext to end most customer services. They won't answer the phone. They bought out older employees with COVID money to the point that they have staff shortages over the last two years resulting in tens of thousands of cancellations. They have no control over a storm but the cancellations and disruptions from the recent storm are ongoing long after the storm has passed due to incompetence and greed. You are correct that no one in their right mind would fly these days. That is not the fault of the consumer but the greedy and incompetent airlines.

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