Things that annoy me (2 Viewers)

the airlines have been bad for a long time...
they know we need them more than they need us...
there will never be a shortage of people flying...
Southwest airlines is setting new lows in customer service, lost luggage and cancelled flights...
the airlines have been bad for a long time...
they know we need them more than they need us...
there will never be a shortage of people flying...
Southwest airlines is setting new lows in customer service, lost luggage and cancelled flights...

Southwest airlines received over $7 billion in COVID relief money. That's billion with a "b". And I bet you can't speak with anyone on the phone unless you are on hold for hours.
Southwest airlines received over $7 billion in COVID relief money. That's billion with a "b". And I bet you can't speak with anyone on the phone unless you are on hold for hours.

what is Covid Relief money earmarked for...
or is it intended to bail them out financially?
what is Covid Relief money earmarked for...
or is it intended to bail them out financially?

Mostly to pay employees during the shutdown. Of course, they abused even that. A condition was not to fire anyone. They offered buyouts to get people to quit. They also continued to pay top dollar salaries to CEOs etc. When business picked up, they had a staffing shortage due to the buyouts and retirements. It would be comical under other circumstances. So much money stolen or misused from that funding. It will take generations to pay it back.
Mostly to pay employees during the shutdown. Of course, they abused even that. A condition was not to fire anyone. They offered buyouts to get people to quit. They also continued to pay top dollar salaries to CEOs etc. When business picked up, they had a staffing shortage due to the buyouts and retirements. It would be comical under other circumstances. So much money stolen or misused from that funding. It will take generations to pay it back.

hmmmmm...smells of fish...and yea...I caught that sneak around on the employee buy outs a few posts back...

I also saw Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg promising to investigate Southwest Airlines hard...
with their extremely higher than average flight cancellations with promises of millions of dollars in retribution to the public...

so that does signal another bail out in the knows?
hmmmmm...smells of fish...and yea...I caught that sneak around on the employee buy outs a few posts back...

I also saw Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg promising to investigate Southwest Airlines hard...
with their extremely higher than average flight cancellations with promises of millions of dollars in retribution to the public...

so that does signal another bail out in the knows?
I saw that presser by Buttigieg. Does anyone really believe that SW Air, as hard pressed as they are, are really going to compensate thousands of customers out of their own coffers? Mike is right, it will result in another huge bailout paid for by the taxpayers, again. The airlines are a disgrace. Time to return to train travel, time to invest in RR infrastructure and high-speed rail travel. -- Al
I saw that presser by Buttigieg. Does anyone really believe that SW Air, as hard pressed as they are, are really going to compensate thousands of customers out of their own coffers? Mike is right, it will result in another huge bailout paid for by the taxpayers, again. The airlines are a disgrace. Time to return to train travel, time to invest in RR infrastructure and high-speed rail travel. -- Al


I like this guy...the buck stops with him...he says he's gonna stand on their throat and make them compensate...does this mean another bailout...who knows...whatever happens...I would like a concise and detailed explanation of why Southwest Airlines has 10 times as many cancellations as the other airlines...Americans are a captive audience for these airlines...we have few flyers have to absorb the poor service and get by...

there was a follow up story...that said the reason SW had so many cancellations...was because they had so many layovers on each plane that took off...

if the flight was cancelled to get to destination A...then destination B & C & D...etc...were cancelled...

but that doesn't ring plausible to 10 time as many cancellations as the other airlines...
hmmmmm...smells of fish...and yea...I caught that sneak around on the employee buy outs a few posts back...

I also saw Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg promising to investigate Southwest Airlines hard...
with their extremely higher than average flight cancellations with promises of millions of dollars in retribution to the public...

so that does signal another bail out in the knows?

I won't hold my breath that he'll get to the bottom of anything and resolve things, it's a ****show of epic proportions.

I haven't been on a plane since 1993 and if there is a God in heaven, I never will step foot on one again.

Oh wait; pretty sure I'm attending the London Show next year............hmm...............I think by boat is a better option.
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I like this guy...the buck stops with him...he says he's gonna stand on their throat and make them compensate...does this mean another bailout...who knows...whatever happens...I would like a concise and detailed explanation of why Southwest Airlines has 10 times as many cancellations as the other airlines...Americans are a captive audience for these airlines...we have few flyers have to absorb the poor service and get by...

there was a follow up story...that said the reason SW had so many cancellations...was because they had so many layovers on each plane that took off...

if the flight was cancelled to get to destination A...then destination B & C & D...etc...were cancelled...

but that doesn't ring plausible to 10 time as many cancellations as the other airlines...

This guy couldn't get potholes filled when he was a mayor. He couldn't be found during the container crisis last year. Now it's been found he's scooting around all over in private planes, just got back from a vacation in Portugal. Don't count on this guy.
Who is doing that? The airlines have been inept for as long back as I can remember with the absolute worst customer service in the any industry. The airlines used 9/11 as a pretext to end most customer services. They won't answer the phone. They bought out older employees with COVID money to the point that they have staff shortages over the last two years resulting in tens of thousands of cancellations. They have no control over a storm but the cancellations and disruptions from the recent storm are ongoing long after the storm has passed due to incompetence and greed. You are correct that no one in their right mind would fly these days. That is not the fault of the consumer but the greedy and incompetent airlines.

Who is doing that?

Every single person who drove from/got a ride to the airport from their home in the biggest snow storm in 45 years expecting their flight to leave safely and on time.

Again, the airlines shoulder blame for many things but not the weather.

On top of that, they deal with the worst clientele outside of bars and restaurants.

I have flown (and continue to fly) way too much and in that time one thing I have learned, the only thing more inept than the airlines are the passengers themselves.
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Who is doing that?

Every single person who drove from/got a ride to the airport from their home in the biggest snow storm in 45 years expecting their flight to leave safely and on time.

Again, the airlines shoulder blame for many things but not the weather.

On top of that, they deal with the worst clientele outside of bars and restaurants.

I have flown (and continue to fly) way too much and in that time one thing I have learned, the only thing more inept than the airlines are the passengers themselves.

Yes, it's the passengers who are at fault for this mess. Wow. Again, no one has suggested that the airlines control the weather. But these problems are now longstanding. They date back for years. They have nothing to do with the weather. The US taxpayers bailed out the airlines with corporate welfare to the tune of billions. That money was all stolen or wasted. Good luck trying to change your flight or get a refund. Call the number for any airline and you will be hold for hours under ordinary circumstances. Call them during the holidays in this mess and you will never get connected. You can't speak to anyone because they won't hire folks to answer the phone. They do that intentionally to save money and avoid dealing with customers. People give up rather than spend half the day on the phone.
Yes, it's the passengers who are at fault for this mess. Wow. Again, no one has suggested that the airlines control the weather. But these problems are now longstanding. They date back for years. They have nothing to do with the weather. The US taxpayers bailed out the airlines with corporate welfare to the tune of billions. That money was all stolen or wasted. Good luck trying to change your flight or get a refund. Call the number for any airline and you will be hold for hours under ordinary circumstances. Call them during the holidays in this mess and you will never get connected. You can't speak to anyone because they won't hire folks to answer the phone. They do that intentionally to save money and avoid dealing with customers. People give up rather than spend half the day on the phone.

Not sure what airline you keep calling without an answer, but I get through each and every time I call, holidays included.

And this holiday’s flight cancelation onslaught was due to the weather. If it wasn’t, then this would happen every single day. You take the blizzard out of the equation and none of this becomes a headline.


I once was seated with a Great Dane Mutt on an American Airlines Flight from Utah to Texas. The dog was so big he needed his own seat, but nooooo the couple who owned him basically sat him under, around and on top of me. I was flipping pissed off, but to tipsy to saw anything.

The sense of entitlement by passengers is stunning to me. I mean your flying SOUTHWEST AIRLINES YO, not Emirates here. Had a couple basically just cut the line on us when we were boarding...and KNEW IT. Again, I was a little tipsy and kept my mouth shut, but the wife, oh man the wife sent them to the back of the line. If you want entitlement fly on a private jet and shut up.


We fly SW practically everywhere AND we fly out of AUSTIN instead of San Antonio so we can get to our destinations direct. Yeah, it's an hour drive to Austin, but so much more relaxing to fly direct to our destinations like Miami, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Cozumel and any where else where the transfers are minimal. If we are flying more than 4 hours we just go first class and especially if we are flying over any ocean. To Mexico City, can usually get a direct out of San Antonio, if not we go to Austin.

I don't really have a favorite Airline, but SouthWest sends me tons of drink coupons for free drinks. Well, I take that back when we are going to Japan we will fly Japan Airlines or Singapore Airlines. Also, Air Europa is the bombdiggity too. But domestically it is what it is.


Now a days, if you don't plan for one then that's on you. The only delay we have had in the last 15 years was a diversion to Palm Beach, Florida on return from Madrid because of weather. Apparently, we sat on the tarmac for two hours before we were cleared to fly into Miami. It didn't bother me because I was asleep from the booze I had in Spain. Yum! But this past weather was pretty brutal and it hit right at the holidays so there was doom going to happen no matter what. It sucks man, but safety first with the de icing and flying conditions. I remember as a kid that airplane crash in the Potomac back in the 80's and the people being rescued out of the ice river...ugh!

Other than that, I ordered a double IMPOSSIBLE Whopper from Burger King yesterday and you know what ANNOYS ME? When they don't put the cheese on the patty and instead put it on top of the lettuce. I mean C'MON MAN!

John from Texas


I once was seated with a Great Dane Mutt on an American Airlines Flight from Utah to Texas. The dog was so big he needed his own seat, but nooooo the couple who owned him basically sat him under, around and on top of me. I was flipping pissed off, but to tipsy to saw anything.

The sense of entitlement by passengers is stunning to me. I mean your flying SOUTHWEST AIRLINES YO, not Emirates here. Had a couple basically just cut the line on us when we were boarding...and KNEW IT. Again, I was a little tipsy and kept my mouth shut, but the wife, oh man the wife sent them to the back of the line. If you want entitlement fly on a private jet and shut up.


We fly SW practically everywhere AND we fly out of AUSTIN instead of San Antonio so we can get to our destinations direct. Yeah, it's an hour drive to Austin, but so much more relaxing to fly direct to our destinations like Miami, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Cozumel and any where else where the transfers are minimal. If we are flying more than 4 hours we just go first class and especially if we are flying over any ocean. To Mexico City, can usually get a direct out of San Antonio, if not we go to Austin.

I don't really have a favorite Airline, but SouthWest sends me tons of drink coupons for free drinks. Well, I take that back when we are going to Japan we will fly Japan Airlines or Singapore Airlines. Also, Air Europa is the bombdiggity too. But domestically it is what it is.


Now a days, if you don't plan for one then that's on you. The only delay we have had in the last 15 years was a diversion to Palm Beach, Florida on return from Madrid because of weather. Apparently, we sat on the tarmac for two hours before we were cleared to fly into Miami. It didn't bother me because I was asleep from the booze I had in Spain. Yum! But this past weather was pretty brutal and it hit right at the holidays so there was doom going to happen no matter what. It sucks man, but safety first with the de icing and flying conditions. I remember as a kid that airplane crash in the Potomac back in the 80's and the people being rescued out of the ice river...ugh!

Other than that, I ordered a double IMPOSSIBLE Whopper from Burger King yesterday and you know what ANNOYS ME? When they don't put the cheese on the patty and instead put it on top of the lettuce. I mean C'MON MAN!

John from Texas


Great post.

Prince Harry. He gets more publicity than a snowstorm. Can't understand the fascination. Hard to have sympathy for someone born into the royal family who does nothing but vent grievances. Some people are their own worst enemies.
Prince Harry. He gets more publicity than a snowstorm. Can't understand the fascination. Hard to have sympathy for someone born into the royal family who does nothing but vent grievances. Some people are their own worst enemies.

Geez, does anyone else think at the end of the day, Harry is a spoiled brat of a person who can't get over that he was not the first born son. Gollee, feel like I am watching a medieval temper tantrum play out daily in the news. The other side of the coin is that I am not sure who gives a hoot about this other than Harry. It really is just downright stupid tabloid crap that should be ignored! One part where I think he was a complete idiot is giving up his royal title - I guess he is following in the footsteps of Eddie the 8th who gave up the crown for the woman he me that equals idiot.

Geez, does anyone else think at the end of the day, Harry is a spoiled brat of a person who can't get over that he was not the first born son. Gollee, feel like I am watching a medieval temper tantrum play out daily in the news. The other side of the coin is that I am not sure who gives a hoot about this other than Harry. It really is just downright stupid tabloid crap that should be ignored! One part where I think he was a complete idiot is giving up his royal title - I guess he is following in the footsteps of Eddie the 8th who gave up the crown for the woman he me that equals idiot.


In full agreement on all counts but unfortunately enough people care to give him millions of dollars (like he needs more).
Undersizing men's clothing. What is the deal here? If I buy anything less than an XL t-shirt it is way too small. I can't imagine what size someone who is taller and heavier than an average person must have to buy. Who could fit into a men's small? Not even mini me. My son is 13 and wears men's medium shirts. He would bust out of a small like the Hulk. Do they do this intentionally? I read somewhere that women's sizes are the opposite. They are oversized to make them feel better about themselves if they can fit into smaller sized clothes.
When I get something at Walmart's or places like that I have to get larger sizes but when I've gotten clothes at Tractor Supply of the same size they are too big for me.

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