Things that annoy me (21 Viewers)

His FG attempt commercial was idiotic, as were 90% of the rest of them.

I always respected Gronk as an all-time great player who was pretty entertaining press conference wise.


When it comes to acting he is simply awful. Even in a 15 second commercial he is terrible,
I always respected Gronk as an all-time great player who was pretty entertaining press conference wise.


When it comes to acting he is simply awful. Even in a 15 second commercial he is terrible,

Horrible, he's even worse on the panel on FOX, Mother of God what a lunkhead.
I always respected Gronk as an all-time great player who was pretty entertaining press conference wise.


When it comes to acting he is simply awful. Even in a 15 second commercial he is terrible,

I think he’s pretty effective on the ads he does and seems like a natural for it. If advertisers thought he was terrible he wouldn’t be doing so many.
He's making tons of Money on commercials and such but making himself out to be a dumb fool.

I don't think playing dumb takes much acting on his part. One of those guys that would be amusing for about five minutes if you were around him but after that it would wear thin.
I don't think playing dumb takes much acting on his part. One of those guys that would be amusing for about five minutes if you were around him but after that it would wear thin.

"Million dollar talent; .05 cent head."

I figured a guy like him would be right in your wheelhouse; by all accounts, he hated his time in New England, hated Belicheat, retired early due to "injury concerns", started peddling CBD oil as a "natural" healing agent, then unretired first chance he got to play with Shady Brady in Tampa.
"Million dollar talent; .05 cent head."

I figured a guy like him would be right in your wheelhouse; by all accounts, he hated his time in New England, hated Belicheat, retired early due to "injury concerns", started peddling CBD oil as a "natural" healing agent, then unretired first chance he got to play with Shady Brady in Tampa.

I'm torn on my favorite Gronk moment. Was it when Belicheat put him in on defense against Miami and he got burned on a game winning Hail Mary while chasing the receiver like a wounded Rhino on Mutual of Omaha? Or was it after he retired the first time and went from having a body like the Hulk to Barney Fife after the steroids wore off? Hard to decide.
I'm torn on my favorite Gronk moment. Was it when Belicheat put him in on defense against Miami and he got burned on a game winning Hail Mary while chasing the receiver like a wounded Rhino on Mutual of Omaha? Or was it after he retired the first time and went from having a body like the Hulk to Barney Fife after the steroids wore off? Hard to decide.

Right; how could I forget?

He was back there in case they threw a hail mary, but they recreated that Cal Band scene, lateraling the ball 925 times on the last play of the game that ended in a I recall, the "MIAMI MIRACLE!................Doofins fans and players went wild, Miami used the momentum from that miss the playoffs for the 200th year in a row, the Patriots, clearly rattled, went to the Super Bowl and thanks to another brilliant defensive game plan by "Belicheat", made Jared Goff look like Jared the shirt lifter from those Subway commercials, beating the Rams 13-3.

After he retired, I could have given a **** less what he did from then on out, he helped the Patriots win two Super Bowls, that's all I give a **** about.
I get annoyed when I am driving in town or wherever and someone pulls out in front of you and then a block or two down the road they stop to make a left hand turn....Really??? you couldnt just wait till I got by and then pulled out- now I gotta stop because you had to pull out in front of me.
I get annoyed when I am driving in town or wherever and someone pulls out in front of you and then a block or two down the road they stop to make a left hand turn....Really??? you couldnt just wait till I got by and then pulled out- now I gotta stop because you had to pull out in front of me.

Can I get an Amen brother!

Once again, flyers who blame gate agents/ground personnel for flight delays.

I flew out of SFO on Thursday night amidst an atmospheric river that would have made Noah jealous.

It was absolutely amazing to watch countless passengers yell at the front line airline representatives as the weather delays mounted.

Yup, the poor person at the counter controls the weather, so by all means take your pathetic misplaced rage out on them.
The end of customer service for just about every industry. I suppose they save money by not answering the phone or making people stay on hold for hours to talk to a person but it is maddening. The airlines are the worst, but many others are following. They are literally some things cannot be done without reaching a live person.
There is no reason for not having live people to talk to. I think they do it so people who call complaining will get fed up and hang up. And if you do actually get a live person their accent is so thick you can't understand a word their saying.
Once again, flyers who blame gate agents/ground personnel for flight delays.

I flew out of SFO on Thursday night amidst an atmospheric river that would have made Noah jealous.

It was absolutely amazing to watch countless passengers yell at the front line airline representatives as the weather delays mounted.

Yup, the poor person at the counter controls the weather, so by all means take your pathetic misplaced rage out on them.


I don't like people who yell. I get frustration, annoyance and overall inconvenience, but to take it out on the gate agents or whomever is not cool. 9 times out of 10 I've have a drink or two and my wife won't let me intervene. She thinks I'll go and body slam them, but actually what I would love to do is take them a Coke with a cup of ice and overtly make them a "cool off" drink in front of them. They would be totally confused as to why some big, ugly Tex-Mexicano is making them a cold drink. All I want to do is say "Hey, have a Coke and a smile man..." and then bust out in the 1970's song (acapella) "I'd like to buy the world a Coke.." and hopefully everyone would join in. That would be a riot and what it would definitely do is completely CHANGE THE DYNAMIC of the situation. Kinda of like reverse psychology, but yet shaming them for be a jerkawitz. Until then, it is just a fell good fantasy, because as time goes on I have never seen so many important...err...people with a sense of self importance yell at people with such vitriol that it makes them feel entitled to think they are at the top of the food chain.

John from Texas

I don't like people who yell. I get frustration, annoyance and overall inconvenience, but to take it out on the gate agents or whomever is not cool. 9 times out of 10 I've have a drink or two and my wife won't let me intervene. She thinks I'll go and body slam them, but actually what I would love to do is take them a Coke with a cup of ice and overtly make them a "cool off" drink in front of them. They would be totally confused as to why some big, ugly Tex-Mexicano is making them a cold drink. All I want to do is say "Hey, have a Coke and a smile man..." and then bust out in the 1970's song (acapella) "I'd like to buy the world a Coke.." and hopefully everyone would join in. That would be a riot and what it would definitely do is completely CHANGE THE DYNAMIC of the situation. Kinda of like reverse psychology, but yet shaming them for be a jerkawitz. Until then, it is just a fell good fantasy, because as time goes on I have never seen so many important...err...people with a sense of self importance yell at people with such vitriol that it makes them feel entitled to think they are at the top of the food chain.

John from Texas


Great post.


I don't like people who yell. I get frustration, annoyance and overall inconvenience, but to take it out on the gate agents or whomever is not cool. 9 times out of 10 I've have a drink or two and my wife won't let me intervene. She thinks I'll go and body slam them, but actually what I would love to do is take them a Coke with a cup of ice and overtly make them a "cool off" drink in front of them. They would be totally confused as to why some big, ugly Tex-Mexicano is making them a cold drink. All I want to do is say "Hey, have a Coke and a smile man..." and then bust out in the 1970's song (acapella) "I'd like to buy the world a Coke.." and hopefully everyone would join in. That would be a riot and what it would definitely do is completely CHANGE THE DYNAMIC of the situation. Kinda of like reverse psychology, but yet shaming them for be a jerkawitz. Until then, it is just a fell good fantasy, because as time goes on I have never seen so many important...err...people with a sense of self importance yell at people with such vitriol that it makes them feel entitled to think they are at the top of the food chain.

John from Texas

The high road is the way to go more often than not but there are times when you are dealing with people who can't be reasoned with. Here's an example from my most recent trip to the airport. My entire family has TSA pre approval. They give us a boarding pass with every ticket marked with TSA pre approval. It's actually printed on the tickets where you can read it. When we go to the security line the TSA agent who checks the boarding passes says the two for my kids won't scan so they have to go through the regular line while my wife and I can go through the TSA line. No big deal? My son is 13 and my daughter has autism. My daughter weighs about 100 pounds and wouldn't hurt a fly. She forgets to take her laptop out of her backpack. TSA convenes like bin Laden is trying to get through. They pat down my son. 10, 15 minutes later we are still standing there. My daughter tries to figure out what they are doing. No one responds. More waiting. Meanwhile every manner of degenerate looking type is walking through security. It's laughable. The TSA agents themselves look more suspect than the passengers. Eventually the bag comes through, and we go on our way. My inclination was to raise holy hell but these are complete incompetents. It wouldn't make any difference.
The high road is the way to go more often than not but there are times when you are dealing with people who can't be reasoned with. Here's an example from my most recent trip to the airport. My entire family has TSA pre approval. They give us a boarding pass with every ticket marked with TSA pre approval. It's actually printed on the tickets where you can read it. When we go to the security line the TSA agent who checks the boarding passes says the two for my kids won't scan so they have to go through the regular line while my wife and I can go through the TSA line. No big deal? My son is 13 and my daughter has autism. My daughter weighs about 100 pounds and wouldn't hurt a fly. She forgets to take her laptop out of her backpack. TSA convenes like bin Laden is trying to get through. They pat down my son. 10, 15 minutes later we are still standing there. My daughter tries to figure out what they are doing. No one responds. More waiting. Meanwhile every manner of degenerate looking type is walking through security. It's laughable. The TSA agents themselves look more suspect than the passengers. Eventually the bag comes through, and we go on our way. My inclination was to raise holy hell but these are complete incompetents. It wouldn't make any difference.


Sir, you have more patience than me.

While in Miami departing to San Antone...I go through TSA (got that too, Clear and waiting on Global)...and they give you this pink laminate card that gives you instructions of what NOT to take off or out. I.E. don't take off shoes, belt and leave your electronics in your bag. I go up to the conveyer belt and MR. TSA is standing there, YELLING at people a la "No soup for you" guy and looks me up and down. I give him my card and he scolds me loudly and in front of the world "REMOVE YOUR BELT!" I calmly give him my pink card and tell him "sir it says..." he cuts me off "I DONT CARE WHAT THAT SAYS...REMOVE YOUR BELT!" I turn the wife and say "why do they give us these cards if there are not..." He interrupts..."YOUR BELT SIR!"

So, at this point I have two choices: 1-argue with MR. TSA and get into a bruh-haha about the pink card, waste of time and taxpayers money, blah, blah or 2-take not take off my belt and get taken down by the Miami (out of shape) SWAT team.

I choose option 3-I stopped in my tracks, held up the line and looked him in the eye while I slowly lifted my shirt and unbuckled my belt. when I was kid watching my old man getting up from the table and unbuckling his belt and whipping out from his belt loops with THAT SIGNATURE SOUND of my impending butt whipping...(SHWAPP!!!!)...I did the same as if I was going to give HIM the whooping. The psychology worked because his eyes got wide and he kinda stepped back and EVERYONE in the line got silent.

I lifted my loose belt in the air and dropped it like a mic into the bin and gave him a final stare and walked away to the metal detector. Walked through with no beep and thanked MR. TSA JR (on the other side) for his service to our county with a big ole smile on my face and that's what you get when you are MR. RUDE TSA agent. Got my bag, belt and off to a pre flight schnocker.

Now, onto your episode. Once again, you sir have more patience than I do or maybe self control because knowing that I have a child with special needs/special attention (and I mean that in the most respectful and understanding way) I think I would have stopped the entire process and asked for a supervisor to avoid EXACTLY what happened next. THERE IS NOTHING more important that getting the kids through security without a hitch. Kids need to feel safe and love orderly routine in any situation when they are given and treated with respect. The wife? Ahhh, she be alright in the joe schmo line which I used to be in until I PAID for TSA, Clear etc. And you too sir PAID for that service and convenience with a freaking back ground check to boot.

So, either you clean your scanner or get me a supervisor because NO I will not go through that again and for the love of God have some understanding for those who have special needs and the parents of them there of. For the love of Gawd save the swat team treatment for whack jobs, not a kid.

John from Texas
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Sir, you have more patience than me.

While in Miami departing to San Antone...I go through TSA (got that too, Clear and waiting on Global)...and they give you this pink laminate card that gives you instructions of what NOT to take off or out. I.E. don't take off shoes, belt and leave your electronics in your bag. I go up to the conveyer belt and MR. TSA is standing there, YELLING at people a la "No soup for you" guy and looks me up and down. I give him my card and he scolds me loudly and in front of the world "REMOVE YOUR BELT!" I calmly give him my pink card and tell him "sir it says..." he cuts me off "I DONT CARE WHAT THAT SAYS...REMOVE YOUR BELT!" I turn the wife and say "why do they give us these cards if there are not..." He interrupts..."YOUR BELT SIR!"

So, at this point I have two choices: 1-argue with MR. TSA and get into a bruh-haha about the pink card, waste of time and taxpayers money, blah, blah or 2-take not take off my belt and get taken down by the Miami (out of shape) SWAT team.

I choose option 3-I stopped in my tracks, held up the line and looked him in the eye while I slowly lifted my shirt and unbuckled my belt. when I was kid watching my old man getting up from the table and unbuckling his belt and whipping out from his belt loops with THAT SIGNATURE SOUND of my impending butt whipping...(SHWAPP!!!!)...I did the same as if I was going to give HIM the whooping. The psychology worked because his eyes got wide and he kinda stepped back and EVERYONE in the line got silent.

I lifted my loose belt in the air and dropped it like a mic into the bin and gave him a final stare and walked away to the metal detector. Walked through with no beep and thanked MR. TSA JR (on the other side) for his service to our county with a big ole smile on my face and that's what you get when you are MR. RUDE TSA agent. Got my bag, belt and off to a pre flight schnocker.

Now, onto your episode. Once again, you sir have more patience than I do or maybe self control because knowing that I have a child with special needs/special attention (and I mean that in the most respectful and understanding way) I think I would have stopped the entire process and asked for a supervisor to avoid EXACTLY what happened next. THERE IS NOTHING more important that getting the kids through security without a hitch. Kids need to feel safe and love orderly routine in any situation when they are given and treated with respect. The wife? Ahhh, she be alright in the joe schmo line which I used to be in until I PAID for TSA, Clear etc. And you too sir PAID for that service and convenience with a freaking back ground check to boot.

So, either you clean your scanner or get me a supervisor because NO I will not go through that again and for the love of God have some understanding for those who have special needs and the parents of them there of. For the love of Gawd save the swat team treatment for whack jobs, not a kid.

John from Texas

I try to give the TSA and airport people the benefit of the doubt. They have an impossible job made all the more impossible by the greed of the airlines and incompetence of the government officials that oversee TSA. There is no consistency in what you are supposed to do in the security lines. Sometimes it is shoes off, sometimes not. Sometimes you have to take you belt off, sometimes not. They are frequently rude. They are frequently not bright. There are some who enjoy being in a position of power. Not every case. There are certainly some nice folks who work there but my experience is typically not. If they were pleasant people to begin with, they are no longer after being put in a situation that they have to deal with stressed and angry folks all day. It must be a nightmare to work for the airlines or at the airport. No customer service, delays, incompetence, and the total collapse of the airport infrastructure makes every visit to the airport more like a group of angry refugees fleeing a disaster. It is a third-world experience to be endured. It shocks me that planes are not falling out of the sky with the incompetence and greed otherwise associated with airports and airplanes. But all the recent near misses are tell-tale signs that accidents are an emerging risk. The train derailments are just a harbinger of the safety risks for airlines.
I try to give the TSA and airport people the benefit of the doubt. They have an impossible job made all the more impossible by the greed of the airlines and incompetence of the government officials that oversee TSA. There is no consistency in what you are supposed to do in the security lines. Sometimes it is shoes off, sometimes not. Sometimes you have to take you belt off, sometimes not. They are frequently rude. They are frequently not bright. There are some who enjoy being in a position of power. Not every case. There are certainly some nice folks who work there but my experience is typically not. If they were pleasant people to begin with, they are no longer after being put in a situation that they have to deal with stressed and angry folks all day. It must be a nightmare to work for the airlines or at the airport. No customer service, delays, incompetence, and the total collapse of the airport infrastructure makes every visit to the airport more like a group of angry refugees fleeing a disaster. It is a third-world experience to be endured. It shocks me that planes are not falling out of the sky with the incompetence and greed otherwise associated with airports and airplanes. But all the recent near misses are tell-tale signs that accidents are an emerging risk. The train derailments are just a harbinger of the safety risks for airlines.

As someone who flies way too much I can wholeheartedly say that the TSA is mediocre at best and a lot of that depends on the airports that you fly in and out of.

I mostly judge them on how they react/respond to me.

Those of you who have met me would probably say that I do not look like the most stand-up guy. You add that to the fact that I carry a million insulin pens/needles in my carry-on and you’d bet that I get singled out for additional screening every time. The fact is often times I do not and I should be. I am ok when they do take me aside as I deserve it.

I do however have a problem when they single out an elderly person or they send a child’s teddy bear back through the x-ray machine.

Unfortunately, most of the time it is the TSA 1 - Common Sense 0.
As someone who flies way too much I can wholeheartedly say that the TSA is mediocre at best and a lot of that depends on the airports that you fly in and out of.

I mostly judge them on how they react/respond to me.

Those of you who have met me would probably say that I do not look like the most stand-up guy. You add that to the fact that I carry a million insulin pens/needles in my carry-on and you’d bet that I get singled out for additional screening every time. The fact is often times I do not and I should be. I am ok when they do take me aside as I deserve it.

I do however have a problem when they single out an elderly person or they send a child’s teddy bear back through the x-ray machine.

Unfortunately, most of the time it is the TSA 1 - Common Sense 0.

They have an impossible job. So many passengers and with the greedy airlines charging for checked luggage, people carry everything possible on the plane. Nevertheless, there are no consistent rules and the TSA agents are often rude. No excuse for that. That is incompetence in oversight and training. There should be background checks and profiling before a passenger even arrives at the airport. No reason to randomly select some kid or grandmother for a search and let suspect folks walk through security. That is insanity. The fact is that certain people have greater risks factors than others. TSA should direct their attention to such people. If those people are upset about it, they have the option not to fly. Never happen though. We are living in an age of idiocracy.

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