Things that annoy me (7 Viewers)

When I get something at Walmart's or places like that I have to get larger sizes but when I've gotten clothes at Tractor Supply of the same size they are too big for me.

I'm impressed that you shop for clothes at Tractor Supply. That is old school. My dad loves that place. I'm not even sure he buys anything there. He just likes the stuff they sell. He used to walk around the grocery store and check the weight of the meat packages they were selling and then complain that the store always overestimated the weight to increase the price. The manager once told him the weight on the package was an "estimate" and my dad offered to estimate what he would pay for it.
Geez, does anyone else think at the end of the day, Harry is a spoiled brat of a person who can't get over that he was not the first born son. Gollee, feel like I am watching a medieval temper tantrum play out daily in the news. The other side of the coin is that I am not sure who gives a hoot about this other than Harry. It really is just downright stupid tabloid crap that should be ignored! One part where I think he was a complete idiot is giving up his royal title - I guess he is following in the footsteps of Eddie the 8th who gave up the crown for the woman he me that equals idiot.


Lets face it he's a twat. I understand his book sales are down and its already been discounted here and being sold at half price.......
People who go hiking in the woods by themselves and completely unprepared for the conditions. I don't get it. Has no one ever seen a horror movie or the trailer for "Cocaine Bear"? I wouldn't go into the woods without people who knew what they were doing. True story, though. I was in Transylvania of all places this summer and the tour company offered a bear watching tour. I thought this meant driving through the woods and looking out the window. No. They park the van and tell us all to get out. Next thing we are deep in the woods with the guide telling us they are full of bears. He kept telling us to walk quietly so we didn't frighten the bears. LOL.
People who go hiking in the woods by themselves and completely unprepared for the conditions. I don't get it. Has no one ever seen a horror movie or the trailer for "Cocaine Bear"? I wouldn't go into the woods without people who knew what they were doing. True story, though. I was in Transylvania of all places this summer and the tour company offered a bear watching tour. I thought this meant driving through the woods and looking out the window. No. They park the van and tell us all to get out. Next thing we are deep in the woods with the guide telling us they are full of bears. He kept telling us to walk quietly so we didn't frighten the bears. LOL.

The state of NH has had to rescue so many imbeciles who got lost hiking in their mountains that they are considering starting to charge people for the service; pay or freeze to death, seems like a pretty easy choice.
Why are there so many photographers at sport events? Who are all these people? Where do all these photographs end up? The players are constantly running into them on the sidelines. There must be warehouses full of unpublished photos from football and basketball games.
Stephen Colbert. One of the most bitter and unlikeable people in the history of show business. I can't believe anyone watches this guy. He is a one trick pony on politics. People used to watch Johnny Carson to escape that nonsense with only some harmless banter about politics.
unbelievably to me...I think Colbert is a close second to Fallon in ratings...I personally can't stand him...I used to prefer Kimmel to Fallon...but now will watch whomever has the best guests on their show that night...Colbert's liberal political satire really gets on my nerve...I personally find him very unlikeable...
..........News media continuously reporting Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in his cell while the CCTV cameras were off and the guards had gone for a stroll.^&grin

A bit like how Princess Dianne's driver suddenly drove into a concrete pillar at speed in an underground french underpass while the CCTV camera's were mysteriously on the blink......
When people who work in the public sector complain about having to pay tax,
At a group dinner a couple of years ago a work friends wife, who is a teacher, complained about how high her taxes were! She got really annoyed when i pointed out where her salary came from - taxes
She got even more peeved with my answer and said her job was extremely stressful and harder than whatever i had done [first time she met me], so she should get a break on her taxes. At this point i wanted to leave it at that and went to the toilet, but one of my friends would not and she politely pointed out I had been a serving Royal Marine and served in Falklands in 1982, there tours of Northern Ireland and the first Gulf War Which was a bit more stressful than teaching. The teacher did not speak to us for the rest of the night, good job it was a big group.
..........News media continuously reporting Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in his cell while the CCTV cameras were off and the guards had gone for a stroll.^&grin

A bit like how Princess Dianne's driver suddenly drove into a concrete pillar at speed in an underground french underpass while the CCTV camera's were mysteriously on the blink......

Epstein was "suicided"
On Diana i do not think she was an innocent as people think, but did not deserve to die, death was dodgy. I think she was pregnant from a non-Christian Partner and that was unacceptable. People have to remember at that time any future King or Queen could not even marry a Catholic never mind a non-Christian and a non-Christian blood relative of the boy who would be king is unthinkable.

If you like thriller novels, try Tom Wood book Victor, starts in Paris at the time of Diana's death, not much on the Diana death, but is a great read and the hero is a believable character, 8 books in series and i have enjoyed all of them.

Another is the Mass Weapons Inspector David Kelly
Marilyn Monroe is another.
Those obviously fake book reviews planted by publishers to promote a book using the buzzwords that no normal human would use. "A heartbreaking tale of courage in the face of insurmountable odds." "Amazing" "stunning" "[insert author name] has done it again!"
Fake job listing posted by recruiters on job websites to have candidates provide their resumes only to tell that that the role is no longer available.
Just a resume collecting scheme.
I tell you what make me sick, 2 things,

Drinking salt water
Putting my fingers down my throat.


People driving while on their cell/mobile phone.
Excessive speeding - one good thing is we seem to have followed the US in giving out longer sentences, 10 years +, for people that kill others while driving, drunk, on drugs, too fast, etc. Before they used to get less than 3 years.

Kate Beckinsale, Jennifer Anniston, Scarlett Johanssen - they just will not return my telehone calls, this is what happens when you stand one of them up as you want to go to a toy soldier show instead.
Fake job listing posted by recruiters on job websites to have candidates provide their resumes only to tell that that the role is no longer available.
Just a resume collecting scheme.

Agree, but worse is when you apply, i have for 16 jobs in the last 4 months, 9 have been in the public sector, i have had 4 interviews and did not get the jobs. Only to ask under a freedom of information question [from a different named email address] about how many applications, was the person internal or external to the organisation, etc. To find out every job i applied for and/or got an interview the job went to an internal candidate. In one assessment, for which i got my feedback, i received 29 out of a maximum of 30 points and never mind not get the job i did not even get an interview and they interviewed 4 people from 53 applications, all were internal. One other job feedback said i did not have a high enough level of qualifications, i have 3 degrees and a Phd. Asked and the internal candidate who got the job had a single B.A. [Hons].

The other thing is when they advertise a job at a minimum and maximum salary range. Then state in the advert that the candidate has to start on the minimum salary grade.
Agree, but worse is when you apply, i have for 16 jobs in the last 4 months, 9 have been in the public sector, i have had 4 interviews and did not get the jobs. Only to ask under a freedom of information question [from a different named email address] about how many applications, was the person internal or external to the organisation, etc. To find out every job i applied for and/or got an interview the job went to an internal candidate. In one assessment, for which i got my feedback, i received 29 out of a maximum of 30 points and never mind not get the job i did not even get an interview and they interviewed 4 people from 53 applications, all were internal. One other job feedback said i did not have a high enough level of qualifications, i have 3 degrees and a Phd. Asked and the internal candidate who got the job had a single B.A. [Hons].

The other thing is when they advertise a job at a minimum and maximum salary range. Then state in the advert that the candidate has to start on the minimum salary grade.

Exactly, it is terrible really :(
Opening movie credits that go on and on and on. Sometimes for three or more minutes.
Happened to me just yesterday. Called to check on an order from almost 2 weeks ago, and was told it was on backorder. Cancelled the transaction. -- Al

Agree, i get really peeved when you go a dealers website and there are sets on the website, complete with price and you click on them get through to the check, hit checkout and pay or wait to get your bill and then they email you and tell you that they do not have the sets in stock........ then you look later and it is still on the website.

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