Things that annoy me (21 Viewers)

Sorry to hear about the loss of your mom Doug and the difficult time before she passed away. Chris
Condolences Doug.

I read yesterday that they are working on cures for dementia (including Alzheimer’s) so maybe one day they will get there.

Alzheimer's. My poor Mom had it for several years. She passed away last weekend. Very little help for families in that situation. It's a long, painful goodbye. Amazing that we can spend billions on endless foreign wars but no help for folks in that situation. My Dad took care of her until the end. He checked into a facility to care for her at the very end and they wanted $15K per month. The problem is increasing as more and more people live longer. It's going to become a health care crisis in the near future.

Very sorry about your loss.

The fact that we spend billions of our money (ours yes the taxpayers) on wars that will never be won always bothered and will bother me in the future.
We have billions to spend on other countries but not enough to fund a healthcare system or support social security.
And to your point the cost of long term care is excruciating (my in-laws are facing it now). Independent leaving/assisted living and all of that. Who can afford upwards of $8K per month for a considerable amount of time. System is definitely broken.
Alzheimer's. My poor Mom had it for several years. She passed away last weekend. Very little help for families in that situation. It's a long, painful goodbye. Amazing that we can spend billions on endless foreign wars but no help for folks in that situation. My Dad took care of her until the end. He checked into a facility to care for her at the very end and they wanted $15K per month. The problem is increasing as more and more people live longer. It's going to become a health care crisis in the near future.


May your Mom rest in peace.

We are keeping a good thought for you and your family during this impossibly difficult time.

We especially pray for your Dad who clearly did everything he could as he provided exemplary care for your Mom as she passed.

Businesses or doctors that insist you provide them with a social security number on a form. I can't believe anyone does that in this age of identity fraud. I always leave it blank.
Doctors offices now want you to answer questions about your mental state. Unless I’m going to see a psychologist, those have no relevance.
These questions are standard in Australia, including if you identify as being an Aboriginal and of course the latest is Gender, pick a number on that one.

I don't have a problem answering most questions, some I have some fun with, e.g. for language I usually put down 'Australian', because it's a special type of English, and for religion I put 'Non-delusional' because I like to be different. Don't Judge, I'm not the first person to start a new 'Religion' ^&grin

As for mental state, I would say that was relevant information for your Doctor, in Australia they are often initial contacts for referrals to mental health specialists. We don't have Social Security numbers as such, and no one here would care who knew your number anyway, what could people do with it, fraud is fraud. However you do need to write down your Medicare number as health care here is free or heavily subsidised by the government, some may call that Socialism, we call it Caring. Big Government, Big Pharma, not really an issue in Australia, with most Aussies at least.

Businesses or doctors that insist you provide them with a social security number on a form. I can't believe anyone does that in this age of identity fraud. I always leave it blank.

Doctors offices now want you to answer questions about your mental state. Unless I’m going to see a psychologist, those have no relevance.

Not to mention asking you to state your religion.
Recent thing that does Annoy Me is people that think it's OK to let their Cat(s) run free. I live in an over 50s complex, but they're not strict on age as anyone can buy a unit here. Anyway, we've had a few problems with cats damaging screens on doors and windows and messing with people's cars etc.

We had a Body Corp meeting recently and decided to take some action as some people choose to ignore the rules. We acquired a free live animal trap from the local council today, baited it with sardines and now waiting for any naughty feline to spring it, then it's off to the pound, owners either pay a fee or it's Bye Bye Moggie.

Personally I think it's a bit extreme, but fellow committee members are adamant they want a final solution for problem cats here, some Women are tough aren't they ^&grin

Feral and Domestic cats cause a lot of problems in Australia, just wondering what the Cat situation is like in other countries.
Alzheimer's. My poor Mom had it for several years. She passed away last weekend. Very little help for families in that situation. It's a long, painful goodbye. Amazing that we can spend billions on endless foreign wars but no help for folks in that situation. My Dad took care of her until the end. He checked into a facility to care for her at the very end and they wanted $15K per month. The problem is increasing as more and more people live longer. It's going to become a health care crisis in the near future.

Sorry to hear this, my Mum was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's, it is a cruel disease. She is a care facility as we do not have the means to care for her in her own home or ours.
Recent thing that does Annoy Me is people that think it's OK to let their Cat(s) run free. I live in an over 50s complex, but they're not strict on age as anyone can buy a unit here. Anyway, we've had a few problems with cats damaging screens on doors and windows and messing with people's cars etc.

We had a Body Corp meeting recently and decided to take some action as some people choose to ignore the rules. We acquired a free live animal trap from the local council today, baited it with sardines and now waiting for any naughty feline to spring it, then it's off to the pound, owners either pay a fee or it's Bye Bye Moggie.

Personally I think it's a bit extreme, but fellow committee members are adamant they want a final solution for problem cats here, some Women are tough aren't they ^&grin

Feral and Domestic cats cause a lot of problems in Australia, just wondering what the Cat situation is like in other countries.

They are bad in our town, people say they help keep the rat population down but I don't see that. We wouldn't likely have a rat problem if people weren't pigs and litterbugs.
Doctors offices now want you to answer questions about your mental state. Unless I’m going to see a psychologist, those have no relevance.

I've got my semi annual physical tomorrow, today they emailed me a questionnaire; a **** ton of questions about how am I feeling/do I feel depressed ever/do I feel hopeless/am I employed/do I have the means regarding transportation to get to my appointment/do I have a proper living arrangement, etc etc.


Sorry; that's a bit extreme to be asking those sorts of questions.
Entering a completely empty restaurant only to be told there is a five-minute wait. HA HA HA. That one cheered me up. I told my wife what better metaphor for the post-pandemic America. The age of idiocracy. I was tempted to ask what is supposed to happen in those five minutes but restrained myself.
I've got my semi annual physical tomorrow, today they emailed me a questionnaire; a **** ton of questions about how am I feeling/do I feel depressed ever/do I feel hopeless/am I employed/do I have the means regarding transportation to get to my appointment/do I have a proper living arrangement, etc etc.


Sorry; that's a bit extreme to be asking those sorts of questions.

That’s what I was referring to. Just ridiculous.
I've got my semi annual physical tomorrow, today they emailed me a questionnaire; a **** ton of questions about how am I feeling/do I feel depressed ever/do I feel hopeless/am I employed/do I have the means regarding transportation to get to my appointment/do I have a proper living arrangement, etc etc.


Sorry; that's a bit extreme to be asking those sorts of questions.

Agreed, that does seem extreme and unreasonably specific, is that related to the private health insurance in the US? I sometimes forget that the US has such an expensive health system.
I've got my semi annual physical tomorrow, today they emailed me a questionnaire; a **** ton of questions about how am I feeling/do I feel depressed ever/do I feel hopeless/am I employed/do I have the means regarding transportation to get to my appointment/do I have a proper living arrangement, etc etc.


Sorry; that's a bit extreme to be asking those sorts of questions.

When I almost chopped off my arm (another story for another day) just about everyone I encountered from the EMT’s to my physical therapist asked me if I smoked.

It got the to the point where when the clerk at the grocery store asked me how I was doing I simply answered, “No, I do not some…..”
I told my son that with the speed at which society is dumbing down, he could be the next Oppenheimer if he can just add two plus two.

Last week, it was reported that every single soon-to-be eighth grader at LeBron James‘ ‘I Promise School’ has not passed the Ohio state math test since their 2018-2019 school year. Following the reports, the Ohio public school — which opened in 2018 to focus on at-risk students, and reportedly costs a yearly $8 million in taxpayer money — is now responding to the “discouraging” test results.

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