Things that annoy me (9 Viewers)

Agree. One of my biggest pet peeves is the seemingly want to make cash obsolete. Cash is king. I purposely will not eat in a restaurant that doesn't accept cash, believe it or not there are some. It is absolutely stupid at sporting events and concerts. I recently had a bartender at a concert tell me how many sales they lose because of this. Of course, in some cases like concerts and games, you are stuck using a card or you can fill a debit card at the stadium. I have done that ,but it is kind of a pain. Common sense would tell you a lot of what you have above, but somehow, that gets lost.
Agreed, but I am glad that airlines finally went cashless for inflight purchases.

37,000 feet is no place to be digging for change or asking for change for a $100 bill for a $4 purchase.
Excluding food and energy prices when calculating inflation. Supposedly because they are too volatile. Those are the most important parts of the economy for most people. They are up 30-50 percent but the news is that inflation is under control.
80 degrees on Halloween; seriously? 75 tomorrow, then back into the 70's next week, first week of November.

So has this got anything to do with the global warming we've been told about, asking for a friend.
Excluding food and energy prices when calculating inflation. Supposedly because they are too volatile. Those are the most important parts of the economy for most people. They are up 30-50 percent but the news is that inflation is under control.
Aaarrraahhh !, nothing like a Good Sense of Humour !
All Lies of course, whichever side of the Atlantic you're on, Mustn't upset the folks, East of Eden ! ( AKA Iran, and there abouts )
It's almost impossible to predict how the election is going to turn out. My instincts say it should be a landslide in favor of change but the most recent polling suggests more of the same. Michigan, Wisconsin, and PA are razor thin polling margins but the trend as we approach the end seems to be slightly in favor of the status quo. I hope I'm wrong and that my eyes and instincts are better than the polling but the last couple of election cycles have doubled down on the status quo no matter how bad things get. I'm not one of those who claims they will move to another country if the election doesn't go their way, but another four years of the same is going to be brutal.
It's almost impossible to predict how the election is going to turn out. My instincts say it should be a landslide in favor of change but the most recent polling suggests more of the same. Michigan, Wisconsin, and PA are razor thin polling margins but the trend as we approach the end seems to be slightly in favor of the status quo. I hope I'm wrong and that my eyes and instincts are better than the polling but the last couple of election cycles have doubled down on the status quo no matter how bad things get. I'm not one of those who claims they will move to another country if the election doesn't go their way, but another four years of the same is going to be brutal.
The problem is that both of these candidates are re-runs of the status quo, one more recent than the other but neither one brings anything we have not seen before.

Under both of these administrations I have paid more taxes. The last time I saw a tax cut George W. Bush was president.

Both status quo parties have fed into our tribalism that says transgender sports are more impotent than the cost of everyday living.
Why is our government allowed to release rosy job reports then after a month they are revised way down. Bad jobs report out and now they are revising August and September way down. Propaganda?? I find it bordering on lying to the public intentionally. This was reported on CNN quietly but I give them credit for reporting. I don't care what party you are, I am sick of this constant lying and arrogance.
Why is our government allowed to release rosy job reports then after a month they are revised way down. Bad jobs report out and now they are revising August and September way down. Propaganda?? I find it bordering on lying to the public intentionally. This was reported on CNN quietly but I give them credit for reporting. I don't care what party you are, I am sick of this constant lying and arrogance.
The jobs numbers are always smoke and mirrors. In the last several years most of these jobs are going to illegal aliens or were simply the product of people returning to jobs that were lost as the product of the COVID lockdown. It has been a disastrous four years for most Americans. Only the stock market has flourished and that is largely the product of the government pumping trillions into the economy under various pretexts including COVID relief, climate change, and endless wars. That is not sustainable will come home to roost soon.
Oh yes, been a naughty citizen and made negative comment about government, you'll suddenly find you can't buy train/ plane ticket, be allowed to shop at supermarket. They will put a block on your access to your own money.
It's already becoming a reality in China.

Thought crime is already here in UK with jail time as punishment !
Yet the people who are doing this say they are saving democracy. What a bunch of BS.
Things that Annoy me.
  1. Digital TV Films that "drop signal" half way through and you must begin all over again.
  2. Trying to validate and enter "Codes" on Smartphones.
  3. People who nearly crash into you whilest in their cars using a Tablet or Mobile Phone.
  4. Insurance Company "Loss Adjusters".
  5. Trying to secure ANY Microsoft Windows Computer or Server against hacking .
  6. Sales and telemarketingCalls at eight thirty on a Saturday night.
  7. Cheap tabloid Gutter Press newspapers.
  8. Solicitors Lawyers and Traffic Wardens.
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Things that Annoy me.
  1. Digital TV Films that "drop signal" half way through and you must begin all over again.
  2. Trying to validate and enter "Codes" on Smartphones.
  3. People who nearly crash into you whilest in their cars using a Tablet or Mobile Phone.
  4. Insurance Company "Loss Adjusters".
  5. Trying to secure ANY Microsoft Windows Computer or Server against hacking .
  6. Sales and telemarketingCalls at eight thirty on a Saturday night.
  7. Cheap tabloid Gutter Press newspapers.
  8. Solicitors Lawyers and Traffic Wardens.
Funny how Elon Musk was the Messiah until
he decided to vote. What annoys me is the current administrations constant lies and if you question it as a normal citizen you are labeled garbage. I call bs.
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Everything this administration does is pushed under the rug. They surpressed free speech on social media, had 51 intellegence agents lie about the labtop, told companies that had employees to fire them if they didn't get the vaccine, tried to ruin doctors who had different opinions about covid, pushed Russian collusion, trying to mandate what kind of car, stove, lawn equipment, etc. that people have to use ,Weaponized the DOJ against parents, Pro-life, religious people and others. Yet they have to save democracy What a lying bunch of scum.
The thought that after this election we are all going to co-exist and live happy peaceful lives.

The hate and vitriol from both sides has been overwhelming, there is no way we can go back now.
It has been that way in most elections although I agree that it has gotten much more so in recent years. The Dems hated George W. Bush and Cheney and called them war criminals. Now they love them. The Republicans hated Bill Clinton. The election process brings out the worst in folks.
Everything this administration does is pushed under the rug. They surpressed free speech on social media, had 51 intellegence agents lie about the labtop, told companies that had employees to fire them if they didn't get the vaccine, tried to ruin doctors who had different opinions about covid, pushed Russian collusion, trying to mandate what kind of car, stove, lawn equipment, etc. that people have to use ,Weaponized the DOJ against parents, Pro-life, religious people and others. Yet they have to save democracy What a lying bunch of scum.
Don't forget the toilet.
The media characterizing a book as "banned" because a school decides it is not age appropriate. Never in the history of humankind have books been more readily available. Every book written in history is available in moments to anyone who wants to purchase them. No one is prohibiting their purchase. Guy Montag is not burning them with a flamethrower. Parents that want their kids to read a certain book merely need to buy it online. Of course, with academia's focus on indoctrination, kids today wouldn't read a book if you dumped a garbage truck full of them on their front lawn. This is just another fake media narrative.
It has been that way in most elections although I agree that it has gotten much more so in recent years. The Dems hated George W. Bush and Cheney and called them war criminals. Now they love them. The Republicans hated Bill Clinton. The election process brings out the worst in folks.
The dislike of Bill Clinton and George Bush never reached the levels of hate that has been created by these candidates.

This hatred and loathing runs deeper than anything the US has ever seen.

Nobody is going to win later today.
The execution of Peanut the Squirrel. You can commit all manner of crimes in NY including shoplifting, looting, and assault without consequences but don't take in a squirrel. The authorities apparently have solved the homelessness and flood of illegal alien problem in NY and have time to raid homes looking for squirrels. Peanut should have claimed he came from Mexico and they would have given him a bag of nuts and put him up at the Ritz.
The execution of Peanut the Squirrel. You can commit all manner of crimes in NY including shoplifting, looting, and assault without consequences but don't take in a squirrel. The authorities apparently have solved the homelessness and flood of illegal alien problem in NY and have time to raid homes looking for squirrels. Peanut should have claimed he came from Mexico and they would have given him a bag of nuts and put him up at the Ritz.
Didn't they make up some story that the Squirrel might carry rabies !?

Yes, I wonder if the massive influx of illegal immigrants into NYC and other cities has caused the same recurrence of infections and other diseases once almost eradicated, that had become rare in the West, but now returning such as TB, Scabies, Syphlis, Measles, number of Aids cases doubling in a year due to influx of illegals from African countries, the list goes on, at least that's the story in London.

Still today, Americans have the opportunity to make a change. I hope they grab it !
The execution of Peanut the Squirrel. You can commit all manner of crimes in NY including shoplifting, looting, and assault without consequences but don't take in a squirrel. The authorities apparently have solved the homelessness and flood of illegal alien problem in NY and have time to raid homes looking for squirrels. Peanut should have claimed he came from Mexico and they would have given him a bag of nuts and put him up at the Ritz.
That's such a sad story. They also got his racoon.

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