Things that annoy me (3 Viewers)

I would be calling that Manager's boss and illustrate the lack of attention paid by him. Not sure what Grocery chain this was, but I had a lot of them as clients and I would get to hear the management level stories about individual and region managers. Unreal. Now, I will tell you that I thought the reason they have such unqualified managers was because of the relatively low pay for the job! Speaking of that, if you are familiar with Buccees, the Texas gas station/grocery store, fresh meat smoked, fresh fudge market, etc, they are the other end of the spectrum. Their store manager, the head honcho makes in excess of $250K per year. The food service head honcho makes $200K. There IMO is a reason that a 100 plus pump gas station and the largest convenience store you have ever seen has floors in the bathroom literally so clean you could eat of off them. High wages, people can actually have a career there.

They did refund his money but tried to make it seem like it was his fault that their employee had overcharged him. At 85, he is supposed to monitor the cashier ringing up every item. LOL. Since COVID, the quality of most service-related industries dependent on lower wage workers has hit rock bottom. Either they don't have enough employees or the ones that they do have are new, poorly trained, and don't last very long. I'm not sure where all the folks who did those jobs before COVID have gone. At first, I thought maybe they decided to take the COVID money and stay home but that has mostly dried up and I don't see an influx of workers.
I'm thinking a lot of the workers will have been folk in their fifties or early sixties, the ones with the years of experience, that companies aren't interested in hiring because of their age and who in turn took a good look at their savings pensions and outgoings and those who coild decided after the pandemic, that they had enough !
What annoys me today - The Menedez Brothers are potentially being released. Look, I understand there may have been abuse in the home BUT the only people who can cooroborate that are dead. It still doesn't excuse murder, how in the heck do you release convicted and admitted murderers (1st degree) who planned it and executed their plan. Our country continues to border on idiocy.


I put this right up with letting a Manson murderer go free on parole last year. No excuse.
What annoys me today - The Menedez Brothers are potentially being released. Look, I understand there may have been abuse in the home BUT the only people who can cooroborate that are dead. It still doesn't excuse murder, how in the heck do you release convicted and admitted murderers (1st degree) who planned it and executed their plan. Our country continues to border on idiocy.


I put this right up with letting a Manson murderer go free on parole last year. No excuse.
Yeah buddy- my wife and I had a long discussion about that after watching one of the Netflix shows- the tolerance and mercy and empathy is starting to take a turn- I get it with the Dad but what about the mother? Which was the point the prosecuter was trying to make with why she went for life in prison.

I have my own take on all this which involves the Alphabet mafia and the deplorable state of our society today that to me is leading the change in attitudes on this case- I told my wife those boys will be free men in 5 years.
Apologizing to Native Americans for Indian boarding schools. You can argue this was a misguided effort but the intent was to educate and house otherwise poor children. Children were not kidnapped from their parents and forced to attend. In many cases, such as Jim Thorpe, the family sought out these schools for their children to make a better life for them. Thorpe later referred to his experience at the Carlisle Indian School as the happiest of his life. I'm sure a lot these kids were homesick being so far from home. It certainly wasn't perfect and there may have been racial motivations relating to this process but the intent - whether misguided or not - was a good one. Some children did die while at these schools. But it wasn't a product of neglect. They had better food, shelter, and medical care in these schools than at home. It was just a reality of the times that some diseases were fatal in the early 1900s. There is no reason for any apology.
And they wonder why there is a lack of confidence in the elections. This is hard to square with the narrative that there is no reason to be concerned about non-citizens voting. How do they reconcile this with the states overseeing the elections? Restoring "residents" who are not citizens to the voting rolls?

"A federal judge on Friday ordered Virginia to halt its removal of potential non-citizens from state voter rolls, a decision expected to restore the voting rights to some 1,600 residents ahead of Election Day."
Earlier this month Britain shut down their last coal fired electric plant. It was not too long ago Britain experienced a calm period with no winds to power the wind turbines. They had to bring coal fired plants out of mothballs to generate enough electricity to avoid blackouts. No longer, all the plants have been permanently disabled. What foresight and planning for emergencies!
Staying with an environmental theme for the moment, electric buses and cars would not run last winter in Oslo due to the cold. THe Norwegians passed a law that all taxis, by the end of the yr I think, must be electric. Brings to mind the song lyrics "I would walk 500 miles..."
Staying with an environmental theme for the moment, electric buses and cars would not run last winter in Oslo due to the cold. THe Norwegians passed a law that all taxis, by the end of the yr I think, must be electric. Brings to mind the song lyrics "I would walk 500 miles..."
People found out the hard way here to in Western NC when Hurricane Helene hit last month. Basically knocked out the entire power grid for four counties for over a week and in some areas two to three weeks. All those electric cars were parked, not going anywhere. Oh and those electric chainsaws weren't worth squat as the number of large trees down needed more than an hour battery charge supply. No internet resulted in gas pumps not excepting credit/debit cards and in some cases wouldn't even turn on or were not able to turn pumps on to change the option to except cash only. What a mess! Also taught many that cash is king and to have some on hand in case of emergency's like this happen again. Most stores were excepting cash only to purchase what food and supply's were left on the shelves.
I'm already tired of the Bronny James storyline. He has played three minutes and hasn't scored a point. The Lakers are 3-0, however. So a good start.
People found out the hard way here to in Western NC when Hurricane Helene hit last month. Basically knocked out the entire power grid for four counties for over a week and in some areas two to three weeks. All those electric cars were parked, not going anywhere. Oh and those electric chainsaws weren't worth squat as the number of large trees down needed more than an hour battery charge supply. No internet resulted in gas pumps not excepting credit/debit cards and in some cases wouldn't even turn on or were not able to turn pumps on to change the option to except cash only. What a mess! Also taught many that cash is king and to have some on hand in case of emergency's like this happen again. Most stores were excepting cash only to purchase what food and supply's were left on the shelves.
Agree. One of my biggest pet peeves is the seemingly want to make cash obsolete. Cash is king. I purposely will not eat in a restaurant that doesn't accept cash, believe it or not there are some. It is absolutely stupid at sporting events and concerts. I recently had a bartender at a concert tell me how many sales they lose because of this. Of course, in some cases like concerts and games, you are stuck using a card or you can fill a debit card at the stadium. I have done that ,but it is kind of a pain. Common sense would tell you a lot of what you have above, but somehow, that gets lost.
It annoys me that those who preach tolerance, are so intolerant !
And now I keep hearing reports that the left if thwarted will riot. Nothing new there then.

There used to be a Mobile phone company with the tagline,
"The future's Bright, the Future's Orange"
Takes on a whole new meaning just about now !
Despite almost two months of early voting in PA, there were hundreds of people in line yesterday on the deadline for obtaining mail in ballots. They waited until the very last day and then complained about the lines. For hundreds of years, the US managed to have an election day and count the votes that same day. Even before computers and phones. Now it is a disaster. It may take weeks or months to figure out who won. CNN had a video clip of a box of ballots laying on the highway in Florida. PA is a trainwreck and the entire election might come down to who wins this state.
Agree. One of my biggest pet peeves is the seemingly want to make cash obsolete. Cash is king. I purposely will not eat in a restaurant that doesn't accept cash, believe it or not there are some. It is absolutely stupid at sporting events and concerts. I recently had a bartender at a concert tell me how many sales they lose because of this. Of course, in some cases like concerts and games, you are stuck using a card or you can fill a debit card at the stadium. I have done that ,but it is kind of a pain. Common sense would tell you a lot of what you have above, but somehow, that gets lost.
All the while closing Bank branches, and also reducing the availability of cash point machines so just doing the simplest of banking tasks is becoming for those in many in rural areas in England impossible.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to be able to do anything, unless you do it online, so if you're not computer literate, or have eyesight issues, etc, then it's almost as if you the customer is now nothing but a difficulty to be avoided If not connected!
Staying with an environmental theme for the moment, electric buses and cars would not run last winter in Oslo due to the cold. THe Norwegians passed a law that all taxis, by the end of the yr I think, must be electric. Brings to mind the song lyrics "I would walk 500 miles..."
Dumbing down must be a worldwide trend.
Agree. One of my biggest pet peeves is the seemingly want to make cash obsolete. Cash is king. I purposely will not eat in a restaurant that doesn't accept cash, believe it or not there are some. It is absolutely stupid at sporting events and concerts. I recently had a bartender at a concert tell me how many sales they lose because of this. Of course, in some cases like concerts and games, you are stuck using a card or you can fill a debit card at the stadium. I have done that ,but it is kind of a pain. Common sense would tell you a lot of what you have above, but somehow, that gets lost.
They want a cashless society so they can control people's money. Look at what Canada did. Young people think this is the modern way to do transactions but little by little they are taking people's freedoms.
They want a cashless society so they can control people's money. Look at what Canada did. Young people think this is the modern way to do transactions but little by little they are taking people's freedoms.
Oh yes, been a naughty citizen and made negative comment about government, you'll suddenly find you can't buy train/ plane ticket, be allowed to shop at supermarket. They will put a block on your access to your own money.
It's already becoming a reality in China.

Thought crime is already here in UK with jail time as punishment !

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